“Goosing” a Frog

Once upon a time, not long ago, there was a very strange animal. Indeed, there were two very strange animals. At least they acted very strangely. Maybe they were affected by the really intense lightning storm that had just passed by. Anyway, a frog kept walking with a waddle like a goose, instead of just jumping around like his little froggy friends. And the goose wasn’t waddling like it should, but instead was trying to hop around like a frog!

Then, something really odd happened. The frog waddled out into the lake and started ducking his head under the water as if it was looking around for food that way, like a goose would. The goose apparently lost all sense of what he was, and stuck his tongue out at a bug on a leaf, as if it was trying to catch it that way. Like a frog. No matter how hard the goose tried, he couldn’t catch the bug. There was no “sticky stuff” on the end of his tongue like frogs have, and the goose, thinking his tongue was four times longer than it really was, wasn’t standing close enough to the bug anyway.

The frog meanwhile decided it would try to fly. It “walked” very rapidly on top of the water and flapped its’ front legs. He went very fast, but not much happened, since his bones weren’t hollow, and he had no feathers. Then, his body skidded along like a rock someone had thrown out on top of the lake. 

It seems as if there was some type of mistake in the part of the brain that houses instinct. Instinct has to be designed to match the body it resides in. Somehow the instinct of these two creatures was switched. Remember, this story, -like evolution- is a fairytale. Maybe they were standing very near each other when the storm came up, and lightning caused the miraculous switch. Of course! That’s what it must be! According to the theory of evolution, mistakes of nature would actually place instinct into different animals without using any guidance or intelligence to make it match the body it resides in. That is, if instinct could actually be “wired up” by mistake! As if evolution would have enough sense to know we all needed instinct! Good luck on that one! So the odd actions would be normal if they were put together by chance. 

Meanwhile, since the goose didn’t really know how to catch bugs with its tongue, and the frog couldn’t dive to catch fish, they would both perish.

Semi-technical note: It is impossible for millions of animals to have the proper instinct hard-wired into their brains, with millions of correct connections, without an intelligent designer putting it there in the very beginning. Animals must have the ability to use the parts they possess from the very moment of creation. There is no time to wait for instinct to “show up” later. Animals would go crazy with no instinct in their brains. They must know how to use their body to survive, and to properly care for their offspring. Anyone who doesn’t agree with this needs to open the cell door of their “thought prison” and walk out into the real world. Then, with a brand new worldview, study the animals. They will show you. ~Harry Moore