Site Description

The websites are briefly described here

Subjects covered:

Ar – Archaeology, As – Astronomy

Bi – Biological

Ch – Chemistry

Da – Dating, De – Design

Ev – Evolution flaws

Ge – Geology, Gs – Geophysics

Hi – History

Pa – Palaeontology, Ph – Philosophy, Py – Physics

Wo – Worldviews

Data format types

T – Text   A – Audio   PP – PowerPoint   PDF – PDF format texts  V – Video


X – Not available,  Y – Available from (S) site, (E) – [ the ‘@’ is replaced by ‘\at\’ as protection against spam search engines ] via e-mail or (B) reply to blog, M (mail), P (phone)

50 Reasons

Giving reasons for disbelieving in evolution


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?


Critically examinong the antievolution movement


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Arthur Custance Centre

The relationship between science and scripture

Remaining faithful to the established facts of science and the revealed truths of scripture

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ doorway.publication/at/ ]

Site base: U.S.?

Arthur S Lodge

The Neo-Darwinian Theory is more an article of faith than a testable, falsifiable, scientific theory

Biological macromolecules are too complicated to have arisen by the NDT mechanisms

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ aslodge\ at \ ]

Site base: ?

Benevolent Design

Evolutiontheory is a monumental hoax

Dedicated to disproving Darwinism

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ benevolentdesign\ at \ ]

Site base: ?

Creation or evolution

Evolution postulates that all living things came into existence by chance


Did your life come about in this way?

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ remnant\ at \ ]

Site base: ?

Creation vs evolution

We showcase the order, complexity and beauty of creation

Countering the idea that evolution of life is considered as absolute truth

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Creation vs evolutionism

Evolutionism–the darwinian theory of evolution–is a philosophical position that is built on bad science

One of the great battlegrounds of competing ideas concerns the subject of origins

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ <>; ]

Site base: ?

CST News

Darwin and his disciples were not only pseudo-scientists

Darwin was a Racist!

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Darwin Busters

The Earth was designed by a Creator

On Earth, a loving God has provided for our every need.

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Darwin Conspiracy

Darwinism as an explanation for life is dead

Satisfying Darwin’s own test of falsification

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Darwin Deception

Showing Darwinism as an explanation for life is dead


Creation blogs

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y- (S)

Site base: ?

Darwin is dead

Positive psychology was present more than a thousand years ago.

The concepts were present in many religious texts

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Darwin’s Demise

A critique of the evidence for evolution

Challenges convential teaching

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Dissent from Darwin

Skeptical of claims for random mutation to account for the complexity of life

Life is more complicated than the Darwinian viewpoint

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Darwin’s Failed Predictions

A Response to Selected Online Materials of PBS-NOVA’s

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Darwin’s Religious Beliefs

Darwin’s views about God


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Dissent from Darwin

Skeptical of claims for random mutation to account for the complexity of life

Life is more complicated than the Darwinian viewpoint

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Evolution Crisis (The)

Scientists are expressing their doubts as to Darwin’s central theory

Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.K.

Evolution Cruncher (The)

Promoting the book of this name


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Evolution Dismantled



Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Evolution Fairytale

Evolution is a fairy story for adults

Radio presentations, debates & various topic blogs

Subjects: Var, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Evolution is a Myth

The book of Genesis is confirmed as not being allegorical but literal and historical

Creation is described as transpiring over a six-day duration

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Evolution is Dead

Contains creation books, audio & videos + Dawkin’s ‘Weasel’ program. Showing the demise of 19th century naturalism


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T, PDF, A, V


Site base:?

Evolution of truth

The complex code for life programmed into our DNA points to intelligent source

Articles & a humour section

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ comments\at\ ]

Site base: U.S.

Evolution Science Clarity

There is no evidence for evolution


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Evolution the Big Hoax (

Evolutionism is NOT observable, testable, or repeatable, evolutionism is NOT science,


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Evolution the Grand Experiment

On the controversial topic of evolution


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution Vs Creation  – A contentious debate

Part of Randall Niles’ ‘All about’ series

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

Evolution vs God

Showing evulotion is not observable

Videos audio taks available

Subjects: Ev

Formats: A, V, PP

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ jthompson\at\ ]

Site base: U.S.

Evolving Times

Teaching the context – avoiding the controversy

Presenting evolution in context

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Ge. Pa. Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: ?


An association of critical scientists skeptical about the empirical foundation of the theory of evolution

Science, religion & problems with evolution

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\ ]

Site base: U.S.?

God Rules

Fallacies of evolution



Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Jesus is Saviour

17 evidences against evolution



Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Question evolution

The theory is  really not nearly as well supported by scientific fact and discoveries

As the average evolutionist believes


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?


Showing that evolution could not have produced biology

Example of Irreducible Complexity

Subjects:  Bi

Formats: V

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.

Scientific Dissent

We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation to account for the complexity of life



Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: U.S.?

Scientists on evolution

Interesting quotations from scientists on evolutionism

Illustrating that the darwinian theory of evolution is bad science.


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ]

Site base: ?

Seek Find

Evolutionists can’t find answers to these questions

Even more questions that evolutionists cannot answer

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Stanley Salthe

A critic of Darwinian evolutionary theory



Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Third Way (The)

People believe there are two ways to explain biological diversity

Scientists see the need for a better explnation

Subjects:  Ev


Contactability: Y (E) – [ mail \at\ ]

Site base: ?

Was Darwin Right

Evolution puts bacteria as the first self replicating organisms,

but scientists have no irrefutable evidence of how such complex organisms arose by chance?


Formats: T

Contactability: [S]

Site base: ?

Why I disbelieve in evolution

Naturalistic evolution is presumed to be the known mechanism by which complex life came into being.

Belief in evolution is heavily associated with the scientific approach to knowledge,


Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?