_Sites Description


Site Descriptions

Site rating

5   Top rated

Covers all aspects relating to the creation study and refuting of false ideas. Over 1,000 articles, audio/visual. PowerPoint displays.

4   Excellent

Presentation of articles, audio/visual information revealing the truth of God’s creation.          Contains > 100 articles.

3   Good

Displaying articles supporting creation & refutations of evolutionary beliefs

2   Useful additions

Contains relevant information related to the subject. Providing up to 100 articles

1   Additional sites

Some information is of interest, relates to creation science in part.

D   Dedicated

Site is dedicated to a single subject/area of interest

e evolution

Based on the challenging of evolutionary doctrine

O Other languages

Site is written in a language other than English. There are translations available

L Local groups

Local creation group, providing info &/or events

CT Creation tours

Tours with a creation perspective

Subjects covered:

Ar – Archaeology, As – Astronomy

Bi – Biological

Ch – Chemistry

Da – Dating, De – Design

Ev – Evolution flaws

Ge – Geology, Gs – Geophysics

Hi – History

Pa – Palaeontology, Ph – Philosophy, Py – Physics

Wo – Worldviews

Data format types

T – Text   A – Audio   PP – PowerPoint   PDF – PDF format texts  V – Video


X – Not available,  Y – Available from (S) site, (E) – [ the ‘@’ is replaced by ‘\at\’ as protection against spam search engines ] via e-mail or (B) reply to blog, M (mail), P (phone)

Category-5  –   Click to move to descriptions

Creation Ministries International, Answers in Genesis, Institute for Creation Research

Category 4    –   Click to move to descriptions

Alpha Omega Institute, Amazing Discoveries, Apologetics Press, Archaeological Answers, Arrival of the fittest, Ask John Mackay, Bethinking, Beyond Today, Biblical Creation Society, Creation Evolution headlines, , Creation Moments, Creation Perspective (A), Creation Research, Creation Science, Creation Science Movement CSM, Creation Today, Creation-e encyclopaedia, Creationism, Creationwiki, DrDino, Geoscience Research Institute, Lambert Dolphin’s Resource Files, Lutheran Science Institute, New Creation, New Creation, New Creationism, NW Creation, Revolution Against Evolution (Doug Sharp), Piltdown Superman, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, Science against evolution, Science of Creation, Stand to Reason, Triangle Association for Science of Creation, Van Anne

Category 3 – Click to move to descriptions

Access Research Network, 4th Day alliance, Albert Mohler, All About Creation, All About Science, Anti evolution, Apologetics 315, Azosa, Bible Science, Bible Science guy, Bible Science Institute, Bible Tracks, Biblical Creation Trust, Biblical Genetics, Biblical Geology, Biblical Science Institute, Case for a Creator (The), Christians in Science, Core Academy of Science, Creation Answers, Creation Biology, Creation Club, Creation Education Centre, Creation Evidence, Creation evolution rants, Creation Instruction Association, Creation Liberty Association, Creation Ministries, Creation Research SEF, Creation Research Society, Creation Resource Trust, Creation Science 4 Kids, Creation Science Association of Alberta, Creation Science Association of BC, Creation Science Defence, Creation Science Network, Creation Science Society of Milwaukee, Creation Studies Institutes, Creation Superlibrary, Creation Truth Foundation, Creation without compromise, Creation, Science and Christianity, Creation Worldview Ministries, Creation-Answers, Crying Rock Ministries, David L Abel, Defending Genesis, Design of Time, Design Science Association, Discovery of Design, Dragons of Genesis, Earth Age, Earth History (SR), Earth History Research Center, Earth Science Associates, Eyes 2 See, Fill the Void, Fish Don’t Walk, Flood, Genesis and Genetics, Genesis Research, Genesis Science Research, Genesis Week, Global Flood, Handy Dandy, His Creation, Insectman, Institute for Scientific & Biblical Research, Interactive Bible, Is Genesis History, Koinonia House, Kolbe Center, Life Origin, Luther and Science, NJ Bible Science, Omniscience, OOParts, Origins, Probe, Radaractive, Rational Faith, Real Science Radio, San Antonio, Science Frontiers, Science vs evolution, Scientific facts & e, Search for the Truth Ministries, Six day creation, Six Days, Six Days blog, San Antonio, Steve Schramm, Todd’s blog, Training Christians, True Authority, True Origins, Truth in Science, Twin Cities CSA, Understand The Times, Waxaloo, Young Earth,

Category 2    –   Click to move to descriptions

Adam & Eve It, All about Archaeology, All About God, All About Philosophy, All about the Journey, Andy Bradbury, Anno Mundi Creation, Science, Anointed One, Answers in Creation, Ark Imaging, Ark on Ararat, Ark Search, Ark Foundation (The), Bible and Science Ministries, Bible Believer, Bible info, Bible Association, Bible World History, Bibleland Studios,  Biblical Creation, Biblical Discipleship, Biblical History, Biblical Truth, Biblical World History, ByLogos, Catastrophism, Christ Created, Christian Answers, Christian Creation Association, Christworks, Cornerstone TV, Creation and evolution, Creation Apologetics, Creation Astronomy, Creation Clues, Creation Concept (The), Creation Data Institute, Creation Design, Creation Discovery Project, Creation Engineering Concepts, Creation Evidences, Creation Explanation (The), Creation Fellowship, Creation Illustrated, Creation in the Crossfire, Creation Ministries of Ian Duby, Creation Minute, Creation Revelation, Creation School Online, Creation Science Academy, Creation Science Association for mid America, Creation Science of Saskatchewan, Creation Science Prophecy, Creation Science Research Centre, Creation Science Today, Creation Science UK, Creation Seminar (A), Creation Speaks, Creation Station, Creation Truth Ministries, Creationism & the Early Church, Creationist, Creator and His Creation (The), Creator’s Universe, Creation, evolution & science ministries, Cryptomundo, David Anderson, Dino Dave, Dinosaur Extinction, Dinosaurs & Man, Dinosaur Soft Tissue Research Institute, Dissent from Darwin, Earth History (RJ), Earth-History, East Tennessee CSA, Eternal Productions, Evidence Bible, Evidence for Creation, Evidence Press, Examining the Big Bang, Faith Facts, Forerunner, Genesis Alive, Genesis and Genetics, Genesis Apologetics, Genesis Creation Science Institute, Genesis Evidence Ministries, Genesis Foundation, Genesis Park, Genesis Science Mission, God Evidence, God of Wonders, Greater Houston Creation Association, Heavens Declare, Human Genesis, In Plain Sight, Institute of Origins Education, Jesus, Dinosaurs and More, Jesus and Science, Jesus, Dinosaurs and More, Mathematics of evolution, Measure of Gold, Michael Oard, Miracles of Nature, Missouri Association for Creation, Molecular History Research Center, Monarch Creation Ministries, Mount Bianco, Noah’s Ark Scans, Noah’s Ark Search, Objective Ministries, Origins Resource Center, Pull the plug, Raherrmann, Science for Creation, Science Integrity, Seattle Creation Conference, Shock Dynamics Geology, Starting Point Project (The), Theopologetics, Think Creation, Thomas Kindell, True Light, Truth of Genesis, Truthnet,  Unmasking Evolution , Worldaroundus, Worldwide Flood, Zoo Creation

Category 1   –   Click to move to descriptions

2001 Principle, Acts 17 Apologetics, All about History, All about Worldviews, Amen, Anchor Stone, Anstey’s Romance of Bible Chronology, Apologitica, Apologetics Courses, Ark Encounter, Arthur Custance Centre for Science and Christianity, Awesome Works, Awesome Science, Be Not Conformed, Benevolent Design, Bible Archaeology, Bible Books, Bible Evidences, Bible Project, Bible Studies, Bible Topics, Bible Universe, Bible.org, Bible Topics, Bible Info, Research Institute, Biblical Studies, Bible Universe, Big Bang Cosmythology, Biggie’s Big Blogs, Bushmanland, Canopy Ministries, Catholic Origins, Center for Creation Studies, Center for Origins Research, Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics, Center for Scientific Creation, Christian Apologetics, Christian Forums, Christian Ministries International, Christian Research Institute,  Chugley’s Chatter, Church on the Corner, Clarifying Christianity, Common Sense Science, Cosmic Fingerprints, Cowboy Bob, Creation & evolution 2, Creation Cowboy, Creation Cryptids, Creation Education Centre, Creation Education Resources, Creation Encounter, Creation Facts Angelfire, Creation in the 21st Century, Creation Letter, Creation Network, Creation Outreach, Creation Outreach 2, Creation Outreach Ministries, Creation Quest, Creation Research of the North Coast, Creation Sabbath, Creation Sundays, Creation Theology Society, Creation to new Creation, Creation Unfolding, Creation-Science Research Center, Creator and His Creation (The), CreationDesign, Creation-Science Research Center, David Rives Ministries, Debating Christianity, Debunked, Defending the Christian Faith, Defending the Christian Worldview & Christian Faith, Dino Dave, Dinosaurs in the Bible, Does it matter, Dry Dead Fish, Eagle’s Wings, Easy Creation Lessons, EmJC3, Explore God, Eye design, First Day Ministries, First Days, Flood of Genesis, Forbidden Archaeology, Forbidden History, Foundations in Genesis, FreeHovind, Genesis Science Network, Genius of Ancient Man, Gennet, Geology Education, Glacial Lake Missoula, God and Brain, Golden Number, Gospel, Grace to You, Homebasetv, Hong Kong Creation Resources Ministry, Human Genesis, Ice Age Flood Institute, International Creation Science, James Tour, Ken Clark world, Leaderu, Life Design, Living Tradition, Local Church Apologetics, Logos, Man with Dinosaurs, Mark’s Academy of Science, Messianic Evangelicals, Midwest Creation Fellowship,  Mission Imperative, National Association for Objectivity in Science, New Creation Ministries, No evolution, Noah’s Ark: Beyond Flannelgraph , Norm’s Place, Origins Education & Research Centre, Parents for Objective Science and History, Patterns of Evidence, Proslogion, Quontum History, Quantum Torah, Reasons for Hope, Red Sea Crossing Site, Richard Broadberry, Ross Olson, Round Earth, Science and Origins, Science Shepherd, Science that Backs Up the Bible, Scientific and Biblical Creationists Fellowship, Scripture On Creation, Seek the Truth, Silver Bullet that Killed Evolution (The), SnapshotsofGod, Society for the Advancement of Creation Science, Society of Creation, Strange Relics, Suspicious Observers, Tekton, Text Addons, Theory of Macro Development, Why Darwin Matters to Christians, Why the Bible, Family, Wonder of Creation and Miracles of Nature, World to Come, Wyatt Archaeological Research, Wordbride, X-Evolutionist,

Category D – Click to move to descriptions

360 Day Year, Andy McIntosh, Alien Resistance, Amino Acid collection, Ancient Days, Andy McIntosh, Apologetics SAB, Ark on Ararat, Asa3, Associates for Biblical Research, Bible and Modern Pterosaurs, Bible Chronology Book, Bible History, Bible History Research Institute, Bible Maths, Biblical Chronologist, Bombardier Beetle,  Bookwyrmslair, Cosmology Statement, Creation Book Publishers, Creation Conferences, Creation Link UK, Creation Ministries Resoures, Creation Speakers, Creation Studies, Creation Summit, Creation Superstore, Cryptid Wiki, Exploration Films, Famous Scientists, Fiery Flying Serpent (The), Free Science, Genesis Movie, Geocentricity, God is a Straight Man, Got Questions, Impact Apologetics, International Conference on Creationism, Let’s Talk Creation, Live Pterosaur, Magnetic Reversal, Mendel’s Accountant, Objectiveness, Paluxy Dinosaurs, Premier Radio, Providence Films, Pterosaurs, Pterosaurs still Living, Research Assistance Database, Ropens, Sacred Calendar (The), Search Creation, Solar geometry, StrangeArk, Steve Taylor, Stuart Burgess, Texans for Better Science Education, Verse of the Week, Visit Creation, What a Beginning!, YouTube

