
The Life Science Prize for Evolutionists and Unethical Editors 374,000 evolutionists silenced since 2002
© Joseph Mastropaolo 2003

Also see Frequently Asked Questions.

$1000 Reward for finding an evolutionist that completes a Life Science Prize Mini-Trial.

$1000 Omniscient Originality Prize for two or more living things that are identical. It is predicted that this prize also will go unclaimed indefinitely because there is no such thing as a homologue, or an evolution sequence, or micro-evolution, or macro-evolution, or mosaic characteristics, or a common ancestor, by reason of the fact that all living things are devolving, dynamically engineered, unique inventions of omniscient originality. See Biology for the 21st Century and the Life Science Prize Tested Devolution, Evolution, and Genesis, 2005, p. 16. (Originality Prize offered on 3-18-07.)

“Default-judgment. Judgment entered against a party who has failed to defend against a claim that has been brought by another party.” -Black’s Law Dictionary.

For years, the claim has been made that evolution is an inverted-fantasy religion taught in the public schools in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. The Debate Dodgers (see below) unanimously have failed to defend in court against that claim. Therefore, the default-judgment applies to all evolutionists in general and particularly those on the Debate Dodgers List. This is proof positive that evolution is an inverted-fantasy religion taught in the public schools in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Evidently, evolution is devoid of scientific evidence. As an acid test of that finding, the most outspoken evolutionists worldwide bar none were challenged to contend for the Life Science Prize. The rules and results follow. These data confirm the scientific peer reviewed articles of objective, valid, reliable, and calibrated evidence that evolution exists nowhere in the universe, never has, never will, except as an inverted fantasy based on vitalism superstitions 2,500 years old.

Therefore, we are the stewards, not the animals. (9-1-09)

Rules for the Life Science Prize Mini-Trial
1. The evolutionist puts $10,000 in escrow with the judge.
2. The creationist, Joseph Mastropaolo, puts $10,000 in escrow with the judge.
3. If the evolutionist proves evolution is science and creation is religion, then the evolutionist is awarded the $20,000.
4. If the creationist proves creation is science and evolution is religion, then the creationist is awarded the $20,000.
5. Evidence must be scientific, that is, objective, valid, reliable and calibrated.
6. The preponderance of evidence prevails.
7. At the end of the trial, the judge hands the prevailing party both checks.
8. The judge is a superior court judge.
9. The venue is a courthouse.
10. Court costs will be paid by the prevailing party.

Alternative Rules for the Life Science Prize Mini-Trial
To accommodate, especially those fearful of contending against creation, these modified rules were offered in vain to some organizations, some universities, and some evolutionists like Dr. Francisco Ayala.
1. The evolutionist puts a $10,000 check in escrow with the judge.
2. The devolutionist, Joseph Mastropaolo, puts a $10,000 check in escrow with the judge.
3. If the evolutionist proves evolution is science, then the evolutionist is awarded the $20,000.
4. If the devolutionist proves that devolution, the opposite of evolution, is science, then the
devolutionist is awarded the $20,000.
5. Evidence must be scientific, that is, objective, valid, reliable and calibrated.
6. The preponderance of evidence prevails.
7. At the end of the trial, the judge hands the prevailing party both checks.
8. The judge is a superior court judge.
9. The venue is a courthouse.
10. Court costs will be paid by the prevailing party.
Note. There is no limit to the number or qualifications of those on the evolutionist’s side. If the evolutionist has the scientific evidence, then there is also no limit to how many times the evolutionist may contend and win $10,000 (in less than six months, that could exceed $1 million).

Default Judgment (Debate Dodgers) List as of July 2012
A default-judgment debate dodger is a creation, devolution, intelligent design, or religion basher who declines to contend with scientific evidence. To date, those evolutionists individually and by organization invited to contend are more than 374,000, and none will contend because they have no scientific evidence to support their insulting public statements. For modern times, they are premier examples of anti-scientists because of all their so-called evidence is either superstitions (12%), frauds (74%), or forgeries (14%). See Rise and Fall of Evolution, A Scientific Examination, 2003, pp. 63-77.

