
What was the Fall of Man?


Also known as “Original Sin,” the Fall of Man was the event of Adam disobeying God.  It is not known at what time this occurred, but it had to be after the 7th day of Creation when God declared everything to be “very good” (there was no sin if everything was “very good”).  Genesis Chapter 3 records Adam and Eve residing in the Garden where God placed them.  God gave them permission to eat from every tree in the garden except one: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This was a literal tree that bore fruit.  Satan, in the form of a serpent, questioned Eve about what God had commanded her regarding that particular tree.   Eve replied that she would die if she ate from it.  Satan said that she would not die but instead be like God and her eyes would be opened, allowing her to know good and evil.  Deceived, Eve ate some of the fruit and shared it with Adam.  Immediately after, they both realized that they were naked and they tried to cover their nakedness with leaves.

Both Adam and Eve knew that it was wrong to eat from that particular tree, yet they still did it.  They had the option of walking away from the tree and eating something else.  Even still today, when we are tempted, God provides us with an escape route so that we can avoid the temptation (1 Cor. 10:13).  Their act of rebellion resulted in banishment from the garden, and all people would be born with a sin nature and one day die.  We all suffer because of Adam’s sin.  Thankfully, Jesus has provided a way to live forever with Him.