Harry Moore: champion of creationism

Harry Moore is a mild-mannered, sincere Christian gentleman who has spent the last twenty years deepening his faith in the Creator God. He shares his views on “Creationism” as a knowledgeable proponent of that fundamental truth.

After serving in the Air Force repairing Doppler radar units, Moore worked on IBM equipment for 42 years. In that role he admits that he saw “intelligent design” and “irreducible complexity” first hand. He won 26 suggestion awards dealing mainly with design on IBM equipment. His devoted interest in intelligent design in living organisms flows not only from his faith, but his natural bent honed by years of design work with IBM.

Moore explains, “Years ago I was giving my testimony in church and the words, ‘evolution is of the devil’ just naturally came out of my mouth as I was talking about the Lord’s love and guidance in our lives.”

Moore continued, “I really didn’t have much scientific evidence for what I said. I just believed in the reliability of the Bible. Amazingly, the Lord began to lead me to sources of truth dealing with the scientific evidence for creation.” 

“As the months went by it seemed I had reached a plateau in my search for information and it was time for me to ‘do something’ with what I had learned. I am still reading books and gathering information, but it seemed the Lord was urging me to ‘go tell’ what I had learned.”

Moore contends that from kindergarten on through college young people are being indoctrinated. “The anti-creationists are more blatant and deliberate than ever as they attempt to undermine the creationist worldview and discredit the book of Genesis,” he said.

This summer at Camp Kaleo scores of Royal Ambassadors had the opportunity to hear Moore speak. The staunch defender of creationism loves talking to today’s youth, explaining, “‘Little Johnny’ will go to church Sunday and learn that God created people, then on Monday be exposed to an indoctrination diametrically opposed to everything he heard Sunday.” 

“There was a time when parents could easily examine the material ‘little Johnny’ was being taught by looking at the books he brought home from school. Today all that has changed. In our current school systems they use documentaries and information from the Internet that parents do not see. And although most Americans believe in a Creator, our tax dollars support this nonsense.”

Moore, a member of First Baptist Fairburn, is greatly concerned about the ongoing battle for the mind of our youth. He declared, “Those in control actually seem to ‘panic’ when someone mentions that the ‘theory’ is actually a ‘theory.’ I am convinced along with many highly-credentialed scientists that the theory of evolution is simply an idea, an assumption with no real evidence to back it up. They call the law of gravity a theory and the nonsense of evolution a fact. Those in authority are so entrenched in the ‘system’ that even the obvious (intelligent design) isn’t allowed into the public schools.

“When they tell the kids that dogs became dolphins, they are not just being unscientific – they are lying. When they say that man and dinosaurs were not contemporaneous, they are guilty of holding back evidence to the contrary. Also, the ACLU loves to control the public school system by producing fear among the leadership. The primary fear is a lawsuit, which most school boards cannot afford.”

Moore is quite capable of reciting numerous examples that support the doctrine of creation, but offered the concept of ‘stasis’ as a prime example of creation being a reality. Stasis in regards to the field of biology refers to “stability of kinds.” 

“The evolutionist must insist that over time one animal changes into a completely different kind of animal,” Moore explains. “This must happen with males and females of each kind over two million times to produce all the animals we see.

“As evidence for evolution we must see oddities and misfits in the fossil record that outnumber the ‘normal’ ones by thousands to one. Other than in the case of metamorphosis (a God-controlled and intelligently designed process), changes from one animal to another never happen. Adaptability however is real.”

“All creationists accept variation within kind,” Moore added. Adaptive abilities (variations) are designed by God to allow an animal to survive in a given environment. Those abilities reside within a creature and are not the product of evolution. Extrapolating variation within kind, to explain all the different kinds of creatures in existence (from one-celled animals to ‘us’) goes beyond the realm of reality.” 

Some may think that the doctrine of creation is incidental rather than primary, but according to Moore the truths found in Genesis are foundational to the whole Bible. He insists that if one accepts evolution and rejects creation, he must also reject Genesis; and if one rejects Genesis, he would not be able to trust the rest of the Bible; and therefore, would not accept Christ as savior. 

“A person’s worldview will ultimately decide his final destiny,” Moore added. “As one accepts the Genesis story of creation, the Holy Spirit will begin to help that person accept the other teachings of the Bible. However, if anyone rejects the guidance of the