This list is kept by public school creationist, Mr. Karl Priest (

1. Dr. Massimo Pigliucci. Atheist and science professor, Tennessee University. (3-11-02)
2. Mr. Andre H. Artus. Atheist. No credentials provided.
3. Mr. Lee Bowen. Atheist. No credentials provided.
4. Dr. Angela Ridgel. Geneticist, Case Western Reserve University.
5. Mr. Dan Radmacher. Editorial page editor, Charleston Gazette.
6. Dr. James Paulson. Biochemist, University of Wisconsin.
7. Dr. Lawrence Krauss. Physicist, Case Western University, also author of Our Spoantaneous Universe (as spontaneous as a trillion light bulbs).
8. Dr. Dennis D. Hirsch. Law professor, Capital University.
9. Mr. John Rennie. Editor, Scientific American. Author of ‘15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.’
10. Dr. Barbara Forrest. Professor of philosophy at Southeastern Louisiana University. This “expert” witness for evolution has no scientific evidence.
11. Dr. Steve Rissing. Professor in the Department of Evolution at Ohio State University.
12. Dr. Eugenie Scott. Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education, misnamed National Center for Anti-Science Evolution Indoctrination.
13. Dr. Michael Shermer. Founder/director of the Skeptics Society.
14. Dr. Richard Dawkins. Oxford University, Professor of Public Understanding of Science. Possibly the world’s foremost propagandist for evolution possesses not one iota of scientific evidence.
15. Dr. Francisco J. Ayala. Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Professor of Philosophy, School of Humanities, University of California, Irvine.
16. Dr. Joe Meert, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida.
17. Dr. Kenneth R. Miller. Professor of Biology, Brown University. This textbook author and “expert” witness to support evolution for the Dover trial has no scientific evidence.
18. Dr. Lawrence S. Lerner. Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Long Beach, author of Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States, which was published in 2000 by the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation (
19. Dr. Adrian L. Melott. Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Fellow, American Physical Society.
20. Dr. Stephen W. Hawking. Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge University.
21. Marilyn vos Savant. Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records Hall of Fame for ” Highest IQ.”
22. Dr. Douglas Theobald, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado at Boulder, claims to have “29+ Evidences for Macroevolution” which establishes “The Scientific Case for Common Descent.”
23. Dr. Keith Carmichael. Chemical Engineer-DOW (retired).
24. Dr. Daniel C. Dennett. Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Tufts University.
25. Dr. Peter Atkins. Chemistry, Oxford University, England.
26. Dr. Michael Ruse. Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy, Florida State University. This “expert” witness for evolution has no scientific evidence.
27. Dr. Steven W. Squyres. Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University, and leading NASA
scientist in the search for extra-terrestrial life.
28. Dr. Wilfred A. Elders. Professor Emeritus of Geology, University of California, Riverside.
29. Mr. Bill Nye. The Science Guy.
30. Dr. William Provine. Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University.
31. Mr. Ed Brayton. Internet evolutionism activist.
32. Dr. Marshall Berman. Former New Mexico SBE member and Sandia physicist.
33. Ms. Amanda Chesworth. Former president of Internet Infidels, leader of the Committee for
the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal Young Skeptics, CSICOPYS, and
crusader for establishing a Darwin Day.
34. Dr. Michael Zimmerman. Dean of the College of Letters and Science, Professor of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, ecologist, newspaper columnist, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
35. Mrs.Sharon Begley. Science Editor of the The Wall Street Journal, formerly Senior Editor at Newsweek magazine for 25 years.
36. Dr. Brian Leiter. Joseph D. Jamail Centennial Chair in Law, Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Law & Philosophy Program, University of Texas.
37. Dr. John H. Marburger, III. Science Adviser to the President and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
38. Chairman Professor Urban Ungerstedt, Deputy Chairman Professor Sten Grillner, Secretary Professor Hans Jornvall. Nobel Prize Assembly, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
39. Dr. Ernst Mayr, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Emeritus. Harvard University.
40. Mr. Richard Carrier. Secular Web editor, Ph. D. candidate. Columbia University.
41. Dr. Edward O. Wilson. Pellegrino University Research Professor. Harvard University.
42. Dr. John F. Haught. Thomas Healey Professor of Theology. Georgetown University. “Expert” witness to support evolution for the Dover trial has no scientific evidence.
43. Dr. John S. Lemberger, University of Wisconsin Madison, Graduate Program Coordinator, Science/Environmental Education
44. Dr. Richard G. Colling. Science Professor, Olivet Nazarene University, Author of Random Designer: Created from Chaos to Connect with Creator. (Theistic evolutionist).
45. Dr. Darrel R. Falk. Science Professor, Point Loma Nazarene University, Author of Coming to Peace With Science. (Theistic evolutionist)
46. Rev. Barry W. Lynn. Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Led the evolutionists in the William Buckley Firing Line Debate on Creation vs Evolution, December 19, 1997.
47. Dr. Wesley R. Elsberry. Information Project Director and a featured speaker for the National Center for Science Education, misnamed National Center for Anti-Science Indoctrination.
48. Mr. Eric Hildeman. Author of Creationism: The Bible Says No!, which he claims ” marks the beginning of the end for creationism in America”.
49. Rev. Lenny Flank. Creator of “Creation ‘Science’ Debunked” He claims that Creation Scientists represent “the single greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the United States today.”
50. Dr. Greg Forbes. Course Director for the National Science Foundation’s Chautauqua course on evolution & evolution education for college & university professors. He also serves on the Editorial Board of Skeptic Magazine.
51. Counselor Pedro L. Irigonegaray. Kansas attorney for the evolutionists on the Kansas State Board of Education. In court in Topeka, Kansas, from May 5 to 7, 2005, 17 Ph.D.’s testified that scientific evidence supported Intelligent Design whereas the evolutionists completely defaulted because, like their attorney, they had no scientific evidence.
52. Edward T. Babinski. B. S. biology. His website is, “From Young Earth Creationist to Evolutionist: Your friendly neighborhood “anti-christian’s” intellectual journey.”
53. Dr. Larry Mai. Assistant Professor Anthropology and Biology, California State University, Long Beach.
54. Dr. Richard Benson. Academic Dean, St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA.
