Letter to The Christian Index

This is a letter I wrote to a Georgia Baptist publication. It was published in the next edition.

In secular schools, our children are inundated in every subject with a worldview against a creator God. For instance, my oldest granddaughter has a reading book that covers factual writings, fiction, and fantasy. The example given for fantasy is the story about a young cave-dwelling family, whose child found a dinosaur egg. The egg hatched and the dinosaur became their pet. However, at the end of the story, the statement was made that it would not be possible for any man to have ever had a dinosaur for a pet. They suggested that research should be done into why that is the case. They were implying that no humans were around when dinosaurs “ruled the earth.”

I took my family out to Glen Rose, Texas, where we actually examined human footprints in a limestone layer in the Paluxy River. What made these prints unique was the fact that in a limestone layer nearby and above these prints was the footprint of a three-toed dinosaur.

Evolutionists claim that the human prints were not human at all, or were carvings. However, forensics experts agreed that these were footprints from a human being. Also, you can’t carve out “up-push.” Up-push is the way that a small amount of mud is squeezed out around a footprint, which causes a raised area at those places. Additionally, a carving can’t create compression marks in the limestone. God gave man dominion over all the creatures, and that included dinosaurs (Genesis 1:26).

If we really “got here” through a slow process over millions of years, why can’t we find evidence in the fossil record for that? If evolution were true, the fossil record would be totally reversed from what we see. There would be only “in-between” animals. There is no indisputable creature in the fossil record that is shown to be an in-between. That includes the “apes to humans” philosophy. Those creatures were either apes, or humans; not a mixture. And a “common ancestor” for them will never be found. Many evolutionary scientists actually agree that there are no in-between creatures in the fossil record. Their answer for that problem is called Punctuated Equilibrium, which suggests that one kind of animal had a totally different kind for a baby. However, the genetic code in the parents’ DNA would have to mutate in such a way as to include the building of new working organs that had never existed before, and create working connections inside the body of the creature (for control and function of the new parts). Mutations cause a decrease of information or (as shown in fruit fly experiments) simply repeat an instruction. Mutations are defective copies of intelligent DNA information. There is not one instance where mutations can be shown to bring about new useful genetic information in a creature. Evolution depends on a non-existent process.

As Christians who believe the Bible from beginning to end, we must educate ourselves to not just defend our position, but to be absolutely sure our children (and grandchildren) have a working knowledge of the truth of creation. Only by knowing the real thing can they detect the counterfeit. ~Harry Moore