Question Darwin


·                                 Origin of species

·                                 WELCOME TO ATHEISTS

What is evolution?

Can mutations explain evolution?

Science, scientism, The BBC and the thought police


·                                 Couldn’t God have used evolution?

What about fossils?

Evidence for Christianity being true

Can science explain life’s origin?

Natural selection

Edward Blyth-discoverer of natural selection before Darwin!

Evolution, fraud and deception

Is evolution more than a theory?

Christian apologetics and counterblasts

Common arguments against Christianity and responses

This ‘Question Darwin’ site was initially published in 2006 alongside a now defunct blog of the same name, and is being completely rebuilt starting December 2012. It is one man’s considered response to his shocking discovery that the so called theory of evolution which he was taught as fact from early childhood is a pack of lies, abundantly falsified once the evidence is properly evaluated with an open mind. The proper scientific rules of positive evidence, testing and falsification are disregarded where evolution is concerned because, it seems, it is foundational to the secularist world view. Evolution is philosophically necessary to get rid of God.

At the same time as evolution is universally promulgated as dogma, the Christian faith which was foundational to the establishment and vital to the maintainence of Western Civilisation is under sustained assault. The effects of de-Christianisation, which is linked to the universal teaching of evolutionism, are incalculable and I argue may be terminal to western civilisation as we know it. This may well be what certain people are working towards because of their philosophical convictions.

In this site I critically examine the key evidences for Evolution that were taught to me at A level biology and explain why the evidence not only fails to prove the case but defeats Darwin’s ‘theory’. I will also examine some of the evidence for the Christian faith being true. I also consider the issue of theistic evolution, the idea that ‘God created through evolution’ and why it is inconsistent, uneccesary and harmful for Christians to believe this.

I re-published this renewed site on 29th December and will edit and add to it as I am able.  Please note; I don’t maintain a discussion forum or message board here. I am well versed in the techniques of atheist comment warriors and have no time or desire to engage with their dreary quips and slogans. I have tried to address a good number of the more common questions that come up in these essays, if you have a  question I haven’t addressed or just fancy some Christian baiting you will have to look elsewhere.

Kind regards. Jesus said ‘If you continue in my word, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’


Dr Stephen Hayes was born in London in 1955 and qualified Bachelor of Medicine from Southampton University Medical School in 1979. He spent most of his working life as a General Practitioner and community dermatology doctor and is currently working in hospital dermatology. His other special interests are growing heritage apple trees ( and on his stephenhayesuk YouTubechannel) and teaching skin cancer diagnosis ( His first novel ‘Darwin’s Adders: A Chronicle of Pagan England 2089’ was published on Amazon Kindle in December 2013. Darwin’s Adders is the first of an intended trilogy of speculative novels exploring political, economic and spiritual themes in an imagined future post-oil, post electricity and post-Christian England.

Stephen lives in Botley, Hampshire with his wife Julia. They have 2 daughters.