Very Good

What did God mean by “very good?”


At the end of each day of creation, God said that it was “good.”  At the end of the creation week, God said that it was “very good.”  If his creation was very good, then there was no suffering, no disease, no sin, and no death.  It was paradise on earth and possibly a representation of our heavenly home

It was Very Good (Source: Answers in Genesis)

After Adam and Eve rebelled against God’s commandment and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, sin entered into the world.  Death is a result of sin, and suffering, sickness, and disease are a form of death.  We suffer now because of Adam’s rebellion.   God’s world is not very good anymore, but our heavenly home will be.

How could it be Very Good if death, disease, and suffering were already occuring? (Source: Answers in Genesis)