8th Day

Class Notes  for the  Bible Prophecy Class/Think Tank Class Notes for Monday 8 December 2014 Our Sixth ( 7th ) Class Meeting We have just 1 more Class/Think Tank to go, the final one on December 15  
Class Notes for 08 December In our 7th Class/Think Tank on the topic Abomination of Desolation the Seed thereof We completed discussions on the Abomination of Desolation as mentioned in Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) and the events that we have already talked about that have been prophesied, some of which are already being covered in the news pertaining to the Holy Land and Israel today. We discussed Details on The Seven Seals. We looked into the scriptures on the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Bowls. We discussed the current events and the stunning revelation pertaining to the Final, Physical changes of our Planet Earth and the Physical things happening right now that are being revealed right now in our modern times, The Appointed Times, pointing right at our times of today, 2014 AD.  IMPORTANT Signs Listed in the Bible   Seals 1-7 Trumpets 1-7 Bowls 1-7 1 Revelation 6:1-2 Revelation 8:6-7 Revelation 16:2 2 Revelation 6:3-4 Revelation 8:8-9 Revelation 16:3 3 Revelation 6:5-6 Revelation 8:10-11 Revelation 16:4-7 4 Revelation 6:7-8 Revelation 8:12 Revelation 16:8-9  Scorching Sun 5 Revelation 6:9-11 Revelation 9:1-11   Woe One Revelation 16:10-11 Seat of the Beast 6 Revelation 6:12-17 Revelation 9:13-21 Woe Two Revelation 16:12-16 Seed of Armageddon 7 Revelation 8:1-2 Revelation 10:5-7  Woe Three Revelation 16:17-21 The Final Bowl For the 7th Class/Think Tank you may click to and run or download the PowerPoint file titled: “Euphrates24November2014.ppt”. You can simply CLICK on the link to run the PowerPoint program. You may choose to OPEN the file without saving it automatically to run Microsoft Office PowerPoint on your computer. To get the full effect remember to Run the File in PowerPoint Presentation Mode by clicking the PowerPoint SLIDE SHOW;  Run your PowerPoint in the Presentation Mode with your Sound turned on:. CLICK Here (Allow a couple of minutes for PowerPoint to open):http://www.scienceinthebible.net/KNOWLEDGE_BIBLE/Euphrates24November2014_JuliusTWOB.ppsx For review of the last Seven Weeks, See the Web-Links Mighty Empires and the Mark of the Beast.  Click on any of the links for review. http://www.scienceinthebible.net/KNOWLEDGE_BIBLE/MightyEmpiresDetails.htm or http://www.scienceinthebible.net/KNOWLEDGE_BIBLE/MarkoftheBeastDetails.htm Again, a firm understanding of the biblical meaning of God’s Appointed Times and the Jewish calendar month is essential for a grasp of the instructions given by God. 
Understanding God’s Appointed Times In Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and throughout the scriptures the parishioners of the Bible went out in the evenings to witness and to observe the Moon phases to warn and sound the bugle for the appointed times as instructed by God so that great multitudes would all report precisely at their appointed times after the “fourteenths days” and the correct Moon Phase based on the Nissan or the Jewish calendars. 
 The computer generated images show 29.5 Days of Moons sped up every 3 seconds. 
 For our remaining two (2) classes on December 8 and December 15 we shall interactively share our notes from the news broadcast events pertaining to the Holy Land and the State of Israel to see where these events are directly in line with the prophetic scriptures of the Bible. Please keep up the good work and Keep the Faith in the LORD God. 
 Look forward to Monday, December 15, Our Final Prophecy Class/Think Tank