Category e – Click to move to descriptions

A better description is given in Site Description

AntiEvolution, Arthur S. Lodge, Benevolent Design, Creation Letter, Creation or evolution, Creation vs evolution, Creation vs evolutionism, CST News, Darwin Busters, Darwin Conspiracy, Darwin Deception, Darwin is Dead, Darwin Reconsidered, Darwin’s Demise, Darwin’s Failed Predictions, Darwin’s Papers, Darwinism Refuted, Darwinism Watch, Evolution Crisis (The), Evolution Cruncher (The), Evolution Deceit, Evolution Dismantled, Evolution fact or fiction, Evolution Facts, Evolution Fairytale (The), Evolution is Dead, Evolution is a myth, Evolution is Stupid, Evolution of Truth, Evolution or not, Evolution Questions and Answers, Evolution Tale, Evolution: The Big Hoax,  Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Evolution vs Creation, Evolution vs God, Evolutionary Truth, Evolving Times, Evoskepsis, God and Brain, Quantum History, QuestionEvolution, Raelian Revolution, Scientists on evolutionism, Seek Find, Stanley Salthe, TextAddOns, Theory of MacroDevolopment (The), Why I disbelieve on evolution

Category O – Click to move to descriptions

ASCQ, Harun Yahya, Polskie, SCB, SEDIN, Wort unt Wissen

Category L – Click to move to descriptions

Bible Science Association, Catie Frates, Creation Family Ministries , Creation Safaris, Creation Science Society of Milwaukee, Denver Creation, Greater Houston Creation Association, Institute for Scientific & Biblical Research, Midwest Creation Fellowship, Quad City CSA, San Antonio Bible Based Science Association, Search for the Truth, Twin Cities Creation Science Association

Category CT – Click to move to descriptions

Canyon Ministries, Creation Safaris, Science Partners


Creation Ministries InternationalComprehensive creation science information site proclaiming the truth and authority of the Bible. Produces creation magazines & holds creation science events.Site covers all aspects of creation science. Articles, Audio/visual & PowerPoint showsSubjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, hi, Pa, Ph, Py, WoFormats: T, PDF, A, VContactability: Y (S)Site base: Int
Answers in GenesisSite covering all aspects of creation science. Articles, Audio/visual, PowerPoint’s. Produces various creation magazines & runs a creation museum in the States plus Noah’s Ark park.Providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis & special creationSubjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, hi, Pa, Ph, Py, WoFormats: T, PDF, A, VContactability: Y (S)Site base: U.S. / International
Institute for Creation ResearchContains full range of creation subjectsNewsletter, articles, tracts, research, education, eventsSubjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, WoFormats: TContactability: Y – (E) – [ contact\at\icr.org ]Site base: U.S.


Alpha Omega Institute

Creation newsletters + children’s files

Alpha Omega Institute is an educational organization dedicated to teaching the Biblical and scientific evidence of creation throughout the world, also runs creation events

Subjects: Various

Formats:  T,  PDF,  V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ aoi\at\discovercreation.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Amazing Discoveries

Covering creation science issues looking at the big Bang to recent events

Mission is to expose deceptions and affirm truth in the areas of science and creation         Presented through science & spiritual articles, newsletters & videos

Subjects: Ar, Bi, Da, Ge, Hi, Py

Formats: T,  PDF,  V

Contactability: Y (M. P)

Site base: Canada

Apologetics Press

Providing explanations for difficult biblical texts

Presents scripturally and scientifically accurate materials for Christian apologetics                                   Covers a wide range of subject areas

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF, A,V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mail\at\apologeticspress.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Archaeological Answers

Displaying archaeological information from the past

Archaeological research. Showing Photo album images

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\archaeologyanswers.com ]

Site base: Nassau

Arrival of the fittest

Audio, video , slides, articles & debates about the creation/evolution issue

Kent Hovind’s website covering origins, debates & other material

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge

Formats: T, PDF, PP, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ randy\at\arrivalofthefittest.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Ask John Mackay

A site at which to ask questions about creation matters

John Mackay’s website covering a range of creation subjects

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Oz


Resources to help you to understand, defend and communicate the Christian faith

Christian site containing scientific material

Subjects: As, De, Ev, Wo

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\bethinking.org ]

Site base: U.K.

Beyond Today

Site has a vast number of biblical articles & videos

Showing the truth of creation

Subjects: Ar, Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\ucg.org.uk ]

Site base: Int

Biblical Creation Society

Defending the Biblical teaching on creation

Science, theology & design articles supporting the creation model

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ge

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ feedback\at\biblicalcreation.org.uk ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation evolution Headlines

Breaking news to the origins deba

Critically examines the evidence

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Creation Moments

Interdenominational Christian outreach program, audio/video entries


Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\creationmoments.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Perspective (A)

Shows contradictions between evolution and the bible account in Genesis

Creation matters shown in articles & PowerPoint presentations

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, PP

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Research

Proclaims Christ as Creator through science

Information, research, study guides, public events, humour

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF, A

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ uk\at\creationresearch.net ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Science

Creation science information in the radio programs

Contains forums on a range of creation areas

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge

Formats: T, PP

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Science Movement

The oldest Creation Science organisation

Produces creation journals, articles & a creation museum

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Wo

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.

Creation Today

Christian-apologetics ministry, defending the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account

Articles concerning the Genesis record of God’s creation with interesting access by named icons               Provides 1st 11 chapters of Genesis in 2 translations + a paraphrase version, also 3 video displays

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, GE, Pa, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\creationtoday.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation-evolution encyclopaedia

An astounding amount of scientific evidence disproving evolutionary theory

Showing the amount of scientific evidence disproving evolutionary theory that has been uncovered               Offering the Creation/Evolution Encyclopaedia

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev. Ge, Gs, Hi, Py

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (P)

Site base: U.S.?


Ancient history and the importance of God’s creation

Quarterly magazine, books

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev. Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ paul\at\zzz.com  ]

Site base: U.S.


Encyclopaedia that is derived from the uniquely creationist perspective

Part of the NW Creation Network

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, Ev. Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ Info\at\cryingrocks.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Dr Dino

Christian-apologetics ministry, defending the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account

Aka Creation Today                                                                                                                     Articles concerning the Genesis record of God’s creation with interesting access by named icons

Provides 1st 11 chapters of Genesis in 2 translations + a paraphrase version, also 3 video displays

Subjects Formats: T, V: As, Bi, Da, Ev, GE, Pa, Py

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\creationtoday.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Geoscience Research Institute

Can science aid in finding answers to philosophical questions?

Geoscience reports, biblical studies of creation

Subjects: Var, As, Bi, Ch,  Da, De, Ge, Gs Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF, PP

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: Int

Lambert Dolphin’s Resource Files

Studies based on my understanding of the Bible

Newsletters & a large number of articles relating to creation issues

Subjects: Ev, Ge, Gs, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.

Lutheran Science Institute

Showing the inerrancy of Genesis

Creation/Evolution Resources from a Confessional Lutheran View

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Py

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

New Creation

Making your own informed decisions about God’s creation

Scripture is the inerrant and infallible word of God

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – via Creatio Biology Society

Site base: ?

New Creationism

Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation

Articles about creationism

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – via Creatio Biology Society

Site base: ?

NW Creation

Home for Seattle creation conferences

Many PowerPoint presentations, audio, videos, audio files, articles, events & quotes

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PP, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [contact\at\nwcreation.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Piltdown Superman

The Question Evolution Project

Providing evidence for special creation.

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ soldier315\at\Live.com ]

Site base: ?

Revolution Against Evolution

Answering the tough questions concerning science and the Bible

Articles & videos on site, produces programs on cable television

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship

Proclamation of the inerrant word of God in creation

Articles, newsletters, numerous audio & video files

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, PDF, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\youngearth.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Science against evolution

Evidence against the doctrine of unguided natural forces

Many articles showing evolution is not consistent with physical evidence

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [Pogge\at\ScienceAgainstEvolution.info ]

Site base: U.S.

Science of Creation

The Interactive Bible

Young Earth creation vs. Evolution

Subjects: Ar, Bi, Da, Ev, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ coccopenhagen\at\gmail.com  ] + other

Site base: ?

Stand to Reason

Trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith

Principle activity is training

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Triangle Association for Science of Creation

Scientific evidence supporting the literal Biblical account of creation and refuting evolution

Articles & newsletters covering a variety of creation matters

Formats: T, PDF

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Van Anne

Evolution, Creation, and Age of the Earth

A range of creation based subjects

Subjects: Bi, D, d, Ev, Ge, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?


4th Day alliance

Proclaiming the Glory of God through astronomy


Subjects: As, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Access Research Network

Reason tells us that either the Cosmos or its Creator has always existed.

Science tells us that it’s not the Cosmos, history tells us about the Creator.

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, De, Ge, Pa, Pi, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Albert Mohler

A wide range of Christian topics including creation subjects

A wide range of Christian topics including creation there are articles on evolutionism, science & audio

Subjects: Ev, Sc presentations touching on creation

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

All about Creation

Science articles and frequently asked questions about creation

Presentation of articles & videos about the creation/evolution subject

Subjects: B, Da, E, G, H, Pa, Ph

Formats: T, V

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

All about Science

Scientific articles and frequently asked questions about God’s creation

Part of the ‘All about …’ series (Creation, God, How, Science, The journey) by Randal Niles

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, De, Ev, Ge, Py

Formats: T,  V

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.


Rebuilding the Christian worldview foundation

The Critic’s Resource on AntiEvolution

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Apologetics 315

Apologetic website


Subjects: Ar, As, Bi,De, Hi, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?


Articles + Genesis PowerPoint’s.

Presenting newsletters supporting the creation model

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Bible Science

Showing Science & numerology in the bible science supports the bible

Plays a creational worship song on entry to site

Subjects: Bi, De

Formats: PDF, PP

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Bible Science guy

Debunking evolutionism. Exalting the Creator. Exploring Creation guy

Articles & videos showing the supremacy of creation over evolution

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base:?

Bible Tracks

Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed

Shows photos of combined human & dinosaur footprints + historical carvings

Subjects: Da, Ge

Formats]: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Database1\at\bible.ca ]

Site base: U.S.?

Biblical Chronologist

The timing of events in the Bible

Shows charts & articles

Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\BiblicalChronologist.org ]

Site base: ?

Biblical Creation Trust

Answer the big questions of life

Equipping Christians around the central doctrines of Biblical Creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Gs,Hi, Pa

Formats: T, PDF, A, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ admin\at\biblicalcreationtrust.org ]

Site base: U.K.

Biblical Genetics

Fields of genetics, genealogy, geography, human history, archaeology

Showing the design in creation

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Biblical Geology

Understanding geology from a biblical perspective

Geologically based creation site

Subjects: Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Oz

Biblical Science institute

Defending the Christian Worldview from all opposition for science, rationality, logic, and morality.

Science, Creation, Astronomy, Logic, Presuppositional Apologetics

Subjects: As, Wo, Da, Bi, Ev, Ph, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S) – (E) BSI\at\biblicalscienceinstitute.com

Site base: U.S.

Case for a Creator (The)

Powerful, persuasive presentation of the scientific evidence for Creation

Videos concerning the creation model

Subjects: Various

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S. U.K.

