They’re “Frightened” Now?
Recently, a friend sent me a newspaper article with the following subtitle: “Frightened by the growing strength of creationists, F&M professor writes article in national magazine and tells colleagues to stand their ground.” What is it about the creation movement that would frighten geologistDr. Donald Wise?
At one point in time, creation was the only idea taught in schools with regard to origins. Then, a carefully engineered court case in the 1920’s (known as the Scopes Monkey Trial) took place in which the defense used amazingly fraudulent “evidence” to support the claims of evolution.
The result was that evolution was then given an equal standing with creation in the public school system. I’m sure that creationists at that time were “frightened” too by what seemed to be the eroding of their teaching in the Biblical God who created everything.
As time went on, however, this new “equal relationship” was undermined, ironically, by the very same group who promoted it originally, the ACLU. Court decisions since then have served to silence the creation viewpoint ostensibly because it is supposedly “religious” in nature, as opposed to evolution, which is billed as being “scientific” in nature. Since these events, creationists have seen their position shut out from the free flow of ideas in the public school classrooms (hardly very democratic), even in view of the fact that their tax dollars help support the system, too.
As evidenced by a myriad of evolutionist scientists who rightfully admit that evolution is still very much only an unverified theory, why is one religious belief, namely evolution (since it too has to be accepted by faith), taught as fact to the exclusion of the alternate view? Naturally, this smacks of totalitarianism, in which the masses are forced to believe, or at least be taught, one religion only. Yes, this is a frightening prospect.
Therefore, I find it amazing that this newspaper story, in referring to the article written by Dr. Wise, says: “It exhorts scientists to protect their disciplines – and the future of science and democracy itself” – as though the creation viewpoint is somehow a threat to science and democracy! They then quote him as saying that the creationist model is “riddled with gaps and ludicrous interpretations”. Of course, many are the examples the creationists can show that indicate the exact same things about evolution.
The evolutionists have grown used to being in the comfort seat, especially with the courts behind them, enforcing the “evolution only” policy. Now, however, Dr. Wise is said to be frightened because the tables are now being turned. He fears that the creationists are somehow subverting science, democracy and/or law. He’s wrong about that, of course, but right about the tables being turned. But it’s not because of creationist tactics; it’s because the more accurately interpreted evidence in recent years supports the Biblical model more and more and casts doubt on the tenets of evolution, and this appears to be a threat to Dr. Wise.
The response, by evolutionary scientists, has been varied and interesting. Some, like anatomist, S.A. Keith, tenaciously hold to their beliefs by saying: “Evolution is unproved and un-provable. We believe it because it is the only alternative to special creation, and that is unthinkable.” (Now there’s scientific objectivity for you!)
Something so unproved should not be taught in public schools as though it’s fact. Evolution is a science theory because the various “supporting tenets”, or pillars, can be tested in a laboratory. However, testing has gone on now for 150 years, and the results do not support Darwinism. Therefore, if it’s taught at all, ALL of the various problems associated with the theory need to be taught as well. But, they aren’t. This is called censorship!
Creation, on the other hand, is NOT a science theory because there’s no way to test how God creates, like the Bible says He did. The Psalmist defines creation for us: “He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Ps. 33:9). How do you test this in a laboratory? You can’t. So creation, as an explanation of the process by which things came into being, is not a science theory. Therefore, it does not belong in the science classroom.
Both ideas are accepted by faith, but the weight of evidence, from all of the various scientific disciplines (cosmology, geology, biology, etc.) falls very hard on the side of design, and ONLY on the side of design. That would support creation. And that’s exactly what Romans 1:18-21 states! The scientific problems associated with the evolutionary explanations have given birth to the idea called “Intelligent Design”. This concept simply states that since complex living things cannot be properly, reasonably, and scientifically explained by Darwinism, and since there are now scientific and mathematical equations that all but prove whether something was designed or not (that CAN be tested in the laboratory, by the way), complex living things can be explained as having intelligence/design as their cause. Who or what this original designer was is not part of the concept.
Dr. Wise has a good reason to be “frightened”, if that’s really an applicable term. The very foundations upon which evolution is based are crumbling. Like communism, its eventual collapse is unavoidable. In the words of journalist and philosopher Malcolm Muggeridge, having arrived at the truth – at least about evolution – in one of his addresses at the University of Waterloo, Ontario said: “I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution…will be one of the great jokes in the history books of the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.”□ Back