
Proved Evolution Is 100% Fraud
August 18, 2007 “Joseph Mastropaolo offers evolutionists worldwide
unlimited $10,000 grants for their scientific evidence.”

To date, evolutionists have responded with silence, personal attacks, and lame excuses because, like perpetual motion machine charlatans, evolutionists are inverted fantasy charlatans.

In 1911, the U.S. Patent Office put a stop to perpetual motion machine patents by requiring a working model with each patent application. In 2002, Joseph Mastropaolo put a stop to evolution claims by requiring a working model of scientific evidence with each $10,000 grant application.

The science concept that rid the U.S. Patent Office of fraud also rid U.S. biology of fraud. As 1911 is a landmark for honest U.S. engineering, so 2002 and Joseph Mastropaolo’s $10,000 Life Science Prize grants are a landmark for honest U.S. biology.

Perpetual motion machine charlatans claimed their special knowledge
permitted their exceptions to the laws of physics.

Joseph Mastropaolo revealed that the evolution charlatans’ claim to special knowledge that permitted exceptions to the laws of biology was just as fraudulent.

The finger of time points downward because energy devolves, the exact opposite and excluder of evolves, always has and always will. All living and non living things age, wear out and die. No dead thing can spring to life. And no living organism or inanimate machine can function without a continuous input of energy.
Joseph Mastropaolo revealed that every event in this universe results in less available energy after the event. For events to continue, additional available energy must be supplied to the event site, the unavailable energy must be taken away, and without intelligence and machines (evolution has neither) these tasks cannot be done. The event law absolutely requires that every event is a devolutional event. There are no evolutional events, never have been and never will be, because the energy laws of physics absolutely forbid them.

Joseph Mastropaolo’s Life Science Prize has revealed that evolutionists, like perpetual motion machine charlatans, are confidence people and confidence people are cunning, not stupid. Like the perpetual motion charlatans who know a working model is impossible, so the evolutionists know an evolution working model of scientific evidence is impossible. That is why no perpetual motion patents have been issued since 1911 and why no $10,000 evolution grants have been won since 2002.

Another of Joseph Mastropaolo’s contributions is the use of the mini-trial for the unlimited $10,000 grants. The basis of justice is equity. The rules for the Life Science Prize unlimited $10,000 grants is the equity of the tried and true mini-trial of our U.S. legal system.

The Rules for the Life Science Prize Mini-Trial Protocol follow.

1. The evolutionist puts a $10,000 check in escrow with the judge.
2. The devolutionist, Joseph Mastropaolo, puts a $10,000 check in escrow with the judge.
3. If the evolutionist proves evolution is science, then the evolutionist is awarded the $20,000.
4. If the devolutionist, Joseph Mastropaolo, proves that devolution, the exact opposite and excluder of evolution, is science, then the devolutionist is awarded the $20,000.
5. Evidence must be scientific, that is, objective, valid, reliable and calibrated.
6. The preponderance of evidence prevails.
7. At the end of the trial, the judge hands the prevailing party both checks.
8. The judge is a superior court judge, who has sworn to be unbiased.
9. The venue is a courthouse.

For the evolutionists who prefer to contend against religion instead of bona fide science, rule 2 may be modified to read:
2. The creationist, Joseph Mastropaolo, puts a $10,000 check in escrow with the judge. And rule 4 may be modified to read:
4. If the creationist, Joseph Mastropaolo, proves that creation, the exact opposite and excluder of evolution, is science, then the creationist is awarded the $20,000.

For the claim that evolution is 100% fraud, the default judgments, the lists of individual and organizational evolutionist charlatans, and the invaluable assistance of Karl Priest, please see the Life Science Prize.
Unlike the evolutionist charlatans, Joseph Mastropaolo has published 22 science articles in peer reviewed science journals. For some of Joseph Mastropaolo’s articles on the devolution-creation-evolution controversy, please see Biology vs Evolution.

Contact Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach at

The Verifiable Omnipresent Omnisciently Original Creation Model

Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D.

The verifiable omnipresent omnisciently original creation model specifies that all human characteristics were inherited from an original human being named, Adam. Eve derived her genetic endowment from Adam. Their children expressed such a vast variety of unique attributes that some of them were bound to survive regardless of the environmental extremes. Further, as Adam was endowed with all of the information for an entire, vastly variable, human population, so each child inherited that population information and passed it on to succeeding generations. In that fashion, any survivors of any generation could reproductively construct the vast variety for the entire human populace.

Primarily, survival depended upon the expression through reproduction of a variability so vast that it would be more accurately described as originality. This originality amongst individuals had to be vast for survival at the primary level, but also constrained to the boundaries of its kind for survival at the secondary level. Those boundaries were imperative because the design of biologically independent organisms was not practical and interdependence was necessary. For example, the oxygen byproduct of plants is needed by animals and the carbon dioxide byproduct of animals is needed by plants. So, the secondary imperative for survival derives from the sharing of the byproducts of each organism’s metabolism. That means that the community of organisms must be varied enough and numerous enough to provide the types and quantities of byproducts critical for the survival of the entire community. That also meant that no organism could wander outside its kind, for that would cause it to abandon its byproduct obligations for the viability of the global community. That could not be permitted because without a viable global community, individuals could not survive.

