
How is the Fall of Man symbolic to what Jesus did on the cross?


Source: Answers in Genesis

Adam and Eve, realizing they were naked, sewed together leaves to cover up their nudity.  This was their own work being done in an attempt to cover their sin.  God sacrificed an animal and used the dead animal’s skin to provide garments for Adam and Eve.  An animal had to die to atone for their sins and provide the covering for their nudity.  Blood was shed, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins (Heb. 9:22).  Adam’s rebellion was a real event, but it was also prophetic of how about 4,000 years later, Jesus would be sacrificed to cover the sins of the world.  Our own works (clothes made of leaves) do not atone for our sin, but the blood of a blameless sacrifice (Jesus) made the full atonement.  Jesus chose to redeem his creation from the mess that it created.  This is true, unconditional love.  Putting our faith in Jesus and confessing our sins to him guarantees us a life in Heaven with him.