Christians in Science

Science and religious faith are two of the most powerful influences on our culture

A network of people including research scientists

As, Bi, Ev

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (E) – [ maryb.cis\at\outlook.com ]

Site base: U.K.

Core Academy of Science

Providing creation / bible resources

Showing the glory of God

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Answers

Base level articles on creation and evolution issues

Covers creation issues & produced a newsletter

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats:  T, P PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ wspencer\at\creationanswers.net ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation Biology

Developing a young-age creation model of biological origins

Dedicated to developing a young-age creation model of biological origins

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Club

A place for creationists to share & learn

Where writers can write relating to biblical creation

Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\thecreationclub.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Education Centre

Providing resources on the science of Creation and Biblical Creation.

Gives a comprehensive database of creationist abstracts

Subjects:  var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Evidence

Displays, excavations, creation models

Includes a series of creation video t

Subjects: As, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ creationevidencemuseumtexas\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation evolution rants

Videos of Creation

Evolution rants

Subjects: Various

Formats: V

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Creation Facts

Creation information

Facts supporting creation via articles & videos

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ mb\at\mbowden.info ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation Instruction Association

Science does not interpret Scripture, rather Scripture interprets Scripture

Holding to a young earth just a few thousand years old

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Hi, Py

Formats: T, Au, PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.?

Creation Liberty Association

The true history of the origin of this world is found in the Book of Genesis

Giving Christians teachings in a setting of liberty

Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Ministries

Proving all things, holding onto what is good


Articles, newsletters & videos

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ russ\at\creationministries.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Research, Science Education Foundation

Advancing the knowledge of the scientific evidences for creation

Education and articles concerning creation

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ rlmoak\at\fuse.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Research Society

Publishes a peer-reviewed journal, engages in research to develop and test creation models

To collect, organize, and distribute information on Creation

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ crsvarc\at\crsvarc.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Resource Trust

Helping an exploration of the evolution-creation issue.

Including creation-based tracts, and the children’s paper Our World.

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\crt.org.uk ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation Science 4 Kids

Showing children that God created in six 24 hour days

Increasing family’s faith in their Creator

Subjects: Ar, As, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Science Association of Alberta

Providing resources for a good scientific information conforming to the Bible

Quarterly newsletter publications & creation articles

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge, Pa, Ph

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ information\at\create.ab.ca ]

Site base: Canada

Creation Science Association of British Columbia

Showing scientific evidence against the theory of evolution and in favour of Biblical Creation

Emil Silvestru’s web site including articles & audio presentations

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, PP

Contactability: Y – (Face book)

Site base: Canada

Creation Science Defence

Defending creation based on 1 Peter 3:15, and to expose evolution

Articles covering a range of subjects

Subjects: Ar, As, Da, Ev, Ge, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ creationdefense\at\aol.com ]

Site base: ?

Creation Science Network

Online information centre

Contains articles & MP3 audio files

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ omni\at\creationproof.com ]

Site base: U.S

Creation Science Society of Milwaukee

Answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis

Videos from past events

Subjects: Various

Formats: V


Site base: U.S.

Creation Studies Institutes

Confronting the lack of knowledge about the biblical account of creation

Articles. education, museum, radio information

Subjects: As, Bi, De, Ge, Ph, Py

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Superlibrary

Providing high-quality material on Creation/Evolution for seekers and searchers

Part of Christian Answers

Subjects: Ar, As, Da, Ev, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Truth Foundation

Showing special creation in the six literal days of creation week.

Founder formed site to counter anti-creation/Christianity

Subjects: Var

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation without compromise

Promoting a Biblical view of origins

Christians concerned about the issue of origins in our midst

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Hi, Ph

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ted.vanraalte\at\canrc.org ]?

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Worldview Ministries

Defending the authority of the Bible from Genesis


Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\creationtruthministries.org ]

Site base: Canada

Creation, Science and Christianity

An Educational Missionary Organization

Investigation into biblical aspects of God ‘s creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev. Ge, Gs, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ewalsh\at\reformed.org]

Site base: U.S.


Investigating Earth-Moon specific time structures.

Articles & e-books covering the Earth, Moon & Sun

Subjects: As, Da, De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – Quest\at\Creation-Answers.com

Site base: ?


Confronting the lies of evolution

Showing that facts point to a created cosmos

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ mb\at\mbowden.info  ]

Site base: U.K.

Crying Rock Ministries

Showing that God’s Word in the Bible is the true reality Produces creation newsletters and scientific articles

Study of evolution and creation as a basis for showing that God’s Word in the Bible is the true

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ Info\at\cryingrocks.org ]

Site base: U.S.

David L Abel

Peer-reviewed science journal publications

Deep study into the biology & origin of life

Subjects:  Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ davidl.abel\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: ?

Defending Genesis

Site has a bias toward E.T. life

Response to recent events

Subjects: Var

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – creationletter\at\yahoo.com

Site base: U.S.

Design of Time

The reason for the design of the Earth and Moon

Showing the divinely created Earth-Moon system

Subjects:  As, Bi, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Quest\at\creation-answers.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Design Science Association

Defending the authority of the Bible

Communicate the abundant scientific evidence for creation

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ webmaster\at\pdxdsa.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Discovery of Design

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Highlighting designs placed in nature by the Creator & biomimicry in nature

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Dragons of Genesis

Showing that dragons lived in Genesis

Subjects:  Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ aptullock\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Earth Age

Teaching the truths of God’s amazing creation

Showing the evolutionists explanation of the origins of the world and mankind is completely false

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ comments\at\earthage.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Earth History (SR)

Examining the history of the Earth

Alternative to secular dating systems

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.?

Earth History Research Center

Developing a scientifically credible view of earth history consistent with scripture

Showing that scientific evidence abounds to support the biblical accounts of creation and the flood

Subjects: Bi, Ch, Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ origins\at\swau.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

Earth Science Associates

Showing that scientific evidence abounds to support the biblical accounts of creation and the flood

Robert Gentry’s website with reports & videos concentrating on Polonium halos

Subjects: Da, Py

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ esa\at\halos.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Eyes 2 See

To help people discover the plethora of evidence that the Bible is true

Links resources include books, articles, websites, videos

Subjects: Ar, Bi, Da, De, Ge. Hi, Pa, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Fill the Void

Showing the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be written by chosen men of God

Defending the Christian faith

Subjects: As, Bi, Ev, Ge, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ftvm\at\fillthevoid.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Fish Don’t Walk

Decide for yourself, first hear both sides

Getting people to think about origins

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, PDF, PP, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ billyjack1\at\hotmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Flood, Ice Age Research

To build up a Genesis Flood & Ice Age model

Extensive on-line book covering the Flood & Ice Age

Subjects: Ge

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mikeoard\at\bridgeband.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Genesis and Genetics

A group of creationists who focus on analyzing DNA pertaining to Genesis

We believe that the Bible is the truth and that none of the tenets of evolution are valid

Subjects: Bi, Da

Formats: R

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Research

Articles on creation matters, translations of Genesis 1-11, videos. Aka Genesis Research

Articles concerning the Genesis record of God’s creation with interesting access by named icons

Subjects:  Bi, Da, Ge. Hi, Pa

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mail.box10\at\accuracyingenesis.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Science Research

A resource on the scientific support for Biblical Creation

Letting data lead to theory

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge. Hi, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: Oz?

Genesis Week

Contains a large series of Creation videos


Subjects: Various

Formats: V

Contactability: X

Site base: ?

Global Flood – John Baumgardner

Can science aid in finding answers to philosophical questions

Dr. Baumgardner’s work on the Genesis flood and catastrophic plate tectonics,

Subjects: Da, Ge, Gs, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Handy Dandy

Biblically-based learning materials

e-books on creation

Subjects: De, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ feedback\at\parentcompany.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

His Creation

Displaying the creation of God

Encourage worship of our creator

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge, Py

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?


Stinging resources against evolutionists


Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ theinsectman\at\aol.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Institute for Scientific & Biblical Research

Presenting the truths of science and origins from a Biblical perspective

Refuting evolutionary biology

Subjects: A, Da, Ev

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\isbrministries.org ]

Site base: ?

Interactive Bible

Displaying the science of creation

Learning about the creator

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Is Genesis History

Showing the film of this name

Providing many different resources

Subjects: Hi

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Koinonia House

Bringing the world into focus through the lens of Scripture

Showing certainty can be ascribed to the inspired and inerrant text of Scripture

Subjects: De, Py

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Kolbe Center

Study of creation from Catholic base

Articles, resources, events

Subjects: Ar, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Life Origin

Looking at the requirements for the origin of life

Asks question about the possibe process

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Luther and Science

The Lord made everything in 6 Days

The Bible is God’s Word, not man’s word.

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

NJ Bible

Our mission is to help people connect the Bible and science

.All three of us have studied the creation-evolution topic extensively for the past 30+ years

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?


Institute of Omniology web site

Academic freedom for creation & science

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.


Out Of Place ARTifactS

Evidence of many historical artefacts existing against secular beliefs

Subjects: Bi, Da, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: ?


Science and the creation from the Bible

Videos relating to creation matters

Subjects: var

Formats: V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.


Unseating naturalism

Investigating faith and Intelligent Design

Bi, Ch, De, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?


Covers a range of subjects concerning creation


Subjects: As,, Bi, Da, Ge, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ radarbinder\at\comcast.net ]

Site base: ?

Rational Faith

Rational because evidence of God is everywhere

We believe in one God the creator of all things

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Real Science Radio

Provides hundreds of archived radio programmes

Promotion of Hydroplate Theory book

Subjects: var

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ Bob\at\kgov.com ]

Site base: U.S.

San Antonio

Believing the Bible from the first verse

Dedicated to the concept of special creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Da. De, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\sabbsa.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Science Frontiers

The unusual & unexplained

Articles, newsletters, web page references, humorous section

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ge, Gs, Ph

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Science vs evolution

Revealing the impossibility of evolution

… and some famous scientists who agreed with this

Subjects: Bi, Ch

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Scientific facts & evolution

Showing the facts about evolution

Looking at origins in nature & science

Subjects: Var, Ev, Py

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Search for the Truth

Creation 101 via Newaletters

Daily creation topics

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S

Six day creation

More than 30 books are listed.  At least 5 directly related to Recent Creation.

Creation science & Ark model

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge. Gs, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Six days

Publications, cards, and banners for the What’s the Evidence creation ministry.

Equipping believers, educating the church, and evangelizing the lost.

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [contact\at\sixdays.org]

Site base: U.S?

Six Days blog

The purpose of this blog will firstly be to uphold scripture

Defending the Young Earth Creationist position


Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Steve Schramm

Training Christians to become confident, passionate servants of Jesus,


Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Todd’s blog

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings

Extensive blog on creation matters with contact to Core Academy of Science

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ \at\CoreacadInfo ]

Site base: U.S.

Training Christians

Showing the Bible is God’s written revelation to man

Teaching a recent origin for man and the whole creation

Subjects: Bo, Da,Ev, Ge, Wo

Formats: T, PP]

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

True Authority

… for true science

Looking at creation, cryptozoology & dinosaurs

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

True Origins

Intellectually honest response to evolutionism

Articles & book reviews

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Truth in Science

Promoting good science education in the UK

Provides science lessons, articles & book reviews

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T, PP, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.

Twin Cities CSA

Twin Cities creation science association

Articles, debates & events

Subjects: As, Bi, De, Ev, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ bobhelf.1\at\juno.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Understand The Times

Reports recent news items on the creation/evolution debate & provides commentaries

Site many other Christian matters

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) -[ utt \at\ understandthetimes.org ]

Site base: U.S?


