Amazing Dolphin

The Amazing Dolphin: Why Dogs Cannot “Change” Into Dolphins

Many evolutionists insist that ocean mammals are the “cousins” of land dwelling mammals! Isn’t that astonishing?  They argue that (as one example) dogs must have “hunted by the sea” and slowly became completely “adapted” to life in the water, and became dolphins!  One thing you can say about evolutionists: they sure have a wonderful imagination!  I’ve seen a lot of dogs on the beach, and some really seem to have lots of fun with the ocean waves, but all they get at the end of the day is sand on their feet!  They are still dogs, even if one of them happens to develop a taste for fish.
Evolutionists believe that sea-squirts became fish, which became amphibians, and then slowly became land animals like reptiles, birds, and mammals; then some (mammals) left the land and went back to the sea!  Sounds like musical animals.
Those who believe (and it is just a “belief”) that a dog could somehow become a dolphin need to know a little more about the dolphin. My first exposure to the idea of dogs becoming dolphins was an article in Zoobooks back in 1990.
Throughout this writing, remember that there is no known process that has ever produced new organs or any new material that would be needed to make a new animal.  New organs can only be produced by intelligent genetic information.  Errors, (mutations) cannot produce new useful organs (much less the proper “packaging and location of the parts” within a certain creature’s body).  Errors in genetic instructions, or duplication of instructions, or deletion of instructions, or duplication of chromosomes (polyploidy) is not new information. There is no source for new information within any creature.  That, coupled with “stasis” (stability of kinds) should help folks understand that animals don’t change from one kind to another, except during the complex and amazing process of metamorphosis.  And remember; all those instructions and information must reside within the animalalready for it to go through those miraculous stages.
To turn a dog into a dolphin would require many new features found in the dolphin and not in the dog.  And these changes must occur within the males and females, with complete reproductive capability all along this imaginary path.
Dolphins cannot breathe through their mouths.  That doesn’t sound like a great improvement that “natural selection” would preserve. And did this terrible thing happen to them before they “developed” a hole in their head (complete with a “stopper” to prevent water leakage), and a rerouted (new) path to their lungs? Think about that!  How would this transition take place?
Female dolphins sleep at the surface of the water to allow for breathing.  Males sleep just under the surface and have an internal “clock” designed to move them up to the surface periodically to allow for breathing.  That “timing” for the male, had better be right from the day God created him. When a dolphin sleeps, one half of its brain remains “alert” and one eye stays open on the lookout for danger.  
The nostrils:  Relocation (to the top of the skull), the addition of a flap to keep water out (it can’t show up later, or the dolphin would drown).  The flap must be extremely strong (dolphins can dive to 1000 feet) and have a very tight fit to keep the animal from drowning.  Nerve connections and muscle control must be there from the beginning, and the brain must have the addition of a controlling program for the dolphin to be able to use thisnew organ properly.
The nasal passage must have nasal sacs added to produce the sounds (clicks and squeaks) made by the dolphin.  Dogs don’t click or squeak, and have vocal chords for making sounds.  Dolphins can whistle.  As of yet, no dog has been known to whistle.  Again, no series of mutations have ever been known to add new organs (like the nasal sacs) to an organism.
The “melon” (the rounded area on the dolphin’s forehead) acts as a focusing area to send the sound out in a beam in front of the animal.  This is an example of a new organ that is never produced by mutations. And the animal must know where the sound is “aimed” to properly decode the echo, so it can locate its next meal.  
The dolphin must (from the beginning) have a way to detect the echo coming back from the sound the melon sent out.  It cannot “show up later” as in evolution.  Sounds travel through water over four times faster than through the air, so complex mathematical computations must be programmed into the brain from the beginning to allow the dolphin to know how far away an object is.  They not only know how far away an object is, but the size, shape, speed of movement, and direction. All that in just one second! If the evolving melon sent out the clicks straight overhead, the dolphin would probably never locate the object bouncing back the sounds.  Bottlenose dolphins can even determine if the echo is coming from an animal representing their favorite meal!  And they can detect an object the size of a golf ball two-hundred feet away!