55. James Randi. Educational foundation expert on paranormal, pseudoscientific and supernatural, except as they apply to evolution.
56. Barry Hearn. Junk Science blogger.
57. Bishop John Shelby Spong. Christianity for the Third Millennium.
58. Dr. David R. Liu. Harvard University. Spokesman for the “Origins of Life in the Universe Initiative”.
59. Dr. Robert Schuller. Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA.
60. Professor and Chairman Neal Simon, Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
61. Professor Barry Bean, Cell Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
62. Assistant Professor R. Michael Burger, Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
63. Assistant Professor Maria Bykhovskaia, Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
64. Professor Lynne Cassimeris, Cell Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
65. Professor David Cundall, Functional Morphology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
66. Assistant Professor Matthias M. Falk, Cell Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
67. Professor Murray Itzkowitz, Behavioral Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
68. Assistant Professor M. Kathy Iovine, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
69. Professor Steven Krawiec, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
70. Associate Professor Michael Kuchka, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
71. Professor and Associate Chairman Linda J. Lowe-Krentz, Biochemistry, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
72. Assistant Professor Stefan Maas, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
73. Professor of Practice Jutta Marzillier, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
74. Assistant Professor Tamra Mendelson, Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
75. Professor John Nyby, Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
76. Assistant Professor Colin J. Saldanha, Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
77. Assistant Professor Colin J. Saldanha, Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
78. Professor Jeffrey A. Sands, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
79. Professor Jill Schneider, Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
80. Associate Professor Robert Skibbens, Cell Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
81. Associate Professor Jennifer Swann, Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
82. Associate Professor Vassie C. Ware, Molecular Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University.
83. President Timothy P. White. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
84. Professor James R. Hofman. Liberal Studies, California State University, Fullerton.
85. Professor Craig Nelson. Liberal Studies & Department of Comparative Religion, California State University, Fullerton.
86. Professor Bruce H. Weber. Biochemistry, California State University, Fullerton.
87. Monsignor Gianfranco Basti. Director, Vatican Project on Science, Theology and Ontological Quest (STOQ).
92. George F. Will. Syndicated columnist writing for more than 460 newspapers and Newsweek magazine; professor; television commentator; winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1976.
88. Dr. George V. Coyne, S.J. Director of the Vatican Observatory.
89. Dr. Gary E. Belovsky. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame.
90. Dr. Raymond Pierotti, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas.
91. Dr. Leonard Krishtalka. Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas.
92. George F. Will. Syndicated columnist writing for more than 460 newspapers and Newsweek magazine; professor; television commentator; winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1976. (Mr. Will wrote that the Dover, PA School Board tried “to insinuate religion, in the guise of ‘intelligent design” theory, into high school biology classes”.)
93. Dr. James D. Watson. Credited, with Francis Crick, for describing the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA.
94. Dr. Niles Eldredge. Curator, Division of Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History and author of The Triumph of Evolution…And The Failure of Creationism.
95. Monsignor Gianfranco Basti, Director, Vatican Project on Science, Theology and Ontological Quest (STOQ).
96. Dr. Seth Shostak. Senior Astronomer, author of “SETI and Intelligent Design.” (SETI is Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.)
97. Dr. Lynn Margulis. Distinguished University Professor at the University of Massachusetts. The first wife of Carl Sagan. Received from William J. Clinton the Presidential Medal of Science in 1999. Also acknowledged for her contribution to James E. Lovelock’s Gaia concept.
98.Brahama D. Sharma, Ph.D.,C.Chem.,FRSC(life). Life fellow (chemistry) of the Royal Society. He corresponded on behalf of the Royal Society and confirmed that none of them had any scientific evidence in support of evolution in spite of the fact that the Royal Society stated publicly on 11 April 2006 that evolution is “recognized as the best explanation for the development of life on Earth from its beginnings and for the diversity of species” and that it is “rightly taught as an essential part of biology and science courses in schools, colleges and universities across the world.” Evidently, the Royal Society is an ethically incompetent mouthpiece for worldwide evolutionist propaganda.
99. Dr. Patricia Princehouse. Lecturer in Philosophy and Evolutionary biology at Case Western Reserve University. Recipient of the 2006 Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award for her efforts to block criticism of evolution in Ohio public schools.
100. Dr. Francis Collins. Head of the Human Genome Project, author of The Language of God, A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.
101. Dr. Jeffrey K. McKee. Professor, Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University.
102. Dr. Brian Alters. Director, Tomlinson University Science Education Project; Director, Evolution Education Research Centre. A “global leader” in the field of evolution education and author of the best-selling Defending Evolution in the Classroom. He was an “expert witness” for the evolutionists in the Dover, PA trial yet apparently is in possession of no scientific evidence.
103. Dr. Steve Jones. Professor of Genetics, University College London. Author of Why Creationism is Wrong and Evolution is Right, and Almost like a Whale: The Origin of Species Updated. He states he has been involved with the media for several years. He also claims to have spoken directly to more than 100,000 students. The Royal Society bestowed on him “the UK’s foremost award for communicating science to the public.” Like the rest of the Royal Society, he has no scientific evidence to support evolution.
104. Professor Peter Shuster. Founding director of the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Jena, Germany, current head of its Department of Molecular Evolutionary Biology, Vice-President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2000 – 2003, Institut für Theoretische Chemie, Währingerstraße 17, A-1090 Wien, Vienna, Austria.
