Did The Sea-Squirt “Become” A Fish?

Sea-SquirtSince the fossil record shows the abrupt appearance of all major kinds, the evolutionists must use their imagination to come up with a viable ancestor for every kind of created animal (plus humankind). In their diligent search for a fish ancestor, they discovered the “tadpole” stage of the sea squirt. This little creature has a bit of cartilage in its tail. In their thinking, since cartilage is also an ingredient found in boney material, they postulate that the vertebrate backbone (plus the rest of the fish) evolved from the tadpole stage of the sea squirt! This is amazing to me! What kind of irrational and unscientific thinking leads to such a conclusion as this? They have attempted to change the truth of God into a lie, and to change the meaning of science (the search for truth) to the search for a naturalistic answer for observed phenomena. I’m sure that in the near future, the word “observed” will be removed, since no person has ever actually observed the magical transformation of one kinds into another. What “forces of evolution” in their watery environment could cause these changes? In my thinking (and I believe it to be scientifically sound), water has always been water, and the little sea squirt surely seems happy to spend its life on the ocean floor or glued to a pier somewhere. So changes in the environment (water) could not be the cause of mutations, and (later) selection to turn the sea squirt into a fish. These pet mechanisms of the evolutionists (mutations and selection) never produce a new animal, since mutations cause a loss or duplication of a genetic instruction, and natural selection simply tends to maintain the best quality of a group or class of already created animals. Variation within kinds but not variation to a new kind is accepted by all creationists. This inherent stability is sometimes called stasis. Stasis is the stability of kind evidenced by living groups, and the fossil record. All aquatic animals live in the same environment and all are well designed for this type of existence. There is no reason for the so-called “pressures of evolution” to change one animal into another. And why would it not be happening today? They are in the same environment as in the past. One item of special interest: there are 100 million years (using their flawed timeframe) of evidence missing for this magical transformation. We should be inundated with millions of intermediate stages, not only alive today, but in the fossil record. 

Barracuda FishNow, in all fairness to the evolutionist, there is somewhat of a relationship between the sea-squirt and a fish. For instance water flows through one opening and out some other opening on both of these creatures. So, just as the blinking yellow caution light and the blinking yellow light of the lightning bug show a distinct relationship, you can easily see how over millions of years, mutations and natural selection produced a lightning bug from a caution light! The only criteria you need to “see” this transformation (and the transformation of the sea squirt into a fish)is that you live in the evolutionary land of make believe, and are somewhat gullible. We need to bring back the real definition of science, and open our minds to the truth of what we see, no matter where it may take us. ~Harry Moore