Video  series on creation subjects

Many YouTube videos

Subjects: As, var

Formats: V

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Young Earth

Provides evidence supporting a young Earth

Articles showing a youthful universe, Earth & origin of life.

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Gs, Pa, Py

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?


Adam and Eve it

Showing evolution is bad science and bad theology

Articles, posts & videos relating to creation & other Christian matters

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (B)

Site base: U.K.

All About Archaeology

Reaching out to sceptics, seekers, believers, and a hurting world with powerful evidence for God

We are followers of Jesus

Subjects:  Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

All about God

The science & philosophy related to following GodPart of the ‘All about …’ series (Creation, How, Philosophy, Science, The journey) by Randal Niles

Focuses on the philosophical issues through audio presentations. Also many links to ‘Philosophy’ site

Subjects: Ph

Formats: A

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

All About Philosophy

The philosophy relating to creation and evolution worldviews

This site looks at the worldview / philosophy aspects relating to the issue

Subjects: Da,  E,  Ph, Wo

Formats: T,  V

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

All about the Journey

Part of the ‘All about …’ series (Creation, God, How, Philosophy, Science) by Randal Niles

Focusing on the author’s conversion from a sceptical evolutionist to belief in creation

Subjects: Ar, As, Ch, De, Ev, Hi, Py, Wo

Format: V

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

Ancient Days

The search for biblical locations

Showing the importance of correctly locating the Biblical cities of Bethel and Ai

Subjects: Ar, Bi, Ge

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Unknown

Andy Bradbury

Exposing the Darwin “they” don’t want you to know about.

Looking at the work of Charles Darwin, Edward Blyth, Charles Lyell and Alfred Wallace.

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Anno Mundi Creation Science

Showing the work of a Creator seen in all of nature

Creation and history articles

Subjects: Bi, Ch, Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Anointed One

Site about God & the Bible, contains quotes by famous evolutionists

Bible prophecy & origin of life

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [email2\at\anointed-one.net ]

Site base: ?

Answers in Creation

Astronomically based articles + global warming video

Looking at astronomical issues regarding Earth, Moon & more distant bodies

Subjects: As, Da, De, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Quest\at\Creation-Answers.com ]

Site base: ?

Ark Imaging

Researching historic sites based on the science of archaeology

Shows research info & imaging of the search for biblical artefacts

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ rex\at\arcimaging.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Ark on Ararat

Absolute Real Knowledge for You! Biblically based is the only absolute!

Articles, virtual museum

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ arkfoundation\at\arky.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Ark Search

Site dedicated to the search for Noah’s Ark

Info concerning the search for Noah’s Ark

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info2009\at\arksearch.com ]

Site base: ?

Ark Foundation (The)

Absolute Real Knowledge for You!

Biblically based is the only absolute!Articles, virtual museum

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ arkfoundation\at\arky.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Awesome Works

Revealing the creator’s awesome works


Subjects: Ev, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Bible and Modern Pterosaurs

Description of & evidence for a pterosaur

Provides numerous reports of sightings

Subjects: Bi, Hi, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bible and Science Ministries

NW U.S. regional group Contains links to U.S. regional creation groups

Connected to NW U.S. creation network, provides seminars

Subjects: As

Formats: A

Contactability: Y (E) – [ CroMagnonMan\at\msn.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Bible Believer

Asking people where they stand

We stand for the infallible Word of God – The King James Bible.

Subjects: De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Bible info

Answers questions about the Bible

Features some questions about creation & the Genesis flood

Subjects: Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Bible Science Association

Videos of meetingsLocal creation organization in Southern California, a spin off of Creation Moments

Creation meetings in California & videos of past meetings

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF, PP

Contactability: Y (P)

Site base: U.S.

Bible Universe

Creation & evolution

Bible search facillity

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bible World History

Showing the history covered in the Bible

Giving a biblical perspective

Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ email\at\bibleworldhistory.com ]

Site base: ?

Bibleland Studios

Explore the question of the origins

Prepare people for the 2nd coming

Subjects: Ar, s, Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Biblical Creation

Bible studies relating to origins:

Studies about creation vs. evolution & the days of Genesis 1

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Biblical Discipleship

An evolutionist turning to creation

Articles & videos concerning creation & evolution.

Ability to download, ‘The evolution of a creationist’ book

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: unknown

Biblical History

History portrayed in the bible

A look at the historical events including the Genesis flood

Subjects: Ge, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: unknown

Biblical Science Institute

Gives articles on a range of creation subjects

Info on creation & the Genesis flood.

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Biblical Truth

Showig the word of God is historically and scientifically true

Articles & videos showing the truth of the Bible.

Subjects: Bi, Ge, Ge

Formats: T,V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ aedgeworth\at\twc.com  ]

Site base: ?

Biblical World History

History of the world from a biblical perspective

Charts & tables displaying biblical history

Subjects: Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ email\at\bibleworldhistory.com ]

Site base: unknown


Promoting a Christian worldview

Putting the Bible as God’s inerrant word

Subjects: As, Ev, Hi, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) byl\at\twu.ca

Site base: U.S.


Shows past cataclysmic activity, looking at the past catastrophic history of the Earth based on science & philosophical worldviews

Most articles are linked to the All About … series

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ph, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Christ Created

Defending the Bible’s account of origins,

Providing the major creation vs. evolution arguments

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Pa, Ph

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Christian Answers

Answering contemporary questions

Showing an origins film

Subjects: As, Ch, Ev, Ge

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Christian Creation Association

Apologetics & Bible study

Creation evidence in Peru, false claims about Lucy in museum, events

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.


A study of God’s creation

Study courses & blogs


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\cwm4him.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Cornerstone TV

TV network, looking at the subject of origins

Origins programmes on the web

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, EV, Ge, Py

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Creation and evolution

Conviction that God is sovereign creator

A look at creation, evolution & the bible in an e-book

Subjects: As, Bi, EV

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ feedback\at\creationandevolution.co.uk ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation Apologetics

Presenting the truth of creation via videos & PowerPoint presentationsChris Ashcroft’s web site

Newsletters, teaching materials for teachers, parents & others

Subjects: Bi, Py

Formats: PDF, PP

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ ashcraft\at\nwcreation.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Astronomy

Spreading the truth of intelligent design in the universe

Showing I.D.  in the universe & giving creation astronomers a better alternative to the evolution views

Subjects: As, Bi

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Clues

Showing the clues relating to God’s creation

Family friendly with children’s section

Subjects: Bi, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Concept (The)

Biblical studies including creation matters

Covers geological geographical subjects

Subjects: Ge, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Data Institute

Evidence for the Bible’s history regarding origins.

Related tracts

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (N)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Design

Life that are too complex to have evolved

Challenging the ideas of creation

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ webmaster\at\creationdesign.org ]

Site base: U.

Creation Discovery Project

Various aspects of exploring the support of science for the Bible,

Relate to lay-people and others the Holy Scriptures of the Judaeo-Christian faiths to science

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Creation Engineering Concept

Conducts scientific research and facilitates lectures, forums, and educational programs

Strong focus on palaentology

Subjects: Ge, Pa

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: S

Site base: U.S.

Creation Evidences

Showing some of the scientific evidence regarding the creation of earth

Comparing creation against evolution

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ admin\at\advancemeants.com ]

Site base: Unknown

Creation Explanation

Displaying the scientific evidence in support of the Biblical account of creation

Includes children’s section

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ feedback\at\parentcompany.com ]

Site base: Unknown

Creation Fellowship

Providing videos on creationist subjects

A body of a 6 day creation believers

Subjects: var

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (Facebook)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Illustrated

Produces creation magazine


Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ ci\at\CreationIllustrated.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation in the Crossfire

Articles & videos concerning creation


Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y-(P)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Ministries of Ian Juby

Come to this website to be wowed…

Creation articles & videos (See also Creation evolution rants)

Subjects: Da, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: Canada

Creation Minute

Beginnings DVD + 1min videos in multi languages


Subjects: Da, Ev, Ge

Formats: V

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Creation Outreach Ministries

Showing the authority of the Biblical account of creation

Authority of the Biblical account of creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Research UK

Seeks evidence for the Biblical account of Creation, Noah’s Flood, Tower of Babel and related subjects

TV and media to the Information line, as we have a YouTube presence

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Gs, Hi, Pa, Ph, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF, A

Contactability: Y – (E) [contact/at/creationresearch.org

Site base: U.K.

Creation School Online

The evolutionary record leaks like a sieve

Index of creation scriptures:

Subjects: Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Science Academy

Website for  teaching creation science to homeschoolers


Subjects: Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Science Association for mid America

Biblical Creation Meetings and Events

Produces monthly newsletters

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Science of Saskatchewan

To collect, organize, and distribute information on Creation

Articles & events

Subjects: As, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [gbmiller\at\sasktel.net ]

Site base: Canada

Creation Science Prophecy

A PhD creationist’s view of science

Why would Creation Science and Prophecy be linked together?

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Hi Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [  brownm\at\creation-science-prophecy.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Science Research Centre

Public education and advocacy organization

Part of Creation Science Network but apparently not directly accessible from there

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ feedback\at\parentcompany.com ]

Site base: ?

Creation Science Today

The exposing the greatest deception in modern history

Presents evidence for creation, through articles & videos

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Science UK

To remove the ‘stumbling block’ of the so-called ‘science vs religion’

Answering the four great questions that man tries to answer in life

Subjects: Da, Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Creation Seminar (A)

Information to teach you more about God’s creation

Evidences & seminars displaying God’s creation

Subjects: Bi, Go

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Speaks

Inspiring people through God’s Word & His Creation

Audio, Visual & Photos of creation speaking

Subjects: Various

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [pmcenter-creation\at\yahoo.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Station

Broad presentation of creation ideas


Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ jankyjay\at\mediaone.net ]

Site base: U.S?

Creation Truth Ministries

Defending the authority of the Bible from Genesis


Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\creationtruthministries.org ]

Site base: Canada

Creation, evolution & Science Ministries

Exposing misinterpretations of God’s creation

God created “the heavens, earth, seas and all that in them is” during a “literal six-day time span”

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creationism & the Early Church

Early church history

Book looking at the early church’s interpretations of Genesis 1-11

Subjects: –

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ rob\at\robibradshaw.com ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation, evolution & Science Ministries

Exposing misinterpretations of God’s creation

God created “the heavens, earth, seas and all that in them is” during a “literal six-day time span”

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?


Looking at the beauty, symmetry and complexity of that around them

Creationism does not make one “unscientific”

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?


Here is a list of creationists with their own websites


Subjects: var

Formats: var

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Worldwide

Creator and His Creation (The)

Papers by Randall Hardy

Studies are meat not milk and as such need careful and prayerful study

Subjects: De, Ev, Wo

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Creator’s Universe

Marvelous wonders of creation


Subjects: Bi, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?) – [ webmaster\at\creationdesign.org ]


Reports of living dinosaurs

Cryptozoology site describing animal oddities & possible living dinosaurs

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

David Anderson

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Review of the book ‘Creation or Evolution’

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T, PDF, A

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ hp.david\at\dw-perspective.org.uk ]

Site base: U.K.

Dino Dave

Work of a cryptozoology researcher

Reclaim the terrible lizards to the glory of our awesome Creator

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Dinosaur Extinction

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Debate of the catastrophe that killed the dinosaurs. Scientific worldviews  linked to the ‘All about’ collection

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, De, Ev, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Dinosaurs & Man

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Supports the Biblical account of humans and dinosaurs living together

Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue Research Institute

Studying the morphology, attributes and site locations of these original dinosaur tissue

Interest in understanding the take-aways of these soft tissues

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Dissent from Darwin

Dissent of scientists from Darwinian evolution

Questioning Darwinism’s central tenet of natural selection


Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ contact\at\dissentfromdarwin.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Earth History (RJ)

The history of the earth from a Christian perspective

Examining the history of the Earth

Subjects: Da, Ev, Hi, Py

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.


