4th day

Class Notes  for the  Bible Prophecy Class/Think Tank Class Notes for Monday 10 November 2014 Our Third ( 4th ) Class Meeting
Class Notes for 10 November In our fourth Class/Think Tank we investigated The Mighty Empires in the Bible, namely, the Babylonian Empire under King Nebuchadnezzar who was responsible for the destruction of the1st Temple Mount of Israel in 587BC which was first built by Solomon in 960 BC.  The next Empire was that of the Medo-Persian Empire or the Achaemenid Persian Empire of 539 – 331 BC, one of the largest of the ancient world. The next was The Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great, 331 – 197 BC and the fourth of the Mighty Empires was the Roman Empire under which the 2nd Temple Mount of Israel was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and was rebuilt by Herod the Great who was made King of the Roman Empire from 37-25BC, from 25-14BC and from 14-4BC. The Roman Empire was the mightiest, the most dreadful Empire of all the Mighty Beasts into which Jesus was born. The worst is jet to come after the Holy Roman Empire, theMark of the Beast and the Second Coming of the LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.       The Mighty Beasts Images of King Nebuchadnezzar’s Bad Dream   
For review of above, See Web-Links Mighty Empires and the Mark of the Beast, (click on one of the two links) http://www.scienceinthebible.net/KNOWLEDGE_BIBLE/MightyEmpiresDetails.htm or http://www.scienceinthebible.net/KNOWLEDGE_BIBLE/MarkoftheBeastDetails.htm Again, a firm understanding of the biblical meaning of God’s Appointed Times and the Jewish calendar month is essential for a grasp of the instructions given by God.    The Jewish Calendar   The Jewish Calendar is based on the orbit of the Moon about the Earth which requires about 29.5 days to make a complete orbit. Since it takes the Earth 365.25 days to orbit the Sun, that means that a year has about 12.4 lunar months. We get the number of months by dividing 29.5 into 365.25. This means the Moon will circle the Earth exactly 12.4 times while the Earth circles the Sun only once.   MORE FROM THE WEB × The newest online presentation tool: it’s easy, its’ fun and the result…
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    Understanding God’s Appointed Times In Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and throughout the scriptures the parishioners of the Bible went out in the evenings to witness and to observe the Moon phases to warn and sound the bugle for the appointed times as instructed by God so that great multitudes would all report precisely at their appointed times after the “fourteenths days” and the correct Moon Phase based on the Nissan or the Jewish calendars.    The computer generated images show 29.5 Days of Moons sped up every 3 seconds.                    Review your previous Class Notes.    See you in November 24, our next Class/Think Tank