Can Eyelids Just “Show Up Later”?

I am convinced that many of us fail to comprehend how miraculous and wonderful our Creator is. Whenever I study human anatomy, I always stop to reflect on the remarkable inventive genius of our Lord, and the attributes He so graciously created within each of us. We seldom stop to think of how extraordinary it is just to be human, as opposed to being some type of animal without the ability to think about and worship our Creator.

Our Heavenly Father placed within us the ability to hear, see, touch, taste and smell. We were given these attributes to allow us to be more completely aware of our surroundings. If they were not “part of us” we would be at a great disadvantage when it comes to surviving as a species. These senses (and I will include the sense of balance) must be “with us” from the beginning. It is impossible to “add them later”, since genetic errors never produce new and more complex material to work with, much less entirely new organs or systems.

Within the senses are marvelous designs allowing us to hear diverse sounds; see many different colors and intensities of light; feel various degrees of hot or cold; experience many different taste sensations, and to enjoy various aromas like the smell of roses or a steaming hot apple pie. 

One item that most folks probably don’t think about is the fact that we have, designed within us, not only our sensory organs, but ways to maintain the vibrant health of those organs. A case in point is the eyelid. Our two identical eyelids are much more than a way to close out light in order for us to sleep. Eyelids are vital to the very survival of our sense of sight. Eyelids are a perfect fit for the front of our eyes. They are curved precisely, with a very smooth inner surface so that the eyes are not damaged as we move them to look at various objects. They are designed to react immediately to instructions sent from the brain. Since eyelids are lubricated, there is no dry friction caused by opening and closing the eyes thousands of times a day. And they open and close automatically, in synchronization with sensors attached to the brain, at just the right intervals to keep our eyes clean, lubricated, and pain free. But more than that, the liquid which flows over the eyes contains nutrients, without which (from the beginning) we would suffer great pain before going totally blind. This liquid also contains antibiotics to keep our eyes from becoming infected. The eyes roll upwards for sleep, which may be God’s way to help protect the front, and also allow lubrication and nutrients to be able to still cover the eye, when our eyelids aren’t moving over the surface. God is a world renowned chemist. The liquid (and the nutrients) must be clear, because they flow over the “line of sight”. There are also two types of tears which flow during moments of deep sadness, or overwhelming happiness.

We also have a special design to protect the eyes from damage while we are awake. As soon as the brain senses an object coming toward one or both of the eyes (unless it is self-initiated), a command is sent to cause the eyes to close. The normal automatic closing and opening of the eyelids is not generally noticed, unless you have an object underneath the eyelid causing irritation. 

The eye itself is very sensitive to the touch, and the presence of even a very small foreign object on the surface can cause a great deal of pain. I’m very sure that I have only “touched the surface” when it comes to what God did as part of our creation. We can thank God that He “thought” of all these design features from the beginning.