Main site description

Secondary description line

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ webmaster\at\earth-history.com ]

Site base: U.S?

East Tennessee CSA

Presenting the truths of Creation

Discussing evidence supporting the biblical account of creation

Subjects: Var, As, Ch, Bi, Da, Ge, Pa

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\etcsa.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Eternal Productions

101 Scientific facts & foreknowledge


Subjects: Various

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ jtetlow1\at\rochester.rr.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Evidence Bible

Shows science confirms the Bible

Answers from the Evidence Bible

Subjects: As,  Da, De, Ev, Pa, Py

Formats: A, V

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Evidence for Creation

Why evolution has to be false & creation has to be true

Focusing on the male/female pairing issue

Subjects: Bio

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (P)

Site base: U.S.?

Evidence Press

Evidence Press is a ministry intending provide and promote evidence for creation

Showing observational science provides evidence for creation

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Examining the Big Bang

Examining cosmology within a creation framework

Theories & physical evidence plus forum

Subjects: As, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: ?

Faith facts

Showing how the bible and evolution conflict


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?


What is the true history of humankind?


Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Pa, Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ mail\at\mcremo.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Alive

Release of an ex-evolutionist

Historical and scientific evidence supporting the biblical record

Subjects: Bi, Da, De, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Apologetics

Equipping students with materials to reaffirm a Biblical creation worldview

Also available via www.debunkevolution.com

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Creation Proof

Does true science affirm God created all things?

The search for what the truth really is

Subjects: As

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Creation Science Institute

Teaching the truth of the Bible’s account in Genesis

Presentations, and studies, field work, and events

Subjects: –

Formats: –

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Evidence Ministries

Presenting evidence of things seen, to strengthen our faith

Promoting the accuracy of the King James Bible & geocentricty

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Py

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y – (E) – genesisevidenceministry \at\ gmail.com

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Foundation

Where Science and Scripture Meet

Showing biblical, scientifi& theological sides


Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Genesis Park

Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator

Gives various evidences for a creator

Subjects: Bi, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Science Mission

Studying lunar recession and the age of the Earth

Giving scientific support for Biblical Creation

Subjects: As, Da, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ chuckpcjr\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: ?

God Evidence

Dealing with the supposed conflict between science and religion

Correcting the plainly false information

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

God of Wonders

Re-introduce the teaching of Creation & so supporting scripture

Exploring the wonders of creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\godcre8dministries.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Greater Houston Creation Association

Presenting a young supernatural creation

Articles, videos & a local group

Subjects: Be, Da, Ge

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Heavens Declare

Providing with a Biblical Christian perspective


Subjects: As, Da, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\heavensdeclare.org ]

Site base: ?

Human Genesis

Explaining the high quality information on human origins

Human origins and the historical Adam

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

In Plain Sight

Index to a remarkable book called the bible

Presenting the evidence grounded in facts

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Institute of Origins Education

The study of origins

Articles & views of the cosmos

Subjects: Bi, Da, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ contact\at\icr.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Jesus and Science

We want to teach others how to evangelize through a living example

Many podcasts & teching on Genesis

Subjects: var

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Jesus, Dinosaurs and More

Can biblical creation and evolution be reconciled?

Supporting the biblical account of creation

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ job41\at\yahoo.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Life Origin

Studies into the Origin of Life

Poses a number of questions about the Origin of Life

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Mathematics of evolution

The overwhelming evidence against the theory of evolution

The Evolution of Evolution & Introduction To The Mathematics of Evolution e-books

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: M

Site base: U.S.?

Measure of Gold

An evangelist site promoting strong Bible teaching

Technical & humours articles

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ evansusan\at\comcast.net ]

Site base: U.S.?

Michael Behe

Behe’s current research involves delineation of design and natural selection in protein structures.

Living systems at the molecular level are best explained as being the result of deliberate intelligent design

Subjects:  Bi

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info/at/discovery.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Michael Oard

Research for the Genesis Flood Model

Showing possible models for the events I Genesis

Subjects: Ge, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) [ mikeoard\at\bridgeband.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Miracles of Nature

Miracles of Nature e-book

Three on-line books

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Missouri Association for Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth

Events, articles supporting creation

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Molecular History Research Center

Can science agree with the bible?

Articles and sermons

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [center\at\mhrc.net ]

Site base: U.S.?

Monarch Creation Ministries

Dedicated to defending the Biblical account of creation

Presenting the scientific evidence for a recent creation

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ev, Ge, Hi, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Mount Bianco

Fossil museum showing discoveries in Peru

E-mail notices, Peruvian discoveries  creation videos

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [mtblanco1\at\aol.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Noah’s Ark Scans

Investigating a unique geological formation in Turkey

Various scans & searches for ancient craft


Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: Turkey?

Noah’s Ark Search

Historical search for Noah’s Ark

Overview of the search for the Ark

Subjects: Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Objective Ministries

Evidence of the handiwork of the Lord and His divine act of Creation

Articles, Creation lessons

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Pa

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

Origins Resource Center

Answering the tough questions concerning science and the Bible

— UNDER CONSTRUCTION —Articles & school & college courses

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, PDF


Site base: U.S.?

Pull the plug

Exposing rising tide of atheism


Subjects: Bi

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ drrahgid\at\hotmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.


Showing the design within our universe

Physics & mathematical evidence for the work of the creator

Subjects: Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [drrahgid\at\hotmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Science for Creation

Showing the world of nature within the perspective of Creation

Articles, seminars & slideshows

Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T, PP

Contactability: S

Site base: U.S.

Science Integrity

Exposing unsubstantiated science claims

Looking at probability in nature

Subjects: Var, De

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [don\at\scienceintegrity.org]

Site base: U.S.

Seatlle Creation Conference

Hosts regular creation conferences

Online conference videos

Subjects: Various

Formats: V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ ashcraft\at\nwcreation.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Shock Dynamics Geology

An alternative explanation for the Pangea breakup

Compare the clear pattern in Shock Dynamics


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mike\at\newgeology.us ]

Site base: ?

Starting Point Project (The)

Strengthen the Christian’s faith

Gracious challenge to the skeptic

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Pa, Py

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\TheStartingPointProject.com ]

Site base: U.S.


Teaching the earth is approximately 6,000 years old,

and that all “kinds” of life were created in the first six, 24-hour days.

Subjects: Sa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ chris\at\theopologetics.com ]

Site base: ?

Think Creation

Honouring the creator in scripture and society

Answering questions about Noah, the Ark, and the Flood

Subjects: Da, Hi, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Thomas Kindell

Equipping man to give an answer


Subjects: Bi, Da, Py

Formats: PP, A, V

Contactability: M

Site base: U.S.

True Light

The origin and nature of the universe

Looking at religions & the physical universe

Subjects: As, Bi, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\thetruelight.net ]

Site base: U.S.?

Truth of Genesis

Focuses purely on science and lets the scientific evidence speak for itself.

Biblically based Blogs and Expert Interviews

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base :U.S.?


Christian & creation files


Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Unmasking Evolution

Lectures challenging evolution

Provides online book, transparencies & posters

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Ph, Wo

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Laurence \at\ unmaskingevolution.com ]

Site base: Oz


Virtual Museum showing a post-Darwinian view

Virtual museum containing various galleries

Subjects: Da, De, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ contact\at\worldaroundus.org.uk. ]

Site base: U.K.

Worldwide Flood

Aspects of a global flood

Study of the Genesis Flood & the Ark

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.


Exploring topics in creation biology, from animals in the Bible to

post-Flood diversification and dispersal

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.


2001 Principle

Study of the origin and creation of the universe

Critical look at the Anthropic Principle

Subjects: As

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ 2001principle\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: ?

Acts 17 Apologetics

Showing that God made the world & everything in it

The heavens declare the glory of God

Subjects: Bi, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S [comments?])

Site base: U.S?

All About History

How events in history have shaped the world

What events have shaped your future

Subjects:  Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

All About Worldviews

Reaching out to skeptics, seekers, believers,with powerful evidence for God

We believe truth transforms lives

Subjects:  Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.


Christian & creation articles

Countering the sceptics

Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\amen.org.uk ]

Site base: U.K.

Anchor Stone

Archaeological evidence for the Bible

Numerous newsletters, including some on creation science

Subjects: Ar, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Anstey’s Romance of Bible Chronology

A classic work on Biblical Chronology


Subjects: Da

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [info\at\amen.org.uk]

Site base: U.K.


Address issues having to do with faith, science, and ethics

Applies careful reasoning and evidence to seek what is true

Subjects:  Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: N

Site base: Canada?

Apologetics Courses

Showing our world’s past as you never suspected

Provides on-line apologetics courses. Biblical doctrinal e-books

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Arthur Custance Centre for Science and Christianity

Showing the bible is supported by science

Promoting books by the site author, plus investigation into the Shroud of Turin

Subjects: Various

Formats: T,V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ doorway.publications\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Awesome Science

DVD programming which presents a Biblical worldview

.This includes historical and operational science

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Ge

Formats: T,V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Facebook ]

Site base: U.S.

Awesome Works

Revealing the creator’s awesome works

Secondary description line

Subjects: Ev, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Be Not Conformed

Some articles about science

Confronting compromise with the Bible

Subjects:  Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ feedback \at\ benotconformed.org ]

Site base: ?

Benevolent Design

Protect Christianity against all who assault it,

Dedicated to disproving Darwinism

Subjects: As

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ magiassociates\at\aol.com ]

Site base: ?

Bible Archaeology

Demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible

Archaeology has revolutionized our knowledge of the ancient biblical world.

Subjects: Bible

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Middle East?

Bible Books

Providing biblical insight and encouragement to Christian

Proof that cross-species evolution does not exist

Subjects: Bible

Formats: Y, V

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Bible Evidences

Historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus


Subjects: Bi, De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Bible Project

From page one to the final word; we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus

An ancient book overflowing with wisdom for our modern world

Subjects:  var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (Facebook)

Site base: ?

Bible Studies

Dealinf with sceptical but honest questions that may come up

Classes geared towards a more rational, ‘apologetic’ approach

Subjects: Da, De, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bible Topics

Looks at varius Bible topics including creation

Commentary on the references to creation in the Bible

Subjects: Bible

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Bible Universe

Creation & evolution

Bible search facility

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bible-Science Association

A creation organization in Southern California

Featuring guest speakers from scientists and experts

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, V


Site base: U.S.?


Has some articles about Genesis creation

Covers the whole Bible

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ hello\at\bible.org ]

Site base: ?

Biblical Studies

Research into Jewish history

Subjects: Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [dinur.center\at\mail.huji.ac.il ]

Site base: Country

Big Bang Cosmythology

Highlighting the idea of a Big Bang cosmology

Showing big holes in the big bang theory

Subjects: As,Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) vsskeptica\at\gmail.com

Site base: ?

Biggie’s Big Blogs




Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?


Rock art in South Africa See ‘Other Attractions’

Advertising accommodation but touches on geology & engravings in the vicinity

Subjects: Ge, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [info\at\bushmanland.co.za  ]

Site base: S.A.

