Volume 1

are viewed as “religious literature” and quickly discarded.  Such tracts may be cheap to produce and distribute, but their effectiveness is marginal.  With this in mind we are designing a full color, hard back book which will be the cornerstone of our distribution efforts in the future. 

     There is an overwhelming amount of impressive evidence supporting the biblical model of reality.  This model (1) starts with a recent creation as the correct basis for understanding biology and biochemistry, (2) acknowledges a worldwide flood as the foundation for understanding geology, (3) understands that there was a literal fall of man as the correct explanation for the origin of disease/death, (4) shows the need for a redeemer outside of mankind as the solution to man’s universal problem with guilt and search for meaning.       The book that we are developing will provide Biblical answers to four basic questions in a way few people have seen.  These are the questions faced by every person in every culture: Where did I come from?  What’s wrong with the world?  How can it be fixed?  What is my purpose?   The visual style of this new book is aimed at grabbing the attention of the current generation.       Each quarterly Search for the Truth newsletter will showcase two of the pages (see center section) in the same size and format as the new book.  This month we feature an article on the implications of Mt. St. Helens.  The eruption at Mt. St. Helens resulted in a massive flood flow which provides a scientific model for understanding the types of geological forces happening around the planet during the flood of Noah’s time.  The stark contrast between the total devastation below and the beauty of the mountain above personifies the vast gulf separating our sinful behavior and the holiness of our Creator.  This picture serves as a wonderful tool for explaining how the fossil record of our planet rapidly formed, why there are widespread coal seams around the world, how extensive regional bands of horizontal sediment formed, and how quickly huge river valleys can be created by flowing water.  Each two-page layout in the new book will also have a “skeptic’s corner”. This will explain how the world seeks to discredit the evidence being presented – often by ignoring the obvious or distorting the facts. 

St. Helens, con’d

then, as it feeds on underground plant parts, it brings up fertile soil from below the ash, stuffing these long snow tunnels.”

In This Issue New Outreach Book Started Mt. St. Helens Recovery Amazingly Fast Mt. St. Helens Print Offered Creation Newlsetter Begins Successful Fundraiser – 3000 books to be distributed SFT Board Dave Johnson Rob & Beth Kelch Larry & Jean Langrill Doug Lee Bruce & Robin Malone Scott & Joan Miller Executive Director Bruce Malone Graphic Designer Shelley Mordue Intercessor Team Francine Cheger Rich & Tina Kleiss Kent & Sue Larson Matt & Nancy Place as many people as possible with the truth of God’s Word.  Lengthy books filled with page after page of text, no matter how well writ type books, no matter how filled with truth, Mt. St. Helens Print prints of the picture shown in the centerfold of this newsletter (without the text).  Two sizes are available: 12” by 36” or 20” by 60”.   Included with each print will be our one hour DVD, “Explosive Evidence for Creation”, flood led directly to the concept of biological evolution – with its disastrous effect on the faith of millions.  This Mt. St. Helens panora ma was taken by Bruce Malone in October of 2007 starter in your home or office and watch how This print immediately grabs the attention of the viewer and naturally leads to a discussion of how the aftermath of a worldwide flood would have resulted in huge regional layered and deep oversized river valleys around the world.  This is a stunning tool for changing early chapters of Genesis.        Visit www.searchforthetruth.net or call  (989) 837-5546 the 3-foot print or $20 for 5-foot print. 

     The landscape was transformed from a sterile landscape devoid of life to a new ecosystem within years of the eruption.  According the Forest Service report, “Plants representing all major stages of forest development appear to dents because they represent the future

A Book for a New Generation be establishing simultaneously. This and are being strongly deceived, prison-

contradicts classic ecological theory that            ers because they have time to ponder          Our primary goal has always been to reach describes the orderly establishment and      their purpose in life and represent 1 out successive replacement of one group of      of every 100 adults in the country.   By

plants by another (for example, mosses                                                               directly distributing visual, accurate,

followed by grasses by shrubs by trees).        and interesting materials we can by-pass   ten, are simply not read by most people.  Tract

Classic theory, based upon studies of             the censorship which keeps them from

abandoned fields and formerly glaci-     hearing the truth and reestablish the link             con’d on back ated terrain, does not appear to apply at        between physical and spiritual reality.  Mount St. Helens. Over the last 17 years             Giving biblical creation materials to scientists have developed some inter-           thousands of students and prisoners is

esting theories about how ecosystems    feasible because these groups already          We are proud to make available art-quality respond to large-scale disturbance.”               have a variety of Christian organizations The “classic ecological theory” has   reaching out to them.

been strongly influenced by evolution-       In the fall of 2007 this vision was ary thought which assumes one type           presented and over $9000 was contribof vegetation slowly dominates others.       uted!  These gifts will be used to distrib-

Thus evolution has been a detriment to ute 3000 books to prisoners and students            which explains how the denial of a worldwide scientific advancement yet again. throughout 2008.  Two thousand books      The Bible describes Noah remaining         have already been sent to schools and

on the ark for almost 2 months after it    prisons in New York, California, Michi-landed.  This would have allowed time             gan, Oregon, and Minnesota.  The re-

for plants to grow and provide for sur-   mainder of the books will be given away             on a day described by the park ranger as, vival.  One only has to watch the speed   during outreach campaigns (followed     “The most perfect viewing day in all of 2007”.  at which weeds spread in newly tilled         by creation presentations) on college           Consider putting this gorgeous conversation soil to understand how much resiliency        campuses in the fall. Thanks to all who

God has built into his creation.  The              contributed financially to this vision.      it opens opportunities for spiritual discussions. 

rapid recovery at Mt. St. Helens demon- Small contributions from many Chrisstrates that the recent worldwide flood           tians will make our goal of distributing is not fiction but a realistic account of a             over one million books a reality. true historical event.

horizontal bands of rock, extensive coal seams, people’s perspective on the believability of the

Search for the Truth

                                                                            www.searchforthetruth.net                                                     to order.  The price is $10 for

3275 Monroe Rd Midland, MI  48640

(989) 837-5546


St. Helens Amazing Recovery

     One of the most common objections to the biblical account of Noah’s flood is that there has not been enough time for the re-establishment of vegetation to its current state.  The remarkably rapid recovery at Mt. St. Helens puts this objection to rest.       In the words of ScienceDaily (Nov. 16, 2005), “When Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, it destroyed every living thing around it. Gas, ash and rock, heated to over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, sterilized a 60-kilometer square area, leaving a gray lunar-looking landscape devoid of plants and animals.”  Trees as far as 17 miles from the volcano were snapped off like match sticks by the blast wave.       Yet the recovery has been more rapid than thought possible following the disaster.   According to USFS, 1998, Volcano Review: U.S. Forest Service, Summer/Fall 1998: “Surprisingly, elk were seen on the landslide deposit west of the volcano only weeks after the May 18, 1980, eruption. In recent years, as more plant life emerges, these large relatives of deer move throughout the blast zone, feeding in the valleys in winter and moving to the higher slopes in the spring and summer. As they climb steep slopes, their hooves erode the volcanic debris, uncovering soil and speeding the return of plants.”  The same report shows how small animals such as gophers are returning, “Though you may never see one of these palm-size mammals, they are abundant throughout much of the blast area. Gophers leave evidence of their winter’s work as the snow melts and reveals long earth cores atop the ash. You may be surprised to find these cores are solid upon close inspection. The pocket gopher forms tunnels in the deep snow, con’d on back