
The Deception

From the back cover:

Creation or evolution? Did God speak everything into existence or was it all made through natural processes? Does it really matter, anyway? Dr. Jeff Duncan, the newly hired biology professor at Grogan University, is about to discover the truth.

The Genesis Creation, Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel…Jeff was taught all the classic Bible stories as a child, and although he accepted them at face value, he was never taught how to defend his faith, nor were his Sunday school teachers able to provide answers to the many questions he asked. Faced with a series of life-altering events, Jeff is forced to choose between his childhood faith and the evolutionary biology he learned in college and has now been hired to teach. If the historical accounts in Genesis are not true, then what about the rest of the Bible? Jeff begins to question everything he had been taught as a child and almost denies his faith altogether, but God has something else in store for him.

Why couldn’t Jeff ever establish a firm foundation as a child and understand his faith back then? Shouldn’t the people who were teaching him in church every Sunday be able to answer his questions? Were his Sunday school teachers deceiving him all those years by just telling about Bible “stories,” or, now as a professor of evolution, is Jeff part of…the deception?

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