Canopy Ministries

Conducting seminars that teach the truth about the origin of the cosmos

Supporting other non-profit and like minded organizations

Subjects: As, Bi, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Catholic Origins

Creation & time

Subjects: Da, Ge, Hi

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Center for Creation Studies

Creation studies at Liberty university

Education and research institute promoting development of a consistent biblical view of origins

Subjects: Education

Formats: –

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mobible\at\liberty.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

Center for Origins Research

TV programmes & Seminars

Education in creation and earth sciences

Subjects: Re

Formats: –

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\originsresearch.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Center for Reformed Theology & Apologetics

Biblical resources for edification through Calvinism

Apologetics articles within a broader website. See Creation, Science and Christianity for more info

Subjects: Ap

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ewalsh\at\reformed.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Center for Scientific Creation

Promotion of book, ‘In the Beginning’Book: In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood

The hydroplate theory

Subjects: Da

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ feedback\at\creationscience.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry


Subjects: Ap

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ carmstuff\at\yahoo.com  ]

Site base: U.S.

Christian Forums

Internet’s Largest Christian Forum!

Discussing Christian issues

Subjects: Various

Formats: –

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Christian Ministries International

Equipping Christians to have “Answers for their Faith”

Series of fact sheets on Christian various matters including creation/evolution subject

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\christianministriesintl.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Christian Research Institute

Compares the genealogies in Matthew & Luke


Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Chugley’s Chatter

Blog by a supposed Chimpansee

Various entries including creation

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: USA?

Church on the Corner

Growing spiritually maturing, self-feeding, world-changing Christ-followers.

Equipping people to use their gifts and talents to serve others.

Subjects: As, Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Clarifying Christianity

Compares the evolution Biblical creation account from various fields

Christian apologetics ministry

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Ccquestions\at\ClarifyingChristianity.com ] – (See Home page)

Site base: U.S.?

Common Sense Science

A  body of theory regarding matter and forces

Seeking for truth, and insisting that a scientific assertion must be in full agreement with the observed and measured facts


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Cosmic Fingerprints

Where Did the Universe Come From?

Showing new information from astronomers and the Hubble telescope

Subjects: As, Bi

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Cowboy Bob

Evidences for God and the Bible

Providing evidence fo God’s creation

Subjects: De, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (Facebook)

Site base: U.S.

Creation & evolution 2

Creation and Evolution Blog

Site outdated but info relevant

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – via Baraminology

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Cowboy

Various blogs about Christianity & creation


Subjects: Bi, Py, Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.

Creation Cryptids

Showing some unusual creatures from the Bible & outside of it


Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Creation Education Resources,

Presentation of Creation material

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Encounter

Long distance quartzite boulders equal powerful evidence for Noah’s Flood.

Tours, blogs & projects

Subjects: Bi, Go

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Facts Angelfire

Information about the creation world-view

Facts concerning God’s creation

Subjects: – Var

Formats: – T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ eburrell\at\bigfoot.com ]

Site base: ?

Creation in the 21st Century

Interviews of prominent creationists

Operates an extensive creation store

Subjects: Var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\creationinthe21stcentury.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Letter

Affirming the historical veracity of God’s Word in Genesis

Clergy for creation worldwide

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Creation Network

We are unifying creation ministries

Moses, Paul, and Jesus all referred to the Genesis account of creation.


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Outreach

God’s special creation of our universe

Subjects: As, Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Ken\at\CreationOutreach.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Outreach 2

Showing our world has been specially, exquisitely, elegantly, mase

God is our Maker

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ Ken\at\CreationOutreach.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Outreach Ministries

Encourage confidence in the absolute authority of the Scriptures

Equip Christians on this matter

Subjects: Da, Ev, Ge, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.

Creation Quest

A Creation-Based Family Adventure

Equipping your students to defend their faith

Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ PRoy@CreationQuest.net ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Research of the North Coast

Spreading the truth of Genesis

Regional creation group

Subjects:  –

Formats:  –

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ billjr\at\creationnews.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Sabbath

Creation Sabbath is  to rejoice and praise God’s creation

Designating the fourth Sabbath in October as Creation Sabbath

Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\contact.adventist.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Sundays

Celebrating God’s creation

A counter to evolution Sunday

Subjects: var

Formats: T*

Contactability: via Creation Letter

Site base: U.S

Creation Theology Society

Seeking to develop a community of biblical scholarship

Divine revelation is the respected and authoritative source

Subjects: As, Hi

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation to new Creation

From an interest in theology


Subjects: Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.K.

Creation Unfolding

A number of creation videos


Subjects: Bi, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ \at\CreationUnfolding ]

Site base: U.S.?


This website provides examples of life that are too complex to have evolved

Demonstrating complex organ could not have been formed by numerous successive modifications

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ webmaster@creationdesign.org ]

Site base: ?

Creation-Science Research Center

Public education and advocacy organization

Countering the Greatest Deception in Modern History – evolution

Subjects: Bi, De, Ev, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ feedback@parentcompany.com  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creator and His Creation

God’s creation is the only way that the universe could have originated


Subjects:  Noah’s Ark & the Genesis Flood

Formats: V

Contactability: (S)

Site base: U.S.?


Bartlett [publishing develops books and media focusing on two important areas


Subjects: Ev

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info \at\ bartlettpublishing.com.  ]

Site base: ?

David Rives Ministries

Showing the creator’s fingerprints across the universe,

Extensive creation bookstore

Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Debating Christianity

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Civil and engaging debate on Christianity and religious issues

Subjects: Various

Formats: T, PDF, V

Contactability: Y – (B)

Site base:


Stand Boldly on The Word of God

Unapologetic Apologetic Videos, a division of Reasons for Hope

Subjects: var

Formats: T, v

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\rforh.com ]

Site base: ?

Defending the Christian Faith

Promoting the concept that the physical creation

Gives scriptural references

Subjects:  Ar, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Defending the Christian Worldview & Christian Faith

Defending the Christian Worldview and Creationism

Forums on christian issues

Subjects: As, Bi, De, Ev, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – [ via forums ]

Site base:U.S.?

Dinosaurs in the Bible

A Detailed Examination of References to Dinosaurs or Dragons in the Scriptures wi

With a view to discovering as much as possible about their habits, characteristics, and behavior

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ Jeff\at\totheends.com ]

Site base: ?

Does it matter?

Missionary site containing creation & evangelistic material

Equipping Christians on the subject of biblical creation, through training & audio presentations

Subjects: Training

Formats: PP, V

Contactability: Y – (S, E)

Site base: U.S.?

Dry Dead Fish

Articles about creation, evolution & dating


Subjects: Da, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Eagle’s Wings

Considering God’s Creation

Sales of DVD resources

Subjects: Various

Formats: DVD

Contactability: Y – (B)

Site base: U.S.?

Easy Creation Lessons

Giving teachers want lessons that are easy to prepare

Providing lessons with short clips from DVD’S, role play, skits, web links and a book

Subjects: As, Bi, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?


Providing scientific evidence for creation

God made the Earth


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mason.km\at\cox.net ]

Site base: ?

Explore God

Believes that there is only one true and living God, the creator and sustainer of all thing

Showing the failures of Darwinism

Subjects:  Bi,

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\ExploreGod.com  ]

Site base: U.S.

Eye design

Showing the design in the eye.

Access to the ‘Eye Design’ e-book and optical related articles

Subjects: Bi, De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ curt\at\cdeckert.com ]

Site base: ?

First Day Ministries

Teaching what the Bible states rather than what people think

Book on creation

Subjects: ?

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

First Days

Teaching what the Bible states rather than what people think


Book on creation

Subjects: ?

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Being updated


Subjects: *

Formats: *

Contactability: Y (E) – [ georgeb\at\firstdays.org ]

Site base: ?

Flood of Genesis

Investigation without conformity to uniformitarianism

Promoting the Hydroplate Theory

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (Live pterosaur site)

Site base: U.S.

Forbidden Archaeology

Decide for yourself, after hearing both sides

What is the true history of humankind?

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ mail\at\mcremo.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Forbidden History

Showing evidence that dinosaurs and man have existed together

Enlighten people to truth that has been suppressed by the mainstream education system

Subjects: Bi, Hi

Formats: T, V

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S?

Foundations in Genesis

Science organization dedicated to equipping people that supports a biblical worldview,


Subjects: *

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\foundationsingenesis.org ]

Site base: U.S.


Helping to share Hovind’s materials

Site has changed to Eric Hovind’s musings about life & Christianity

Subjects: –

Formats: –

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Science Network

Online information centre

Contains articles & MP3 audio files 

Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ omni\at\creationproof.com ]

Site base: U.S

Genius of Ancient Man

Explaining how the intelligence of ancient man only fits in the context of the Biblical timeline

Promoting the book, The Genius of Ancient Man

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (*)

Site base: Country


Why to believe in Creation


Subjects: Da, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ alicerlove13\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S?

Geology Education

Proceedings of creation geology conferences

Creation geology conferences

Subjects: –

Formats: –

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.

Glacial Lake Missoula

The most comprehensive and authoritative website on Glacial Lake Missoula

Glacial Lake Missoula Chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge. Hi, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ glm\at\montananaturalist.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

God and Brain

Promoting the book

Blogs on creation subjects

Subjects: Bi, De, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Golden Number

Appreciation the incredible beauty and design in the world around you

Exploring the Wonders of Creation

Subjects: As, Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (Blog)  [ jtetlow1\at\rochester.rr.com ]

Site base: U.S.?


Online ministry about God

Declaration of the gospel


Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Grace to You

Teaching biblical truth with clarity

Protecting believers from being “tossed here and there

Subjects: Da, Ev, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ letters\at\gty.org ]

Site base: U.S.?


Contains some creation MP3 downloads

Biblically-based learning materials

Subjects: Ev

Formats: Au


Site base:

Hong Kong Creation Resources Ministry

Productions are biblical creation science ministries



Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info@iaganack.com ]

Site base: Hong Kong

Human Genesis

Creation Research on human origins

Providing high quality information

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Ice Age Flood Institute

Exploring the Ice Age flood

The Ice Age floods National Geologic trail

Subjects: Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ IAFInstitute\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.

International Conference on Creationism

Development and dissemination of positive contributions to a young earth creationist model of origins

Presentation of new creation thougts

Subjects: var

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ icc@cedarville.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

International Creation Science

Creation science special interest group for Mensa members


Subjects: De, Py

Formats: R

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?

James Tour

Tour’s scientific research areas

Notably concerning the origin of life

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ tour\at\rice.edu ]

Site base: U.S.?

Ken Clark World

Our world has been specially, exquisitely, elegantly, MADE!


Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ Ken@CreationOutreach.com ]

Site base: U.S.?


A hosting site for several Apologetics and worldview websites

Forum for different thoughts

Subjects: Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Living Tradition

Organ of the Roman theological forum

A neopatristic approach to creation science, why Roman Catholics should avoid evolution

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Local Church Apologetics

Responding to the Need of Our Time

Bringing the Apologetic World


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ rick\at\lcapologetics.org ]

Site base: U.S.?


Giving a high view of science and scripture

Research, Grand Canyon trips

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Man with Dinosaurs

Proof That Man and Dinosaurs Lived Together


Subjects: Bi

Formats: T,V

Contactability: Y (N)

Site base: ?

Mark’s Academy of Science

The Academy of Science has a course on “Geology and Earth History.”

Studies about the Earth, fossils, exploring caves,

Subjects: Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Messianic Evangelists

Intelligent Design vs evolution

Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion

Subjects: As, Bi, Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ nccg\at\nccg.org ]

Site base: ?

Midwest Creation Fellowship

Showing creation and the subsequent world-wide flood are in harmony with history and scienc

The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is historically and scientifically accurate

Subjects: Bo, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\MidwestCreationFellowship.org ]

Site base: U.S

Mission Imperative

Giving God His rightful glory in creation

Creation seminar safaris

Subjects: Bo, Ge, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mike\at\missionimperative.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

National Association for Objectivity in Science

Seeking objectivity in finding truth

Scientific arguments against the theory of macroevolution

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S?