105. Fr. Lawrence Boadt. CNS-Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington DC 20017
106. Fr. John W. Crossin. OSFS, Director, Washington Theological Consortium, 487 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017.
107. Ms. Patricia Wargocki. CNS-Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington DC 20017.
108. Dr. Joseph Fessio. Provost and professor of theology, Ave Maria University, founder and editor of Ignatius Press.
109. Richard Leakey. Leakey Foundation.
110. Dr. Kevin R. Henke. Geochemistry, Center for Applied Energy Research; Geology Department, University of Kentucky.
111. Professor Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska. Instytut Paleobiologii, Warsaw, Poland.
112. Professor Maciej Zylicz, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland.
113. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kutschera. Institute of Biology, University of Kassel, Germany.
114. Dr. Jennifer A. Hobin, Science Policy Analyst, Office of Public Affairs, FASEB Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
115. Robert Palazzo, Ph.D. (President-Elect) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
116. Bruce R. Bistrian, M.D., Ph.D. (Past-President) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
117. Kenneth Mann, Ph.D. (Treasurer) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
118. John Smith, M.D., Ph.D. (V.P. for Science Policy) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
119. Mark Lively, Ph.D. (V.P. Elect for Science Policy) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
120. Avrum I. Gotlieb, M.D. (Board Member) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
121. Guy C. Fogleman, Ph.D. Ex Officio Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
122. Howard Garrison, Ph.D. Ex Officio Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
123. Ida Chow, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
124. Garry Cutting, MD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee, Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
125. Howard Garrison, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
126. Marnie Halpern, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
127. Loraine Oman-Ganes, MD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
128. Joy Reidenberg, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
129. Paula Stern, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
130. Greg Tucker-Kellogg, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
131. Gerald Weissmann, MD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
132. Carrie Wolinetz, PhD Educating About Evolution Ad Hoc Subcommittee , Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
133. Dr. C. Owen Lovejoy. A biological anthropologist and director of Kent State’s anthropology institute. The Kent State University web site says “Dr. Lovejoy makes impressive attempts to reach out to and educate the public” including a speech which “discusses how and why human evolution takes place” (See Time Magazine in the Organizations, Departments, Universities section.)
134. Dr. Robert T. Pennock. Professor, Lyman Briggs School of Science and Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University.
135. Thomas Robson. Propaganda essayist for the National Center for Science Education (also known as the National Center for Evolution Anti-Science).
136. Hector Avalos, Iowa State University, atheist professor of latino studies, who collected signatures to deny Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez deserved tenure because Gonzalez’s The Privileged Planet refuted the Copernican Principle so important to atheism.
137. Gregory L. Geoffroy, president of Iowa State University, did nothing to prevent persecution of the outstanding scientist, Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, by the campus atheists.
138. Kevin Padian, Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, expert witness for the ACLU at the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial although in possession of zero scientific evidence.
139. Dr. Philipp Rosemann, University of Dallas, Associate Editor of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. He violated the ethics for editors by sending a candidate article to only one reviewer, instead of three, that was most biased against the thesis of the article and lied. (See Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, Fifth Edition, “Ethics for Editors,” p.4).
140. Dr. Robert Wood, University of Dallas, Editor of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. He violated the ethics for editors by sending a candidate manuscript to only one reviewer, instead of three, that was most biased against the thesis of the article and lied. (See Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, Fifth Edition, “Ethics for Editors,” p.4).
141. Dr. Marcy Brown Marsden, Biology Department, University of Dallas, instructor of two courses on evolution and one on statistics, lied about evolution and statistics to reject a candidate article critical of evolution.
142. Professor Joseph Alois Ratzinger, made the public statement that, “This clash (with evolution) is an absurdity because on one hand there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution, which appears as a reality that we must see and which enriches our understanding of life and being as such.” He was unable to send one iota of scientific proof of evolution and of course would not contend for the unlimited Life Science Prizes.
143. Dr. Guy Consolmagno, Vatican astronomer, Fordham University visiting professor, Brother in the Society of Jesus, claims on his web site without evidence that Genesis is pagan and creationists believe in a flat Earth, whereas scientific and historical evidence support Genesis and prove that evolution is based 12% on superstitions, 74% on frauds, 14% on forgeries, and the vitalism worship of the pagan goddess, Gaea, the Great Mother Earth. When confronted, he evaded, misled, and lied as well as any evolutionist.
144. Mr. Bill Maher. Comedian and Creation basher.
145. Carl Zimmer. Former senior editor of Discover magazine. Called “as fine a science essayist as we have” by a New York Times Book Review. His website has a quote saying he: “is smarter than anyone I know.” Leader of Explore Evolution which is touted as “a major new partnership forged between science museums and 4-H organizations to bring current research on evolution to the public.”
146. John Allen Paulos. Professor at Temple University, ABCnews columnist, and author of a book that purports to use mathematics to disprove God.
147. Leo T. Furcht, M.D. (President) Public Affairs Committee, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD.
148. Neal Boortz. Libertarian and talk show host. Mocks creationists on his program and website with no scientific evidence and immense superstitious ignorance in support of evolution.
149. Roger Moore, movie critic for The Orlando Sentinel, pretended there was evidence for evolution, but had none.
150. Perry Mann. Former teacher, lawyer, and prosecuting attorney in West Virginia and a regular newspaper columnist.