In summary, every individual is an original and the vast array of originals guarantees that some will survive regardless of the environmental extremes. The survivors carry the populace information so that the survival of any individuals guarantees the survival of their population. The vast variability expressed by the vast array of individual originals is constrained so that none can wander and become another kind. By staying within their kind, their byproduct contributions are stabilized for the use and survival of the community. The survival of the global community, the biosphere, allows the survival of all of the individuals of all of the populations in the community.

The U.S. Census Bureau, World Population Information, Historical Estimates of World Population, estimates the original couple lived less than 10, 000 years ago. The 145 DNA repair genes guarantee that the current human populace was like the original couple. Further, scientific analysis revealed that Adam and Eve were like us, except structurally and functionally superior. (See Biology for the 21st Century and the Life Science Prize Tested Devolution, Evolution, and Genesis, 2005, pp. 3-7. Books and Booklets

Additional evidence to support this creation model derives from universal observations of originality, particularly in the biosphere. There are no two organisms that are identical. All siblings are different and even “identical” twins are not identical, for their fingerprints, iris patterns, and personalities are different, and even their heights and facial features may be different. Further, even in the same organism there is originality. Right and left limbs are different as are the right and left sides of the trunk and face.

Every plant is different from every other plant even of the same kind. That observation is true for the leaves, twigs, branches, trunks, flowers, the petals of the flowers, the fruits, and the seeds. The scent of flowers is different, even for those of the same kind. Tastes are different, even for the fruits, nuts, leaves, tubers, or other edible parts.

Every spring, creek, river, delta, field, forest, mountain, desert, island, peninsula, harbor, coastline, or underwater geography is different. Every day, the cloud pattern is different as are the sunrises and sunsets.

The planets are different, as are their moons. The stars are different as are the comets, asteroids, other objects, gasses, liquids, and radiations.

From a brainless process like evolution, if it could make anything (which it cannot), one might expect a biosphere and universe requiring minimal intelligence, like mass production. Originals require the highest level of intelligence and the highest level of knowledge from the beginning to the end of time. An entire universe of originals with structural and functional integrity, and integration into a global community, would require a mega-intelligent creation process from a mega-intelligent creator employing a mega-databank. Evidently, there is only one candidate.

The evidence for creation is omnipresent and omnisciently original. For the sensible, it is the ultimate gift.

For those who would like to read further about these omnipresent omniscient originalities, an entertaining novel, The Trumpet Vine, has been written on a bedrock of sound science and sound American law. The purchase of each book includes free unlimited technical support for any application like debates, or presentations, or mini-trials, or civil trials. It has received good reviews. See The Trumpet Vine .

To request any of the free unlimited technical support, send an e-mail to Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo at or call (714) 843-6387.

The Trumpet Vine is a first edition and the double signing and dating make it more valuable as a collectible.

©Joseph Mastropaolo 2009
July 14, 2009
Revised: November 6, 2009

A Challenge To The Inheritance of the Entire Populace Array

The question arose as to whether humans inherit a subset of populace information rather than its entirety. Could not human diversity be distributed amongst all of humanity and find full expression as a result of the mixing from marriage? If the entire array of human diversity were divided equally amongst ten children, then in the next generation of ten, each child would receive a tenth of the tenth the parent received, or one-hundredth of the parent’s allotment. That regression through the generations would result eventually in a child receiving and being able to pass on only a single configuration. That trend would eliminate diversity and cause that subset concept to fail.

A modification of the subset concept would have children from each subset intermarrying. However, that would require supervision to insure complete mixing. That also would involve increased supervision complexity as diversity was divided amongst an ever increasing number of families spread over ever widening geographic areas. The trend toward decreased diversity with time likely would become apparent, and that has not been observed. It seems clear that this concept would fail to produce the progression in diversity with the progression in generations and the progression in geographic dispersion as has been observed.

The only model that does not fail seems to be the one in which each individual inherits the entire array of human originality. What was endowed in Adam, and then to Eve, evidently has been inherited in its entirety by each of the progeny in perpetuity. That is quite a gift and quite an admonition for any bigot. Anyone seeing a brother or sister as hateful must look to the source and consider the logic of hating himself. Contrarily, anyone seeing himself as the source of human originality, should have less to fear and more to esteem in loving himself by loving his neighbor. Evidently, the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself has been biologically implanted in all human beings. That biological law imperatively forbids all crimes against humanity and the biosphere.
9-20-09, posted 10-8-09, revised 11-6-09.