New Creation Ministries

Rebuilding the Christian worldview foundation


Subjects: – Bi, Ev, Pa

Formats: – T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

No evolution

Is evolution fact or belief?


Subjects: Ev

Formats: V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [evolution.no\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Noah’s Ark: Beyond Flannelgraph

Supporting the history of Noah’s Ark

Investigation into before, during & after the Flood

Subjects: Hi

Formats: T*

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S?

Norm’s Place

Piercing the armour of the philosophy of evolution

Challenging evolution & Catholicism

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ evangelistnorm\at\juno.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Origins Education and Research Centre

Seeking answers to the great questions about our existence

Education not indoctrination

Subjects: Origins

Formats: Ph

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Parents for Objective Science and History

The freedom to doubt is an important matter in the sciences

We’re interested in education with intellectual integrity

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ posh\at\roundearth.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Patterns of Evidence

Searching for Mount Sinai’s True Location

Explorations in the Middle East

Subjects: Ar

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\patternsofevidence.com ]

Site base: ?


Discourse on the existence of God

The natural world, in my opinion, screams out His existence

Subjects: Ch, Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Quantum History

Millions and millions of years ago, some other strange thing caused the first living cell to… uhm… start.

So what’s the problem with that?

Subjects: Ar, Ev, Ge, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Quantum Torah

Reconciling the Torah with science

Commentary on modern science , quantum physics & Kabbalah

Subjects: As, Da, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Reasons for Hope

Showing that God created everything from nothing by His Word

Site exists to direct people to the Biblical Jesus by offering HOPE

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Red Sea Crossing Site

Search for the Exodus crossing site


Subjects: Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Richard Broadberry

Testimony from China


Subjects: Ar

Formats: T,PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ broadiesrus\at\yahoo.co.uk ]

Site base: U.K./China

Ross Olson

Papers on creation subject

Biblical Drama

Subjects: Ev, Py, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ross\at\rossolson.org ]

Site base: U.S.?

Round Earth

Showing the Bible describes the Earth to be a sphere

It is round in all directions


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ larrym\at\roundearth.net ]

Site base: ?

Science and Origins

Advancement of creation science research

Jonathan Whitcomb’s web site

Subjects: Ph

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Science Shepherd

Christian Homeschool Curriculum

Quality higher level science curricula

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Science that Backs Up the Bible

Science supports the bible & challenges evolution

A variety of biblical subjects

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Scientific and Biblical Creationists Fellowship

Educating people about the overwhelming scientific evidence in support of creation

Young earth, six day, creationists Christians


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ jth87\at\juno.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Scripture On Creation Ministries

Biblical & scientific aspects on creation

Provides local events

Subjects: Bi, Ge

Formats: T, A

Contactability: Y (E) – [ scripture \at\ ScriptureonCreation.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Seek the Truth

The property of being in accord with fact or reality


Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: U.S.?

Silver Bullet that Killed Evolution (The)

Presenting the question no Darwinist can logically answer

Displaying the classical laws of thought

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (*)

Site base: ?

Snapshots of God

A spiritual photo journey

Some articles about science

Subjects: –

Formats: –

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Society for the Advancement of Creation Science

To strengthen people’s faith in the Creator

God created the world in six 24-hour days about 6000 years ago

Subjects: Bi, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ sacs.msstate\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Society of Creation

Teaching the historic  doctrine of creation

Conference schedules

Subjects: Da, Ge, Py

Formats: TPDF, PP

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Strange Relics

Relics from the Depths of the Earth

Accounts of human artifacts being found in earth strata

Subjects: As, Ev,

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Suspicious Observers

Portal for all-things Observer-related

Avoiding speulative theories

Subjects: As

Formats: T, V

Contactability: (S)

Site base: ?


Education & apologetics education

Providing scholarly answers to questions of the Christian faith

Subjects: Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ jphold\at\att.net ]

Site base: U.S.

Text Addons

Dealing with the controversial subject of evolution

Teachig unproven concepts

Subjects: –

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Theory of Macro Development

The Genesis of Species on line book


Subjects: De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Why Darwin Matters to Christians

Countering the teaching of Theistic evolution

Confronting compromise

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.K.

Why the Bible

Quotes about creation related subjects

Answering why the bible is always under scrutiny & attacked?

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Ev, Ge

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: Unknown

Wiebe Family

Links & a few relevant articles


Subjects: Bi, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ garth\at\wieberfamily.us ]

Site base: U.S.

Wonder of Creation and Miracles of Nature

Wonder of Creation book

Newsletters & pictures confirming God’s creation

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.?


Searching for the truth

Small number of articles concerning creation

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ jennet6\at\btinternet.com ]

Site base: U.K.

World to Come

Teaching all the true doctrines of God

Restores plain understanding of the problems


Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Wyatt Archaeological Research

Archaeological explorations in the biblical lands


Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (P)

Site base: U.S.


Reasons why the author believes in God

Articles supporting creation & Christianity

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?


360 Day Year

Showing that civilizations used a 360-day annual calendar


Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Alien Resistance

Articles, audio & videos files concerning the possibility of aliens

Site dedicated to the investigation of UFOs and alien abductions Articles, audio & video presentations, offers biblical responses to the UFO and alien phenomena.

Subjects: Ph

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Amino Acid collection

Catalogue of the various types of acids

Microscopically photos

Subjects:  Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Ancient Days

Information on ancient times

Supporting the Bible’s history

Subjects:  Da, Ge

Formats: A, T, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ dave\at\davelivingston.com ]

Site base: ?

Andy McIntosh

Gives talks/debates about the creation / evolution subject

Professor & creation writer/speaker

Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Apologetics SAB

Answering the Skeptic’s Annotated Bible

Covers all books imn the O.T. & N.T.

Subjects: Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Ark Encounter

Real size contrution of the Ark

Full scale replica of Noah’s Ark

Subjects: Bi, Hi

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.

Ark on Ararat

Investigating the Ark of Noah

The work of archaeologists, geologists, seismologists, paleontologists, meteorologists, biologists, zoologists, botanists, theologists, astrophysicists, glaciologists

Subjects:  Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ answers\at\arkonararat.com ]

Site base: ?


References to articles (abstracts & complete), audio, videos

Searches for input requests

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge. Hi, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [  ]

Site base: ?

Associates for Biblical Research

Archaeology has revolutionized our knowledge of the ancient Biblical world

Today’s technology has enabled archaeological research

Subjects: Ar

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Bible and Modern Pterosaurs

Description of & evidence for a pterosaur

Provides numerous reports of sightings

Subjects: Bi, Hi, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bible Chronology Book

Identified that Ussher was wrong


Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Bible History

Shows a timeline of the bible

Subject search engine

Subjects: Da

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y (*)

Site base: ?

Bible History Research Institute

Provides Bible chronology books


Subjects: Da

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ biblechronologybooks\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: ?

Bible Maths

Mathematical design in the bible

Showing the incredible complexity inherent in scripture

Subjects: De

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ peter\at\biblemaths.com ]

Site base: U.K.

Biblical Science institute

Defending the Bile against sceptics who claim that it is unscientific

Forum on creation subjects

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Bombardier Beetle

Research into the strange beetle

A study of biomimicry

Subjects: B

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?


Reviews of creation books

Taken from a biblical creationist emphasis

Subjects: Books

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Cosmology statement

Secular scientist’s statement rejecting the Big Bang theory

Telling admission that secular science cannot explain the origin of the universe

Subjects: As, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ redshift\at\cosmology.info ]

Site base: Int

Creation Book Publishers

Advancing the Bible beginning with God’s creation

Providing Books, ebooks, booklets & audio products

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Conferences

Providing details of forthcoming confernces

Shows talks from past conferences

Subjects: Conferences

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Creation Link UK

E-mail link for creation advocates.

Enables people to communicate with other creationists

Subjects: –

Formats: –

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.K.

Creation Ministry Resources

Covers evidence, apologetics, videos & books

An excellent list of creation links

Subjects: all

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ brianformissions\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: ?

Creation Speakers

Providing speakers for creation talks


Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation Studies

An in-depth study of creation and evolution

Development of a consistent biblical view of origins for our students.

Subjects: – As, Bi, Ev, Ge

Formats: – T

Contactability: Y- [ creationstudies\at\liberty.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Summit

Showing students the truth about creation

Visits college/university campuses

Subjects: Ev

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ CreationSummit\at\Live.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Superstore

The most complete online store relating to biblical creation


Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Cryptid Wiki

Cryptids are monsters… except that cryptids could actually exist!

Things that could live right on this Earth right now

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Exploration Films

Providing DVDs

Providing areas of history, Nature & science

Subjects: var

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ support\at\explorationfilms.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Famous Scientists

Famous scientists that lived trough history

Lists based on fields the scientists worked in

Subjects:  As, Bi, Ch, Ge, Ma, Py

Formats: t

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?

Fiery Serpent

Describing the fiery flying serpent spoken of in the Old Testament

Fiery serpents are real animals

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: N – Y ( via Genesis Park )

Site base: ?

Free Science

Standing for free speech on evolution

Your right to freedom of inquiry on evolution is being challenged

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Genesis Movie

Promoting the Genesis Paradise Lost film

Contains trailer

Subjects: Bi, Da, Ge. Hi, wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ genesismovie\at\creationtoday.org ]

Site base: U.S.


Association For Biblical Astronomy

Home of The Biblical Astronomer

Subjects: As

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (via kjvchurches)

Site base: U.S.

God is a Straight Man

Giving the masculinity of God


Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.?

Got Questions

Answering questions about God, Jesus, the Bible

Brings understanding of Bible verses or passage

Subjects: Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Impact Apologetics

Online apologitics coures


Subjects:  var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

International Conference on Creationism

Development and dissemination of positive contributions to a young earth creationist model of origins

Presentation of new creation thougts

Subjects: var

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ icc@cedarville.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

Let’s Talk creation

Learn, Grow, and Worship through our discussions


Subjects: var

Formats: T,V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ podcast\at\coresci.org  ]

Site base: U.K.

Live Pterosaur

Living Pterosaur Investigations

An Adventure in Cryptozoology

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Magnetic Reversal

Investigating a possible reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field

Details the movement of the magnetic poles

Subjects: Py

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Mendel’s Accountant

Numerical simulation program for modelling genetic change over time

Genetic accounting program

Subjects: Bi

Formats: special

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.


The perception of truth with no unnecessary distortion

Investigates Ropens & Pterasaurs

Subjects: Bi, Hi, Pa, Ph

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: ?

Paluxy Dinosaurs

Studying the fossil dino tracks in the river bed

Showing many photo of the tracks

Subjects: Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ gkpaleo\at\yahoo.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Premier Radio

Debates & discussions including creation matters

Looking at the faith of Christians & non-Christians

Subjects: *

Formats: T, MP3

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Providence Films

Developing faith-based films

Inspiring entertainment

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: ?


Living pterosaur web site

Eye witness accounts of reptilian flying creatures

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Pterosaurs still living

Describing pterosaurs around the world

Covers Pterodactyls, Dinosaurs, and Dragons

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: PNG?

Research Assistance Database

The most comprehensive database of creationist abstracts

It contains access to relavent info

Subjects: all

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ cer\at\creationeducation.org ]

Site base: ?


Living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea

Eye witness accounts of reptilian flying creatures

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T, V

Contactability: M

Site base: ?

Sacred Calendar (The)

Showing dates back to the creation of Adam

Creation was 4100BC

Subjects: Da

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Search Creation

Enables searches for creation subjects


Subjects: var


Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Solar geometry

A Case for Divine Design of the Solar System


Subjects: De

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ comments\at\solargeometry.com ]  via evolutionoftruth.com

Site base: U.S.