151. Dr. Karl D. Fezer. Professor emeritus of biology at Concord University and WV NCSE liaison.
152. T. Willard Fair. Florida State Board of Education.
153. Phoebe Raulerson. Florida State Board of Education.
154. Kathleen Shanahan. Florida State Board of Education.
155. Linda Taylor. Florida State Board of Education.
156. Dr. David Baltimore. California Institute of Technology.
157. Professor Albert Eschenmoser. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Zurich.
158. Professor Fotis Kafatos. Imperial College, London.
150. Fr. Stanley L. Jaki. Seton Hall University
160. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., Milano, Italy
161. Dr. Arthur Caplan. Emanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics, Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and the Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Called the movie EXPELLED immoral. Said that creationism “may pose the greatest threat to the future of our children, your health, and the nation’s economy.”.
162. Dr. Karl W. Giberson. Professor of physics at Eastern Nazarene College and director of the Forum on Faith and Science at Gordon College. Author of Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution.
163. Rev. Michael Dowd. He “evangelizes” evolution, the 2,500 year old inverted fantasy aimed at the destruction of religion.
164. Dr. Denis Alexander. Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St. Edmund’s College and a Senior Affiliated Scientist at The Babraham Institute, Cambridge. He lectures and broadcasts widely in the field of science and religion. Since 1992 he has been Editor of the journal Science & Christian Belief, and currently serves on the National Committee of Christians in Science and as a member of the International Society for Science and Religion. A theistic evolutionist who is the author of Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose? He has no evidence that evolution is not an inverted Gaea fantasy propagated by anti-scientists by means of totalitarian censorship and persecution.
165. Dr. Jerry Coyne. Professor of evolutionary genetics at the University of Chicago and author of “Why Evolution is True.”
166. Sir David Attenborough. Broadcaster of the British natural history programs.
167. Dr. John Holdren. White House Office of Science and Technology, presidential science adviser. Stated, “(T)he underpinning of modern biology is evolution”. But like all evolutionists, he was unable to produce one iota of scientific evidence.
168. Mr. Robert Wright. Senior fellow at the New America Foundation. Author of “The Evolution of God.” (9-4-09)
169. Dr. Todd C. Wood, of Bryan College, who wrote, “There is evidence for evolution, gobs and gobs of it.” Upon request and with the incentive of unlimited $10,000 grants for his Center for Origins Research, he did not send any evidence. Can it be that there is no scientific evidence to support evolution? Can it be that Todd C. Wood uses brass and bluff like the other 363,000 anti-science evolutionists worldwide? Is not evolutionist and scientist as oxymoronic as thunderous silence?(12-30-09)
170. Stenger, Victor J. Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado; Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii; Research Fellow, Center for Inquiry-Transnational; Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Author of The New Atheism, Quantum Gods, God-The Failed Hypothesis; Not by Design-The Origin of the Universe: and others. Research Fellow, Center for Inquiry – Transnational CFI; Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry CSI.
171. Rachel Held Evans, author of Evolving in Monkey Town, converted from evangelical to anti-science evolutionist without one scrap of scientific evidence.
172. Charles F. Bolden. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (as of 2009). Was in authority when David Coppedge was fired for speaking to co-workers about creation rather than the superstition, evolution.
173. Dr. Alan R. Rogers. Author of The Evidence for Evolution, 2008, has stated that evolutionists should be prepared to offer evidence when challenged. He was challenged. He has no scientific objective, valid, reliable, calibrated evidence.
174. Daniel Loxton. Author of the children’s book Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be. The book was highly acclaimed by Michael Shermer (#13), Eugenie Scott (#12), P.Z. Myers (#40 Organizations), and The Skeptic magazine of Australia. Loxton won the $10,000 Lane Anderson Science Writing for Children Award without one scrap of scientific evidence to support this 2,500-year-old superstition.
175. Dr. David Hillis, Dr. Daniel Bolnick, Dr. John Hoberman, and all University of Texas faculty and staff members who joined them in attempting to remove the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) from the list of state approved charities because ICR reminds the general public that the “Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection” is actually a 340-year-old superstition with of course not one iota of scientific evidence to support it.
176. John R. Staver, Ed.D., Professor of Science Education and Chemistry, Co-Director, Center for Research and Engagement in Science and Mathematics Education, Co-Editor, Journal of Science Teacher Education, Purdue University.
177. Dr. Robert Price, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Microscopy and Microanalysis, and from the Department of Cell Bioogy and Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of South Carolina, in violation of the ethical standards published by the Council of Biology Editors, would not permit a review of the article, Does the morphology of Micrasterias cells disprove universal originality?178. Editor-in-Chief Matti Leisola and Managing Editor Douglas Axe of the journal Bio-Complexity pretended that proof beyond the science standard was assumptions andin violation of the ethical standards published by the Council of Biology Editors, would not permit a review of the article, Does the morphology of Micrasterias cells disprove universal originality?
79. Dr. Peter Enns, Senior Fellow of BioLogos, believes that God, the mega-engineer, would use the inverted superstition, evolution, 340 years out of date to create and to maintain life. That is an insult to anyone believing in God and to anyone calling such a stupidity, science.
180. Dr. Denis O. Lamoureux, Associate Professor of Science & Religion at St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, wrote “Adam never existed,” and the God of the Bible “created the universe and life through evolution.” He believes that the God of the Bible, the mega-engineer, would use a 340 year old superstition, evolution, to create life. Pity the poor students who may try to make sense of what he teaches.
181. Dr. Daniel J. Kruger, University of Michigan, teaches “An evolutionary approach to psychology,” but has no science to support his superstition.
182. Dr. Sean B. Carroll, University of Wisconsin, teaches the evolution of animal diversity, but has no science to support his superstition.

