Quad City

Quad City Creation Science Association

Using the Sciences to Spread the Truth of the Scriptures and Special Creation in the Quad Cities



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Still time to join the Creation Museum Bus Trip – up until June 15!

QC CSA is sponsoring an all Inclusive coach bus trip to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky JUNE 15-16, 2012.

The package includes museum admission, bus ride, one night hotel stay, (double occupancy or in room with paid parent) . Book soon for discounts on family rooms.

Click Here for printable PDF info on Museum Bus Trip Info

Send questions and reservations via e-mail to EvolutionisDying@yahoo.com . or CALL 563-449-8111

Phone reservations accepted!


Are you interested in Creation Science events as part of your summer vacation? …Here are a couple more ideas:

July 16-20, 2012: Proclaiming the Faith Conference by Answers in Genesis. Location: Tri-Lakes Center; Branson, MO. Website: http://www.answersingenesis.org/outreach/proclaiming-the-faith/

August 1-5, 2012: Creation 2012 Super Conference by CM International. Location: Ridgecrest Resort, 17 miles east of Asheville, NC. Website: http://creation.com/superconference2012/


“Every history of the 20th Century lists three thinkers as preeminent in influence: Darwin, Marx and Freud.

All three were regarded as “scientific” (and hence far more reliable than anything “religious”) in their heyday.

Yet Marx and Freud have fallen, and even their dwindling bands of followers no longer claim that their insights were based on any methodology remotely comparable to that of experimental science.

I am convinced that Darwin is next on the block. His fall will be by far the mightiest of the three.”

Phillip E. Johnson, “Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds”, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, USA, p. 95, 1997.

Phillip E. Johnson (1940) is a retired UC Berkeley law professor and author. He became a born-again Christian while a tenured professor and is considered the father of the intelligent design movement.


You do not have to be a member or join, to attend any of our events! Public Invited.

Email us for info evolutionisdying@yahoo.com .


NOTE: See the vacation ideas page (link on left) for updates on the Answers in Genesis Conferences and London Olympics Ministry – and more ideas!


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A recent Quad City Times syndicated columnist belittled Creationists and indicated that they hurt scientific advancement. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Click Here for response to Leonard Pitts column on Stupidity befalls Giant (?)


Special Note: Ian Juby is working on a feature film about scientists who have abandoned Darwin’s theory – because they were persuaded by the evidence that microbe to man evolution is impossible. The Trailer indicated it was to come out last summer, but Ian has said that it should be finally ready by this summer in 2011. Ian was here in the Quad Cities, with several speaking engagements about 2 years ago.

Click here to see the Trailer: Persuaded by the Evidence


The QC Creation Science Association is dedicated to telling the truth about the origins of life,the world and the universe using real science.

We are a non-denominational, non-profit (501(c)3) association sharing the facts about origins and showing that the theory of evolution is an out right lie. Evolution ‘lives on’only because alternative facts are not presented to the public. What is presented is based on “artistic renderings and dotted lines” – not real science. We are engineers, active and retired businessmen and science teachers who want to make the truth known. We represent 6 different churches from Iowa and Illinois, and invite you to join us – and for you to invite us to make presentations, sponsor events and host seminars at your churches, schools and civic organizations.


The scientific facts do NOT indicate that “Microbe to Man” evolution is true. In reality, the facts make the general theory of evolution extremely unlikely, if not altogether a falsified theory. Darwin was just plain wrong. Unfortunately the scientific facts that support special creation and dispute the theory of evolution are ignored and censored by evolutionists. We urge you to think critically and ask the evolutionists the same type of hard questions many would ask us. Who actually discusses the facts of science? Evolutionists tend to do less science and spend more time hurling insults. Just check out some of the blogs and the current writings of evolutionists.

As Jonathan Sarfati (Ph.D. Physical Chemistry), said in his book: Refuting Evolution, It is evident that the evolutionists fear the increasing spread of creationist information, despite their best efforts at censorship. So they are desperate to counteract this information. But their efforts dont withstand scientific scrutiny, SO even though evolutionists work to censor the truth, especially in our schools, we invite you to come learn some exciting facts of science, and the Truth that points to our Creator!

Two-time Noble prize winner Linus Pauling said:

“Science is the search for the truth.”

If an open minded examination of the truths of science leads someone to an honest and unbiased conclusion that there must be a creator God, as the only rational explanation for what we see and can measure, then so be it. We should not pre-judge the conclusion with what we Want the answer to be. For many evolutionists, they unfortunately start with a pre-disposition that the existence of the Creator – cannot exist and interpret everything in that light.

Yet, a close review of the sciences, shows that the alternative, the evolution from microbes to mankind – simply is not evident in the scientific facts. Tens of thousands of scientists around the globe are realizing this. Below is only a small sampling of quotes expressing this viewpoint. It is a “Paradigm Shift” in thinking for many people who were regularly taught “Evolution is true – Believe it!” – But then – that sounds more like a commandment of faith anyway, doesn’t it?

Science and the scientific method are meant to be unbiased, reasonable, and honest searches for truth, unhindered by preconceived notions. Since evolutionists are losing the debate solely on the observable facts, they tend to rely more on anti-God philosophy, or play games with the definitions of science & evolution, and increasingly rely on insults.

Some interesting Quotes:

“Creationists often appeal to the facts of science to support their view. Evolutionists often appeal to philosophical assumptions from outside science. ” – Dr Jonathan D. Sarfati B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. in Spectroscopy (Physical Chemistry)

So if the facts of science show that it is more reasonable to believe there is a Creator, than not, who are you to say the answer must be wrong. simply because you do not like it?

“After all, it is not the duty of science to defend the theory of evolution and stick by it to the bitter end Darwin was wrong… The theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science.”I. L. Cohen is a mathematician & researcher; a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences and officer of the Archaeological Institute of America. From: Darwin Was Wrong – A Study in Probabilities: New Research Publications, Inc. pp 6-8, 209-210, 214-215.

“The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge.” – Dr A Fleishmann, – Zoologist, Erlangen University, Germany

“Evolution is baseless and quite incredible.” – Dr. Ambrose Fleming, – President, British Assoc. Advancement of Science, in The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought

“I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has happened in biology: … I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will pose the question: How did this ever happen?” – Soren Lovtrup, a Swedish embryologist, in Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth – London: Croom Helm, p.422

“Although evolutionists interpret the evidence in light of their belief in evolution, science works perfectly well without any connection to evolution. Think about it this way: is a belief in molecules-to-man evolution necessary to understand how planets orbit the sun, how telescopes operate, or how plants and animals function? Has any biological or medical research benefited from a belief in evolution? Not at all!” , says Ph.D. cell biologist (and creationist) Dr. David Menton.

So come join us and learn some exciting facts of science, and the Truth that points to our Creator!

Public is invited, to all events.


This website sponsored by the QC Creation Science Association. A non-profit, non-denominational association dedicated to telling the truth in Science and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord and Savior. Copyright all pages 2010-2011.




Bait + Switch Tactic of Evos: Micro -Macro Evolution

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Is IDA the ‘Missing Link’?


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