
About Joseph Mastropaolo and Karl Priest

Joseph Mastropaolo has a B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in kinesiology and a three-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship with the National Heart Institute of the National Institutes of Health in human physiology (possibly the equivalent of the European habilitation). As Aerospace Physiologist for Douglas Space Systems, he published two monographs on life in space, one for humans and one for experimental animals. He received two Vice Presidential Awards, one for Aerospace Safety and one for Aerospace Medicine. He taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University, Long Beach for 26 years and was the physiologist for the Gossamer Condor and Gossamer Albatross human powered flight projects which earned a medal in physiology from the Royal Aeronautical Society for the Kremer Cross Channel Challenge. He built five unique laboratories and was principal investigator for 17 grants to support the pure and applied research that resulted in the publication of 22 science articles in peer reviewed science journals. His email addess is

Karl Priest is a retired public school teacher in West Virginia with over 30 years experience as an educator including four years as a principal.

For the last five years of his full-time career, with the full knowledge (and dismay) of state and county school officials as well as the ACLU he demonstrated to his students that mathematics proves beyond the shadow of doubt that evolutionism is nonsense.

Karl currently is the West Virginia State Coordinator for Exodus Mandate which encourages the rescue of children from government schools to the safety of home or truly Christian schools.

For more information see Karl’s website at