Organizations, Departments, Universities
All members were challenged.

1. Case Western Reserve University. Entire faculty via 15 department heads.
2. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
3. National Center for Science Education, “Steves” Group.
4. West Virginia University. Seventeen (17) signatories of a secret letter attempting to influence the
West Virginia Board of Education to censor any criticism of evolution..
5. Marshall University. About 60 faculty members of the School of Science.
6. California State University, Long Beach. College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
7. University of California, Irvine. Eleven of the professors of evolutionism.
8. Oxford University (England) All identified professors of evolution.
9. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
10. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Over 40 officials. Spokesman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Executive Director, admitted that evolution never existed.
11. Seven presidents of various geological societies that sought the censorship of a Young Earth Creation Grand Canyon book in a 16 December letter to Grand Canyon National Park: William I. Ausich (Paleontological Society), Robert E. Dickinson (American Geophysical Union), Cathryn A. Manduca (National Association of Geoscience Teachers), John C. Steinmetz (Association of American State Geologists), Hans-Dieter Sues (Society for Vertebrate Paleontology), Barbara J. Tewksbury (American Geological Institute), and Robert van der Voo (Geological Society of America).
12. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Dr. Joel Cracraft, President, and Dr. Richard O’Grady, Executive Director.
13. National Association of Biology Teachers (Wayne Carley, Executive Director; Cheryl Merrill, Managing Editor, American Biology Teacher).
14. Society for Neuroscience (organization of basic scientists and physicians who study the brain and nervous system)
15. Nobel Prize Assembly, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
16. Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers. All of the Board Members (N=12) were challenged.
17. York College of Pennsylvania. Nine (9) signatories to a letter pressuring the Dover, PA school Board to censor criticism of evolution and to censor Intelligent Design.
18. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 36 signatories to a letter pressuring the Dover, PA school Board to censor criticism of evolution and to censor Intelligent Design.
19. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Dr. Christian Semper, Director; Mr. Randall Kremer, Public Affairs Director; Lucy Dorrick, Associate Director for Development and Special Events.
20. Lehigh University, the entire Department of Biological Sciences, with the exception of Professor Michael J. Behe, published their “unequivocal support of evolutionary theory and that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally, and should not be regarded as scientific.” Even with the enticement of $10,000 per person per trial without limit, all failed to document those words with scientific evidence. Given that science is based on the truth, Professor Behe evidently is the only scientist in the Department of Biological Sciences. Given their intent to deceive, the rest qualified themselves as anti-scientists.
21. University of Idaho. Dr. Timothy P. White, President. Biological Sciences and Chemistry Departments.
22. Cornell University. Dr. Hunter Rawlings III, Interim President, and all faculty evolutionists.
23. National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Bruce Alberts, President.
24. Stanford University. Dr. Philip Pizzo and 13 Stanford evolutionist faculty members.
25. SETI Institute. Scientists and Senior Staff of the SETI Institute. (SETI is Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.) Dr. Jill C. Tarter, Project Director, Center for SETI Research, said, “As we say in SETI, ‘Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'” Contrarily, scientists would say, “We have looked everywhere and found nothing. Given our instruments and methods, our conclusion is that there is no extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere in the universe. Planet Earth has a unique biosphere.
26. University of Kansas. Robert Hemenway, Chancellor; Paul Mirecki, Religious Studies Department Chairman; thirteen (13) selected faculty members of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. (Paul Mirecki proposed a class called, “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism, and Other Religious Mythologies,” because he claimed, “The KU faculty has had enough…Creationism is mythology and Intelligent design is mythology. It’s not science.” Subsequently, the proposed course was not approved and Associate Professor Mirecki resigned as department chairman.) No one at the University of Kansas has any scientific evidence in support of evolution.
27. Paleontological Research Institution. The PRI (an affiliate of Cornell University) staff developed a special workshop and a 13-page guide book for museum guides and docents to use in order to defend against creationists questions.