Steve Taylor

Creation science talks


Subjects: var

Formats: V

Contactability: Y (E) – [ studyenq\ at \tliverpool.ac.uk ]

Site base: U.K.


Unusual Natural History

Cryptozoology, BioForteana, Zoological Oddities

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ coachwhip.books\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Stuart Burgess

Showing the natural world has a Designer

A passion for designing engineering systems

Subjects: De

Formats: T

Contactability: (S)

Site base: U.K.

Texans for Better Science Education

Teaching about all sides of scientific explanations

Taking well known scientific errors out of textbook

Subjects: edu

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Verse of the Week

A weekly bible commentary

Contains occasional reference to creation references

Subjects: Var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ rlmoak\at\fuse.net ]

Site base: U.S?

Visit Creation

Showing creation museums, guided tours & news

Leading people to their Creator

Subjects: Museums

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.?

What a Beginning!

Upholding the supreme authority of the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures

Showing Biblical numeracy

Subjects: De

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mentor37\at\virginmedia.com ]

Site base: U.K?


Many videos presentations on God’s creation the Genesis Flood, etc

Search the site for specific subjects

Subjects: var

Formats: V

Contactability: N

Site base: International



 Rebuilding the Christian worldview foundation

The Critic’s Resource on AntiEvolution

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base: U.S.

Arthur S Lodge

Discussion of evolutionary mattes


Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S

Benevolent Design

Evolution theory is a monumental Hoax

Everything on Earth is designed by a benevolent provedance

Subjects: Ev

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y (E) – [ benevolentdesign\at\aol.com ]

Site base: Unknown

Creation Letter

Response to atheist pro-evolution Clergy Letter Project

Promotion of Creation Sunday event

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Creation or evolution

Creation or Evolution – Does It Really Matter What You Believe?

Biblical website containing creation material. Articles, booklets, audio & video

Subjects: Ar, As, Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, W

Formats: T, PDF, A, V

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S

Creation vs evolution

Providing evidence for the creation of life

Showing the evolution theory is full of gaping holes

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: Unknown

Creation vs evolutionism

Demonstrating that evolution is a philosophical position that is built on bad science.

Providing insights into creation

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ steve\at\aboundingjoy.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Creation vs. evolution

Questioning evolution about creation

Showing evolution is a basis for racism

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: Unknown

CST News

Evolution issues & the bible

Showing the inherent racism

Subjects: Ev, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Darwin Busters

Showing the Earth was designed by a Creator

Subjects: Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Darwin Conspiracy

If life originated by chance, so could God

Everything on this website is based on the latest scientific discoveries

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Darwin Deception

Showing Darwinism as an explanation for life is dead

Creation blogs

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y- (B)

Site base: ?

Darwin is dead

Checking the evidence for evolution

Showing the problem with Darwinism & the solution

Subjects: As, Bi, Ev, Py

Formats: T, V

Contactability: X

Site base: ?

Darwin Reconsidered

Showing that Creation is the only credible explanation for origins

Looking at the beginning of the word. Talks by Johnson & Snelling

Subjects: Bi

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\darwinreconsidered.org ]

Site base: ?

Darwinism Watch

Replies to Darwinian propaganda

Secondary description line

Subjects: Bi, Pa, Wo

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (N)

Site base: Unknown

Darwin’s Demise

Critique of the scientific evidence for both evolution and creation

Promoting book of site name

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (N)

Site base: U.S.

Darwin’s Failed Predictions

Response to PBS-NOVA’s Intelligent Design” Documentary

Refuting Darwin’s theory of evolution

Subjects: Bi

Formats: P.P.

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S.

Darwin’s Papers

Origins, evolution, creationism, Darwin


Subjects: Bi, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: Unknown

Darwinism Refuted

Analysis of the scientific crisis faced by the theory of evolution

Refuting the idea of Darwinism

Subjects: Bi, De, Ev, Hi, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: ?

Evolution Crisis (The)

Challenging the paradigm of evolution


Subjects: Bi

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.K.

Evolution Crunch

Displays book of the site name

Shows list of creationist research society’s addresses

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S?

Evolution Deceit

Unveiling the greatest fraud in the history of science


Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev, Ge, Hi, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Evolution Dismantled

Demonstrates some of the failings of evolution theory

Focuses on biological arguments

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (blog?)

Site base: U.S.?

Evolution fact or fiction

Evolution is anything but the truth

Showing evolutionists are committed to their religion

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ meltonlion\at\aol.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Evolution Facts

Showing the facts of science do not match evolution


Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Pa

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: ?

Evolution Fairytale (the)

A satirical look at the fairy tale of molecules to man evolution

Forum & debates

Subjects: Various

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (Blog)

Site base: U.S.?

Evolution is Dead

Contains creation books, audio & videos + Dawkin’s ‘Weasel’ program

Showing the demise of 19th century naturalism


Formats: T, PDF, A, V


Site base:

Evolution is a myth

Proclaiming the history of the heavens and the earth

Interpreting scripture by scripture

Subjects: As, Bi, Da, Ge, Hi, Pa, Ph

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Evolution is Stupid

Evolution is STUPID

Discussion forum plus quotes

Subjects: Car

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Evolution or not

Academic freedom for students and teachers when studying origins

Online books & interesting poetic offerings

Subjects: var

Formats: T, PDF, A

Contactability: Y (*)

Site base: U.S.

Evolution of Truth

The complex code for life programmed into our DNA points to intelligent source

Articles & a humour section

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ comments\at\evolutionoftruth.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Evolution Tale

Showing the storybook of evolution

Provides a widespread rebuffal of evolution

Subjects: Bi, Ch, Ev, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: Turkey?

Evolution: The Grand Experiment

Investigation into the science of evolution

Providing research book on the subject

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution Vs Creation  – A contentious debate

Part of Randall Niles’ ‘All about’ series

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: via Randal Niles site

Site base: U.S.

Evolution vs God

Showing evolution is not observable

Videos audio talks available

Subjects: Ev

Formats: A, V

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ jthompson\at\livingwaters.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Evolutionary Truth

Demonstrating that there is no truth in minerals-to-man evolution

Presenting evidence for special creation

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Da, Ev, Ge, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, A, V

Contactability: Y (B)

Site base: Unknown

Evolving Times

Teaching the context – avoiding the controversy

Presenting evolution in context

Subjects: As, Bi, Ch, Ge. Pa. Ph, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: X

Site base:?


An association of critical scientists sceptical about the empirical foundation of the theory of evolution

Science, religion & problems with evolution

Subjects: Various

Formats: PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\evoskepsis.nl ]

Site base: U.S.?

Foundations in Genesis

Science organization dedicated to equipping people that supports a biblical worldview.


Subjects: *

Formats: T, Vi

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\foundationsingenesis.org ]

Site base: U.S.

God and Brain

Book explanation for consciousness

Logic and neuroscience that consciousness

Subjects: Bi, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.?

Quantum History

The website brought to you by accident, just like evolution

Artefacts not by accident

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T*,*

Contactability: Y (E) – [ mtaft\at\modomedia.com ]

Site base: Unknown


A worksheet for a class on the evolution / creation debate

Questions found on this site remain unanswered by the evolutionist

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\questionevolution.com ]

Site base: Unknown

Scientists on Evolutionism

Present quotations from scientists showing Darwinian evolution is bad science

Bringing a realistic approach to the subject

Subjects: Bi, Ev, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ steve\at\aboundingjoy.com ]

Site base: U.S.?

Seek Find

Questions that evolutionists cannot reasonably answer

Questions about creation and about evolution

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S?

Stanley Salthe

Analysis of modern evolution thinking

Ecology, Entropy & Natural Selection

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ ssalthe\at\binghamton.edu ]

Site base: U.S.

Text Add Ons

Correcting Textbooks

Providing relavent questions to ask

Subjects: Bi, Ch, Ev

Formats: T, PDF, PP

Contactability: Y (N)

Site base: ?

Why I disbelieve in evolution

Countering evolutions as the mechanism by which complex life came into being

Providing a rational explanation of author’s disbelief

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ DarelRex\at\gmail.com ]

Site base: U.S.?



Canadian website (French)


Subjects: Bi, De, Ev, Pa

Formats: T, V

Contactability: ascq\at\colba.net

Site base: Canada

Harun Yahya

Turkish website

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: info\at\harunyahya.com

Site base: .Turkey


Polish website


Subjects: Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) [ poczta\at\creationism.org.pl ]

Site base: Poland


Brazilian website (Portuguese)


Subjects: Var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y -(E) – [ ruivieira\at\scb.org.br ]

Site vase: Brazil


Spanish website


Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ canderson17\at\smail1.ocenf.org ]

Site base: Spain?

Wort unt Wissen

German website


Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – S

Site base: Germany


Bible Science Association

Features monthly lectures on creation related subject


Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: N

Site base: U.S

Catie Frates

Provides biblical science classes


Subjects: B

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [CFScienceClasses\at\gmail.com]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Family Ministries

Talks, conferences


Subjects: B

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ creationfamin\at\yahoo.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Safaris

Visiting & knowing God’s creation


Subjects: As, Bi, Ch., Da, Ev, Pa, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ bwana\at\creationsafaris.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Creation Science Society of Milwaukee

Educational organisation, speakers & museum guides


Subjects: B

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\MidwestCreationFellowship.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Greater Houston Creation Association

Showing the Bible overwhelmingly presents a young supernatural creation


Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: U.S.

Institute for Scientific & Biblical Research

Educational ministry to present the truths of science and origins

Subjects: T, V

Formats: T*,*

Contactability: Y (E) – [ info\at\isbrministries.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Midwest Creation Fellowship

Educational organisation, speakers & museum guides

Subjects: B

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ info\at\MidwestCreationFellowship.org ]

Site base: U.S.

Quad City CSA

Using the sciences to spread the truth of the scriptures and special creation


Subjects: Bi, Da, Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Search for the Truth

Promoting DVD courses

Speaking events

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.

Twin Cities Creation Science Association

Articles, debates & events

Subjects: As, Bi, De, Ev, Hi, Pa, Py, Wo

Formats: T, PDF

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ bobhelf.1\at\juno.com ]

Site base: U.S.

San Antonio Bible Based Science Association

Runs events & had a series of creation newsletters

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) [info\at\sabbsa.org]

Site base: U.S.

Search for the Truth

Promoting DVD courses

Speaking events

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (S)

Site base: U.S.



Canadian website (French)

Subjects: Bi, De, Ev, Pa

Formats: T, V

Contactability: ascq\at\colba.net

Site base: Canada

Harun Yahya

Turkish website

Subjects: Ev

Formats: T

Contactability: info\at\harunyahya.com

Site base: .Turkey


Polish website

Subjects: Bi, Ch, Da, De, Ev, Py

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) [ poczta\at\creationism.org.pl ]

Site base: Poland


Brazilian website (Portuguese)

Subjects: Var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y -(E) – [ ruivieira\at\scb.org.br ]

Site vase: Brazil


Spanish website

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y – (E) – [ canderson17\at\smail1.ocenf.org ]

Site base: Spain?

Wort unt Wissen

German website

Subjects: var

Formats: T, V

Contactability: Y – S

Site base: Germany

Category CT – Click to move to descriptions

Canyon Ministries

Displaying one of the 7 natural wonders of the world

Tours of the Grand Canyon & reference book


Formats: T

Contactability: Y (S)

Site base: 

Creation Safaris

Main site description

Secondary description line

Subjects: var

Formats: T

Contactability: Y (E) – [ bwana\at\creationsafaris.com ]

Site base: U.S.

Science Partners

Sharing knowledge of science & the bible to help understand our creator
Subjects: var
Formats: T
Contactability: Y (E) – [ sciencepartners\at\cfl.rr.com ]
Site base: U.S.