1st Day

Bible Prophecy Class/Think Tank

Class Notes for Monday 20 October 2014

The 1st Day of Class Class Notes

We have focused primarily on the reading of the Phases of the Moon. We learn to read the Bible and understand how the parishioners read from the Moon as they went out and looked up and read the signs of the Heavens and the Moon. Large multitudes of people showed up at the appointed times just by reading the signs in the Lunar Phases. We are encouraged to go out and look towards the South sky and know that the Heavenly bodies, the Sun, the Moon, the stars and the planets all seem to rise up from the East, pass over us in the skies and set in the West. This is only apparent because we know that the Earth is spinning about an axis giving the appearance that the Heavenly bodies are moving across the sky from the East to the West continually.

looking out the SOUTH window of your house The Moon is seen rising from East and sets in West The order of Moons appears from WEST to EAST                       7th        6th        5th       4th        3rd      2nd      1st
from EASTto WEST
1st Moon seen rising from East to West. The 1st Moon appears as indicated –>   1st Moon 
2nd Moon seen rising from East to West. At the very same time 2nd Moon<— next morning  
3rd Moon seen rising from East to West and appears 3rd Moon<— as indicated 
4th Full Moon appears 4th Moon <— as indicated  
5th Moon appears5th Moon <— as indicated   

We Recall: Because of the Earth’s rotation, the Moon appears to move from East to West but at the same time in the morning, for each morning of the Seven Moons, the Moon appears at a delayed position in the sky because of  the fact that the Moon is actually in orbit about the Earth. It moves around the Earth in approximately 28 days, more precisely 29.5 days to make a complete orbit. 

Think of this. The ground of the Earth we stand on is actually moving almost at supersonic jet speeds, moving from the WEST to the EAST. That’s why the Sun is seen setting in the WEST, because the ground is moving us from the WEST leaving the Sunny days behind. The Moon is actually orbiting the Earth going around in the same direction as the ground of Earth is moving, from the WEST to the EAST; the reason for the Lunar Calendar Moons appearing from 7th Moon to 1st Moon, from WEST to the EAST. 

Important Knowledge for Bible Believers: The phases of the Moon goes from New Moon to Full Moon in fourteen (14) days. Hence, it is important for the Biblical references to thefourteenth day of the first month at even as referenced in Leviticus 23.5The Moon phase goes from New Moon to Half Moon in seven (7) days. It goes from Half Moon to Full Moon in seven (7) days. It goes from Full Moon to the next Half Moon in another seven (7) days. It takes a full month, 28 days to go from a New Moon and through all its phases and back to a New Moon.This is a Biblical Month. For an essential understanding and knowledge of God’s Calendar please click to: 

CLICK Essential knowledge of the CALENDAR of the Bible

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Pretend you are on a spacecraft looking at the Moon from a distance of one million (1,000,000) miles. We see the Moon orbiting about the Earth and we take a snapshot each day while noting our lunar calendar showing us the Phases of the Moon for 28 days, the Month of February, as would be viewed from the Earth.
Recall:  The Bible refers only to the Hebrew, the Nissan or the Jewish calendar. Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Psalm 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. The Passover commences on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Nissanand last for 7 days. Without these Fundamentals of the Biblical Calendar and the prophetic time-lines these things cannot be properly understood.
  October 2014 Moon Phases Here is a Calendar of Moon Phases for the month of October. This is simply a picture calendar showing you what the Moon looks like for each day or night of the month of October. Remember, the Moon can also be seen in the day time, but it may be difficult to see depending on the weather and the transparency of the sky during the day.  If you looked out toward the South sky at night on the 22nd of October, you would find a Moon with just a little lighting on the left edge of the Moon. If you looked out on the 31st of October, you will find a Half-Moon with lighting on the right half of the surface of the Moon. It would be dark on the left half of the Moon. It’s that simple.   For exercise on Sunday, October 26, go out and look to the South for the Moon Phase   which may not be so easy because this crescent has little light. On Friday, however, on October 31 your sighting will be better as the Moon Phase should be a Half-Moon as follows.   In the next few evenings into November you will note that the Moon will get fuller on the way to a Full-Moon.   November 2014 Moon Phases Here is a Calendar of Moon Phases for the month of November. If you looked out at the South sky on a November night on a Saturday, the 1st of November, you will find a Half-Moon, lighted to the right half of the Moon’s surface. If you looked out on the 5th or the 6th of November you will find a Full-Moon, a fully lighted Moon on those nights. Give it a try and see how the Bible parishioners read the signs for the scheduling of the Feasts in the Bible.    The Jewish Calendar    The Jewish Calendar is based on the orbit of the Moon about the Earth which requires about 29.5 days to make a complete orbit. Since it takes the Earth 365.25 days to orbit the Sun, that means that a year has about 12.4 lunar months. That is gotten simply by dividing 29.5 into 365.25. This means the Moon will circle the Earth 12.4 times while the Earth circles the Sun only once. From Reference http://www.jewfaq.org/calendar.htm Titled “Jewish Calendar” gives details helpful for background and understanding.  Background and History The Jewish calendar is based on three astronomical phenomena: the rotation of the Earth about its axis (a day); the revolution of the moon about the Earth (a month); and the revolution of the Earth about the sun (a year). These three phenomena are independent of each other, so there is no direct correlation between them. On average, the moon revolves around the Earth in about 29½ days. The Earth revolves around the sun in about 365¼ days, that is, about 12.4 lunar months. The civil calendar used by most of the world has abandoned any correlation between the moon cycles and the month, arbitrarily setting the length of months to 28, 30 or 31 days. The Jewish calendar, however, coordinates all three of these astronomical phenomena. Months are either 29 or 30 days, corresponding to the 29½-day lunar cycle. Years are either 12 or 13 months, corresponding to the 12.4 month solar cycle. The lunar month on the Jewish calendar begins when the first sliver of moon becomes visible after the dark of the moon. In ancient times, the new months used to be determined by observation. When people observed the new moon, they would notify the Sanhedrin. When the Sanhedrin heard testimony from two independent, reliable eyewitnesses that the new moon occurred on a certain date, they would declare the rosh chodesh (first of the month) and send out messengers to tell people when the month began. (The head of the month is the first day of a month, on which the first sliver of the new moon appears. It is a minor festival today, though it was a more significant festival in ancient times.) Faithful Bible Believers and Students you should all know that The LORD God is not going by the calendars hanging up on your walls at home. After 365.25 days your calendars all go into the trash. The LORD God does not go by the systems of the world. Note: Questions, you may E-Mail me or call me. My contact information is found on your Syllabus and handouts. These pages are being and will be updated for each class meeting.