28. The Royal Society. This organization claims to be, “UK’s national academy of science.” All fellows were challenged via most of the Council. The Council is made up of 21 Fellows of the Society who are elected by 1400 Fellows and Foreign Members. Their public statement notwithstanding (see # 99 above), evidently none of them have one mote of scientific evidence in support of evolution.With no scientific evidence to support its statement on evolution, the Royal Society has branded itself an anti-science organization of liars with no credibility. What an enormous waste for such a stupid idea.
29. New York Hall of Science. This organization was one of six groups to receive a $2.5 million National Science Foundation grant to study “How Children Learn Evolution”.
30. Nature. It claims to be “the world’s top multidisciplinary science journal, and the world’s top journal publishing basic scientific research”. It is militantly pro-evolution without scientific evidence, and it rejects articles critical of evolution, articles with scientific evidence accepted and lauded by one of the world’s leading biological science organizations.
31. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology admitted by their defaults they possessed no scientific evidence to support evolution or to overturn the experiments of Francesco Redi, 1668, Louis Pasteur, 1864, and John Tyndall, 1877, that proved evolution was based on ignorance of microorganisms and ignorance of growth and development from microscopic eggs.
32. Time Magazine. The October 9, 2006 cover story, How We Became Human proclaims, “chimps are our nearest evolutionary cousins” and “evolution is a random process in which haphazard genetic changes interact with random environmental conditions to produce an organism somehow fitter than its fellows. After 3.5 billion years of such randomness, a creature emerged that could ponder its own origins”. C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University is quoted extensively.
33. Springer Publishing Company. This publisher plans a journal for evolution lesson plans, but cannot provide one iota of evidence that evolution exists.
34. Iowa State University. This outlaw institution uses state government funds to teach the vitalism religion, evolution, and denied tenure to Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, who had three times the qualifications for tenure, because his popular book, The Privileged Planet, suggested that atheism and the Copernican Principle lacked scientific evidence.
35. DefCon, the atheist/evolutionist bloggers that flew a banner, “It is a sin to lie,” over the AiG museum. Evidently, the banner admonishes DefCon itself because all the evidence in the universe testifies that atheism and evolution are the lies.
36. Science Hearing on Teaching the Controversy, Kansas State Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas, May 5-7, 2005. Seventeen Ph.D.s presented some of the best papers ever heard in support of Intelligent Design. During the day devoted for evolution evidence, not one paper was presented by the numerous rowdy evolutionists in attendance. Scientifically as usual, the evolutionists completely defaulted, thereby consistently demonstrating that there is no scientific evidence to support evolution. None.
37. Hearing on the Teaching of Evolution for the European Parliament of the European Union, Brussels, Belgium, October 11, 2006. The papers presented scientific evidence that there is no scientific evidence to support evolution whereas all the scientific evidence in the universe supports devolution, the exact opposite and excluder of evolution (see the culminating paper at All of the evidence was undisputed in spite of the fact that the evolutionists obviously were in attendance. The evolutionists made their presence known by repeatedly tearing down the posters for the Hearing and the directions to the auditorium. The evolutionists also threw a temper tantrum devoid of evidence or questions during the 40-minute question and discussion session. There were simultaneous translations in English, French, German, and Polish. All of the evolutionists that insulted the presenters were challenged for their scientific evidence and everyone of them had none. For Europe, this demonstrated beyond any doubt that the evolutionists have no scientific evidence to support evolution. None.
38. European Society for Evolutionary Biology. (ESEB) Publishes the Journal of Evolutionary Biology to “support the study of organic evolution and the integration of related scientific fields.” When challenged for its scientific evidence in support of evolution, it had none. How remarkable that a society and its journal pretending to advance science are in fact advancing the anti-science, evolution, proven a superstition based on ignorance by means of experiments never overturned 3.4 centuries ago by a European medical doctor.
39. PEER. (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) An environmentalist activist group that sought to censor the creationist viewpoint of the Grand Canyon formation.
40. Panda’s Thumb website and community. (The challenge was issued to the website contact email address and to selected individuals: Paul Z. Myers, Matt Young, John M. Lynch, Tara C. Smith, Ethan Rop, Mike Dunford, Reed A. Cartwright, Ian Musgrave, and Timothy Sandefur.)
41. American Humanist Association. The AHA has a “base of over 11,000 members and a network of over 100 grassroots organizations,” but no scientific evidence to support “life can spring forth . . . from nature.”