Dolphins don’t have external ears.  The lower jaw bones receive the echoes and conduct that sound to the middle ear, the inner ear, and through the auditory nerves to the hearing centers in the brain.  The brain must then decode these electrical impulses to allow the dolphin to determine their meaning.
Unlike any other mammal, dolphin babies are born tail first!  Can the accumulation of mutations slowly turn the babies around?  Not hardly.  A breached baby will kill the mother and the baby.  Think about the dorsal fin, on top and the two flippers as the baby emerges (backwards) from the womb.  Those appendages would keep the baby from being born at all, if God hadn’t created a solution for that problem.  He causes the fin and flippers to fold down against the baby’s body for the birth process!  
The arteries and veins leading to and from the brain of a dog are outside the neck bones.  On a dolphin, these arteries and veins are inside the neck bones!  I don’t even know of a doctor who could perform that operation, much less “time and chance”!
The dolphin has a rib cage that collapses when he goes deep into the water.  The ribs actually squeeze the heart when this happens!  If this happened before evolution “redesigned” the dog’s heart, the dolphin would be extinct.  The heart actually has a sponge type material to absorb blood when it collapses.  God figured out how to take care of that problem when He created the dolphin.
Dolphins must nurse the baby under water!  The milk is squirted into the baby’s mouth from a tube….a newprocess, not found in the dog.
Dogs have one stomach -dolphins have two- one to store food, and the other to digest it. That’s two new and different designs.
Dogs chew their food most of the time.  Dolphins never do.  They swallow a fish whole, head first.  They have 100 teeth (not 42 like a dog) and they are a new design (for grasping and holding) not for chewing.  They have newinformation in their brain (different instinct) to tell them how to eat.
Dolphins have blubber under their mostly hairless skin, for insulation.  Dogs have no blubber, and are covered in hair for that purpose.  Remember….mutations don’t produce new material like blubber.  And dolphins have anew type of skin.
The new skin must be designed to fit a new body, which has a new and different shape. Their body is streamlined, and designed so well for movement through the water, that many underwater vessel designers have copied it.
The retina (at the back of the eye) has a new design to allow the dolphin to see extremely well under water. Newelastic lenses allow for special focusing in that environment.  Special glands secrete new chemicals that protect the eyes from salt water. Evolution is not a chemist, and evolution is not a designer.
The dog to dolphin “evolution” would require the loss of both rear legs, and changing of the front legs into flippers (and new information in the brain to control the flippers for swimming, and not walking).
The dog’s tail moves from side to side.  The dolphin’s tail involves a new movement: up and down.  It has tremendous strength, and is separated at the end. A dolphin can jump 20 feet out of the water!   Its brain must have new information dealing with this tail and its control.

Any change (dealing with features) within any animal would require other changes simultaneously. That is always the case.  In other words, when the dolphin “loses both of its back legs”, the brain must undergo a new design so as to “not care” about that and to not try to use that which no longer exists.  The nerves from the brain to the former legs (and feet) and the blood supply coming from the heart must just “go away” in the offspring of the dog/dolphin.  The muscles and bones of the legs and feet must disappear.  The skin covering both legs and feet must disappear. The claws must disappear. 
The bones in the flippers of a dolphin resemble a human hand much more so than a dog’s feet.  This totally different anatomy apparently posed a problem for the evolutionary worldview of the writers in the Zoobooks article.  So, on the page where a dog was compared to a dolphin, they decided to hide the feet of the dog, by putting him behind the dolphin and moving him down so that the kids could not see his feet!  Then, nearby, they drew a human hand to compare to the flipper. I show this article and discuss this trickery as part of my PowerPoint presentation.  I hate deception, particularly when it involves kids!
One more thing: The fossil record is totally void of undisputed evidence that these changes actually took place.  Thus, the fossil record and common sense denies that evolution from dog to dolphin ever happened.
Harry Moore