Chinese – Traditional
Translations into Chinese – Traditional language
Geology and the young earth
Did life come to Earth from outer space?
2 Peter 3:8—‘one day is like a thousand years’
“Retorted compromise”
Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang
Refuting Evolution—Chapter 8
Green River blues
‘Feathered’ dinos: no feathers after all!
Dogs breeding dogs?
The earth’s magnetic field: evidence that the earth is young
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 6
Radio-dating in Rubble
The lion that wouldn’t eat meat
An ‘old-earth’ answer provides only problems
Fraud rediscovered
Radioactive ‘dating’ in conflict!
DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess?
Eroding ages
Charge the hill
Salty seas
Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 11
Is there really a God? How would you answer?
If God created the universe, then who created God?
Exploding the big bang!
15 Questions for Evolutionists
Snakes do eat dust!
The ‘Hong Kong ark’ fiasco
Venus flytrap
Golden numbers
Augustine: young earth creationist
The Ark of Noah comic
Dancing bees
Appendix: a bacterial ‘safe house’
Amazing Fossils comic
Orchids … a witness to the Creator
UFOs and Aliens comic
Flat leaves—a curly problem
Counting the stars
Your appendix … it’s there for a reason
Talking point
Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends
Music—evidence of creation
Regenerating ribs
Voice of the Volcano comic
Blood types and their origin
Bridges and bones, girders and groans
Electrical design in the human body
The human body—God’s masterpiece
The miracle of tears
She’s beautiful
The origin of the human races
Naming the animals
Angkor saw a stegosaur?
How did dinosaurs grow so big?
The breath of life
The ten plagues of Egypt
Evidence for a Young World
Two-tone twins
A fatty tale
Why us?
Teething problems
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history
Living Proof?
How could Noah get all the animals on the Ark?
Who needs a rest?—Day 7
Two-tone twins
Two heads are better than one?
Adam and the animals—Day 6
Heavens above! Water below!—Day 2
Fish, swim! Birds, fly!—Day 5
Sun, shine! Moon, glow! Stars, twinkle!—Day 4
Dry land, green grass, juicy fruit!—Day 3
From a frog to a prince
When God made something out of nothing—Day 1
First-ever dinosaur brain tumour found
‘Sleeping Beauty’ bacteria