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Thanks again for coming to the RTG Creation Ministry website.  The Creation and Evolution topic is an ongoing debate that probably won’t end until Jesus returns, which we believe is fast approaching.  The goal of this ministry is to equip Christians with answers to those who ask about the historical accounts in Genesis regarding Creation, Noah’s Ark, and the Tower of Babel.  Other apologetics are discussed here, but the primary focus is defending Genesis, our very foundation to all Christian doctrine. 

This ministry does not have the purpose or intentions of participating in ongoing debates with atheists, agnostics, or evolutionists who oppose or scoff at Creationists.  There are a multitude of forums, websites, and social media groups dedicated to that purpose.  However, if anyone, regardless of your belief or lack thereof, wants to contact us to ask a question, then they are free to do so.  If you ask, you will be provided with a Creationist response and/or a link to the best answer.  We look forward to speaking with you on that matter.

Let’s define some terms.  Evidence is something that exists, like a rock, fossil, or planet.  A theory is an explanation as to how the evidence came to be or what caused the evidence to be in the condition it is in.  In court, for example, a fingerprint can be used as evidence.  The theory would state that the fingerprint was created by the defendant while committing the crime.  Theories hold much weight in science, but theories often change due to new findings based on new evidences.  Theories make good explanations for the evidence, but it is not the only explanation available. 

There are two types of sciences that we deal with: Observational and Historical.  Observational, or Operational, Science is the type that can be tested and retested.  This is the field of science that has given us computers and rockets.  Historical Science is not testable in the sense that operational science is testable.  Historical science focuses on the origins, that is, events that have happened in the past.  Some fields of historical science include but are not limited to: evolutionary biology, astronomy, anthropology, and archaeology. Theories can be made from historical evidences, but as mentioned above, it does not mean the theory is the absolute truth; it’s only a worldview-based explanation of the evidence.

Creation,or creationism, is the study of origins based on the Creation account found in Genesis Chapters 1 and 2.  The Creation was caused by God.  Intelligent design (ID) is the study of design within animals, plants, and people.  ID proponents do not necessarily hold to particular religious viewpoints, although some have a religious affiliation.  Many ID proponents hold high degrees in life sciences (biology, chemistry, etc.).  They see the complexities of living things and conclude that there had to be a creator, whether it be God, a First Cause, or even aliens.  They investigate to see if an organism could evolve through chance random processes.  Their goal is not to determine what the intelligent designer was but rather, to show that the organism so complex that it had to have an intelligent designer and could not have formed through natural, random processes.

The Theory of Evolution is the study of origins that focuses on the existence of life without any intelligent creator being involved.  The Theory of Evolution strictly proposes that all things were created through natural processes.  Naturalism is the key word here.  Evolutionists only want to believe what can be scientifically tested, and science only focuses on the natural, not the supernatural.  The word “evolution” in and of itself simply means change.  To say that you don’t believe in evolution is the same as saying you don’t believe in change.  Christians are scoffed at when they say they don’t believe in evolution.  This is why it is important to understand the differences in evolution and Evolution Theory and define your terms when discussing this or any topic.  Change is observable.  We can see change happen among people, plants, animals, and the environment.  These types of changes in the Creationist perspective are also called variations within a kind.  Some call it micro-evolution, but it may be safer to say variations within a kind so as to prevent confusion of terms. 

Kind refers to the created kinds of animals as found in Genesis.  God created the dog kind, cat kind, chicken kind, etc.  He created them “after their kind” (see Genesis 1:11, Gen 1:12, Gen 1:21, Gen 1:24, and Gen 1:25).  This means that within the vast amount of DNA in each kind of animal are abilities to produce variations of the kind.  This is why we see so many breeds of dogs.  They change in fur style, fur length, stature, strength, intelligence, ear shape, etc., but they are no more and no less still dogs.  This is an example of variations within a kind (micro-evolution), not evolution from one kind to another (macro-evolution).  Dogs don’t change into different kind of animals, and no animal in the past ever changed into dogs.  It is believe by Creationists that the first dog kind was actually a wolf.  Wolves, coyotes, foxes, dingos, and dogs are all considered to be of the dog, or canine, kind.

Now that you understand the terms, you can understand where the RTG position comes from.  It is clear that all of the evidences point to either the Theory of Evolution, Intelligent Design, or Creation.  The reason people believe one of the three options is because of their worldview, or presupposition (read more about presuppositions in the About the Ministry page).  In the Evolution Theory, the evidences show how almost all animals have common traits both at the genetic level (common DNA patterns) and at the physical level (animals and people have two eyes, two ears, a nose with a set of nostrils, two arms/front legs, two legs/hind legs, etc., generally speaking).  Does this imply that all animals have a common ancestry that has resulted in these traits passing from one animal to another?  Well, yes it does imply that, but it is not absolute truth.  Remember this is historical science.  We cannot go back in time to see the animals evolve from one into another.  This concept applies to all three origins views.

The Intelligent Design position sees the complexities of animals and concludes that they could not evolve by natural processes.  ID asks how all of these features, such as the overwhelming complexity and amount of information found in DNA , could have evolved through natural selection and mutations.  Nature does not have a goal; it just exists.  The Creationists position believes in a literal interpretation of Genesis. God spoke everything into existence (see Genesis 1:3, Gen 1:9, Gen 1:11, Gen 1:14, Gen 1:20, Gen 1:24, and Gen 1:26).  He gave us the information on how it was done, and we can appreciate how complex His creation is and admire His awesome design.  Creationists recognize the commonalities within living things.  Imagine an artist.  The artist uses the same kind of brushes, canvases, paints, brush strokes, etc. but no two paintings are alike.  One can see the paintings and agree that the same artist made those paintings, but you can see how the artist’s creations had many different varieties.  Wouldn’t we expect God, our Creator, to make his creation similar in some ways but also have variations?  Look around and you’ll see that He loves variations!

All of these options for origins are historical sciences, and we have to examine the evidence and arrive to our conclusions based on our worldview.  Science can only provide theories based on naturalistic worldviews.  ID and Creationists allow for supernaturalism to enter. This does not mean we rely on a “God of the Gaps” (which says when something can’t be understood, then God did it).  Understand that out of the three options for understanding origins, only Creationists have the answers (the Bible) as to who did it and when/ how it happened.  The other two options only have theories.

Now that the terms have been defined and you understand our position, go to the About the Ministry page to find more information about this ministry.