Outlaw School Districts
1. Huntington Beach Union High School District, Huntington Beach, California. Dr. Van W. Riley, Superintendent (Edison High School, Fountain Valley High School, Huntington Beach High School, Marina High School, Ocean View High School, Westminster High School, Coast High School and Huntington Beach Adult School, and Valley Vista High School). This school district has evolution in its science curricula in violation of the state Education Code for truth, and in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America because evolution must be believed by an extraordinary faith in an inverted-fantasy state supported religion. No one in this school district, not students or teachers or administrators or superintendents, can produce any scientific evidence in support of evolution. January 19, 2006.

For more than four years, evolutionists worldwide have proven by their defaults that they have no scientific evidence in support of evolution (see The Life Science Prize). That included the local Huntington Beach Union High School District (see Outlaw Public School District above), the local Board of Trustees, and the State Department of Education (hereafter collectively called, the Outlaw Public Education Establishment). In spite of having no scientific evidence to the contrary, and in spite of continuously breaking state and federal laws by misrepresenting evolution as science, the Outlaw Public Educational Establishment has refused to teach the absolute fact that the entire universe devolves, the exact opposite and excluder of evolves. The only recourse left is to force the Outlaw Public Educational Establishment to obey the law by means of litigation with the Education Code for the State of California, which forbids teaching as true the exact opposite of reality, and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, which forbids teaching as a state supported religion the anti-reality anti-science evolution Gaea vitalism religion.
Accordingly, The Life Science Litigation Prize for State Court is an award of $5,000 to the attorney or law firm or plaintiff that successfully accomplishes with finality in State Court what the Life Science Prize has accomplished out of court, that is, that evolution is the exact opposite of reality and therefore violates Education Code 60200 (c) (3) which requires teaching the truth. The Life Science Litigation Prize for Federal Court is an award of $5,000 to the attorney or law firm or plaintiff that successfully accomplishes with finality in Federal Court what the Life Science Prize has accomplished out of court, that is that evolution is the state supported anti-reality anti-science Gaea vitalism religion that violates the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. For both one-time Prizes, Joseph Mastropaolo will be available full time pro bono as a consultant or expert witness or plaintiff as he was available for the Life Science Prize (also see About Joseph Mastropaolo). For free candidate courtroom strategy, additional information, or questions, write to Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo at or call (714) 843-6387.
The Life Science Prize and The Life Science Litigation Prizes © Joseph Mastropaolo 2006

Note. For more than eight years, as these lists testify to more than 374,000 contacts worldwide individually and by organization, Mr. Priest and Dr. Mastropaolo have diligently sought scientific evidence of evolution. We have offered $10,000 to any evolutionist champion willing to collect it over and over again with the Life Science Prize protocol. All of those efforts worldwide bar none with outspoken individuals and organizations have been in vain. The undisputed conclusion is that there is absolutely no scientific evidence in support of evolution because it is an inverted-fantasy Gaea religion based on vitalism superstitions 2,500 years old, the exact opposite of reality, taught by frauds, forgeries, brass, bluff, and totalitarian censorship in the public schools in violation of state Education Codes and the First Amendment of that fundamental law of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America.
We have done our best by offering unlimited $10,000 awards and $1000 rewards to have a Life Science Prize mini-trial, but the evolutionists consistently default because they have no evidence. Therefore, by summary judgment after hundreds of unanimous default judgments, creation and devolution are declared undisputed biological science, and evolution is, has been, and always will be a pagan, superstitious, inverted-fantasy Gaea vitalism religion. If anyone on or off the above lists disputes those facts, please contact Mr. Karl Priest at or Dr. Mastropaolo at or (714) 843-6387 for a Life Science Prize min-trial (see rules and alternative rules above).
A remaining next step is litigation to replace the evolution scourge from the public schools with the secular truth of devolution, the exact opposite and excluder of evolution. The Life Science Litigation Prizes are positive steps to rectify the greatest travesty in biological science of the last 3.4 centuries.

All of these experiences confirm that evolution is the inverted fantasy based on the ancient Greek Gaea vitalism religion of 2,500 years ago that was disproven by the experiments, never overturned, of Dr. Francesco Redi in 1668.

Mastropaolo, Joseph. The Rise and Fall of Evolution, A Scientific Examination. 2003. pp. 1-127, Appendix D.
Mastropaolo, Joseph. Biology for the 21st Century and the Life Science Prize Tested Devolution, Evolution, and Genesis. 28 pp. 2005.
Mastropaolo, Joseph. Life Devolves, Life is a Devolving Dynamically Engineered Invention of Vast Originality. Presented to the European Parliament of the European Union, October 11, 2006.

Life Science Prize ©Joseph Mastropaolo 2002-4.

Evolution has been defeated in 4.6 years (from March 11, 2002 to October 11, 2006) by the Life Science Prize mini-trial protocol [1. request reprints of the objective scientific evidence that supports evolution (every scientist is obliged to send reprints), 2. when no reprints are forthcoming, send the Life Science Prize mini-trial challenge to elicit the evidence for $10,000, 3. place the evolutionists on the default judgment list when they default on the Prize challenge, which they are bound to do because evolution is an inverted-fantasy, superstitious, Gaea vitalism religion based on the ignorance current prior to Dr. Francesco Redi’s experiments of 1668.]

More than 374,000 evolutionists, by individual or organization invitation, cannot be coaxed to reveal their scientific evidence even for $10,000 on a continuing basis. That acid test, confirmed in Topeka in May 5-7, 2005 and in Brussels on October 11, 2006, proved beyond any doubt that evolution is devoid of objective scientific evidence. It dominates biology instruction by frauds, forgeries, superstitions, brass, bluff, and totalitarian censorship and persecutions.