
Did we, as humans, evolve from some inferior beast, or were we created? The claim that similarities in the makeup of different animals (bones, joints, etc.) prove we have a “relationship” to those animals is one that I have considered. I now know that similarities speak of a Designer, whose “work” is (as a scientist studying DNA put it) genius beyond genius! But, there are other similarities that might make more sense. Take for instance, the word “EVOLUTION”. With only a few basic “mutations”, it could become the word “FAIRYTALE”. Both words are quite similar in several ways. They both have exactly the same number of letters. In fact, the letter “T” is in exactly the same place on both words! The letters at the beginning of both words are very similar in shape, with only a slight difference at the bottom of the F and the E. Simply inverting the V causes it to look almost like an A. Squeeze the letter O, and it becomes an I, and so forth. Amazing, isn’t it? Simply by modifying several other letters (accumulating “good” mutations), the word “EVOLUTION” evolves into its true meaning. I’m just having a little fun. I’m not trying to be disrespectful.

Some people say it’s unscientific to believe in a “Creator”. Evolutionists believe that when dinosaurs “ruled the earth” there were no humans or human-like creatures. The only mammals around at the “time” were tiny “rat-like” creatures. “Rat-like”, gives the idea of a type of fluctuation from one kind to another, instead of the stability all creatures really possess. So since the only mammals were rat-like creatures, they figure we must have evolved from rats. Since rats and humans are both mammals, rats (over time) must have turned into people. That’s not what I (and many scientists) call good science. Good science looks at the evidence with an open mind, and lets the evidence (not an intolerant mindset) determine what is true. Rats don’t become people, except in someone’s imagination. Not only that, all around the earth, fossil evidence shows human footprints in the same strata as (and sometimes below) footprints of dinosaurs. I took my family on a trip from Georgia to Glen Rose, Texas for a first-hand look at these prints. FBI forensic experts said these tracks were fully human, and there they were, in the same area as the dinosaur prints. 

There are hundreds of highly credentialed, former evolutionary scientists who have changed their thinking and now believe in the science of Creation (The Creation Science Society). Hundreds more believe the truth, but because of their position in the scientific community, will not admit it publicly. ~Harry Moore