
What is evidence?


Source: Answers in Genesis

In the legal system, evidence is an item or statement that helps to prove or disprove a person’s guilt.  For example, a crime scene might show a discharged bullet casing, a bloody foot print, and a hair follicle.  These three things are evidence, but they do not prove as a fact that the person in question shot the gun, stepped in the blood, and lost a hair follicle during the crime.  The three piece of evidence do not talk; they just exist and must be interpreted based on the other evidences (and a crafty lawyer).  Evidence may strongly imply something, such as the accused criminal being at the scene of the crime, but it still not clear and convincing proof.

Let’s apply this to the topic of Evolution and Creationism.  If a dinosaur bone is found, one can look at it and identify it as a femur belonging to a Triceratops.  You cannot tell how the animal died, what it’s skin looked like, or how old the bone is (see the article on radiometric dating flaws).  Your evidence is only a bone.  Your interpretation of the evidence is based on your worldview.  If you believe in the Theory of Evolution, then you will conclude that the dinosaur died out about 65 million years ago (according to current scientific beliefs).  If you believe in the Bible, then you will understand that the dinosaur was created on Day 6 during the Creation Week, and the dinosaur most likely died during the catastrophic flood that buried all living things in sedimentary rock, which then turned the dead animals and plants into fossils.