Young Earth Creation Club



Remembering the Iron Curtain. My 1972 visit to Communist East Germany (Berlin) as a 

member of the Central Catholic High School Band from Ft. Wayne, Indiana New


Click here to find out why faith in Jesus is the only way to obtain spiritual salvation

Other Creation/Evolutionism issues

How Christians can maintain their faith in secular colleges or Christian colleges that have compromised Biblical truths

Colleges that teach a six day literal creation

New web site has an abundance of archeological evidence of the co-existence of humans and dinosaurs

Ben Stein’s documentary titled “Expelled- No Intelligence Allowed” champions the cause for true academic freedom where the teaching of evolution is concerned

A critical review of the new booklet titled “Science, Evolution, and Creationism,” published by the National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine.

Response to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) release of its Anti-Christian, Anti-Science book Science, Evolution and Creationism

Response to the report that aired about the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum that aired on Anderson Coopers 360 program on CNN on April 4, 2007

Click here for Creation gift ideas

Evolutionism contributes to spiritual blindness about the dangers of contacting the dead and other spirits  

Former Evolutionists who became Creation Scientists

Updates on the 2002 proposed Ohio Science Academic Content Standards and related Legislation

Debate between young earth creation scientist and evolutionists

Public comments on the proposed Ohio Science Standards as of 8-31-2002

Possible Free Legal Help for School Boards and Teachers from the Christian Law Association

Possible Free Legal Help for School Boards and Teachers from The American Center for Law and Justice – ACLJ

Possible Free Legal help for School Boards and Teachers from the Alliance Defense Fund

Possible Free Legal Help for School Boards and Teachers from the Rutherford Institute

Legal Opinion from the CLA on Teaching of Evolution and Creationism in America’s Public Schools

Discerning Media Bias in reporting on the creation versus evolutionism issue

Irreconcilable differences between creation and evolution

Hard evidence that the “Separation of Church and State” is the extreme

opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended

Colleges and Seminaries that teach a six-day literal Creation by God

Does evolutionism turn people away from God?

The connection between Homosexuality and evolutionism  

Arguments Creationists should not use

The Big Picture: 6 Days or billions of years; why does it matter?  

How Religiously Neutral are the Anti-Creationist Organizations?

Issues not directly related to the Creation/evolutionism debate

Many in the Liberal Secular Media do Satan’s bidding whether they realize it or not

Suggestions for how grieve a suicide in a spiritually healthy way

Corporal Punishment (spanking) is strongly supported by God in the Bible

James Van Praagh’s Beyond TV show is spiritually dangerous

John Edward’s Crossing Over TV show is spiritually dangerous

Are you good enough to get into Heaven?

Topics on our web site that are of interest to members of the Military and their Families

Bible verses that warn us not to add-subtract from Biblical Revelations

Cults and Modern-Day False Prophets

UFO’s and life on Mars

God’s Wrath and Chastisement

Is America being chastised by God?

Does God forbid women from serving in church leadership roles?

Are Hell and Hades real? Have actual screams from Hell been recorded?

Bible prophecies concerning Jerusalem coming true in our lifetimes

Businesses/Organizations being boycotted due to anti-Christian activities

Helping Military families to communicate with each other when they’re far apart


Why we are not properly prepared for a homeland terrorist nuclear incident

Our favorite bumper stickers

Download bumper stickers you can print

Darwin’s dead; Jesus isn’t

Darwin’s a Creationist now! 

A man who can kneel to God can stand up to anything.

In the event of nuclear attack, prayer will be restored to the public schools.

I broke the rules. I prayed in a public school. I’m such a menace to society.

Online Bible