

Is Darwinian evolution ‘More than a theory?’

No. It is less than a theory. When Charles Darwin first suggested that all living things on earth had ‘evolved’ by natural selection from a supposed ‘common ancestor’, it was a hypothesis. A hypothesis is‘A proposition or supposition made from known facts as the basis for reasoning or investigation’.(Oxford reference dictionary) It’s an idea which can be discussed and tested to see if it’s any good.

Theory is stronger than a hypothesis, it should fit the known facts, may not break any scientific laws, be subject to testing and be falsifiable (i.e. it can, in theory, be proved wrong) and make accurate predictions. None of this applies to molecules-to-man evolution despite assertions to the contrary. Scientific evidence is presented here and on the links which shows that the probability of life emerging and developing without a designer or engineer is so unlikely as not to deserve serious consideration.

The belief that living things could design and assemble themselves by natural selection working on random mutations has been rendered obsolete by modern science, particularly by cell biology, genetics and information theory. DNA carries highly complex, constrained and meaningful information-such information is observed only ever to derive from an intelligent source. DNA is the richest and most complex source of meaningful information in the known universe. The observation that meaningful information only ever comes from mind, never from raw nature, is so strong it amounts to a scientific law (a law in science is something to which there are no known exceptions and which makes accurate predictions) which Darwinian theory violates. This insurmountable problem for evolution is discussed in depth in Stephen Meyer’s book ‘Signature in the Cell’ in which he proves the mathematical impossibility of unguided evolution.

The intermediate fossils which Darwin’s hypothesis required and he admitted were lacking have not been found despite 150 years of intense searching. Archaeopteryx is a bird, Tiktaalik is a fish. The fossil record speaks of sudden appearance of complex organisms without ancestors, followed by stasis and extinctions. Nearly all fossils show signs of having been formed in massive mud slides consistent with a global flood. Darwin himself bemoaned the absence of the intermediate fossils his theory required, there is a whole chapter of excuses for this missing evidence in ‘Origin of Species’. With great boldness, his followers today insist that here are many good examples, but they are simply not telling the truth about this as can be discovered by the person who is willing to go beyond their bluster and examine the evidence for themselves. Pre-human hominids, so called whale series are all fabrications, frauds and gross overinterpretation of very limited evidence. If Darwinism were true we would not be arguing over a tiny number of disputed examples of intermediate fossils, they would be so common as to be the norm. Truth is, the fossil record shows sudden appearance, stasis and extinction, not gradual change. Go and look for yourself.

Plant and animal species are seen to change only within fixed limits, today and during recorded human history. Dogs remain dogs, apples remain apples, and men remain men despite millennia of intense selective breeding. All the observable evidence is that the genomic envelope cannot be passed. This, again, is the opposite of Darwin’s speculations about all life forms coming in an unbroken chain of descent from a common ancestor.

Random mutations do not add new genetic information, they only rearrange existing alleles to allow cyclical variation (this explains the limited variation seen in Darwin’s finches, peppered moths, horses, dogs, cats, carp etc) or else they corrupt previously existing information leading to degenerate forms such as blind cave fish. Such minor cyclical variations due to re-arrangement of existing genetic information has been passed off as evolution to deceive the masses.

None of the evidence which is said to prove evolution stands up to critical examination, and that is why the secular humanist establishment is so anxious to ridicule and silence attempts to question Darwin. 

Darwin’s hypothesis has failed. It is not a valid scientific theory, but a secular creation myth. It was designed and is maintained to get rid of the idea of a creator God revealed through the things that He has made (Romans chapter 1 vss 18-20), nothing more.

Biblical creationists do not oppose science, we oppose the myth of Darwinism.