
Letter to Time Magazine

To the editors:

I was standing in line at my bank a few weeks ago, and noticed a magazine (TIME) with the bold letters EVOLUTION WARS on the cover.  Of course, that got my attention, so I picked it up and browsed through it.  One of the bank employees said I could take it with me to finish reading, so I did

Some of the statements of the “anti-Creationists” are not scientific.  For instance, in the “FACE-OFF” dealing with the eye, on page thirty.  They really uncovered the “mainstay” of the theory in the paragraph “Who Needs a Designer?”  That mainstay of course, is imagination.  The whole theory is backed by a very heavy dose of it.  To say a mutation might have produced a patch of light-sensitive cells allowing a “primitive creature” to “see” (or tell light from dark) is also unscientific.   For instance, was the patch on the “head” of this creature, or on an evolving arm, or leg, or even on the bottom side?  Did this patch become electrically charged because of the light?  If so, where would the charge go? Eyes by themselves don’t see.  Our eyes are designed to send (at about 200 miles per hour) precise electrical signals from the retina to a particular part of our brain, which must interpret the signals and make us able to “see” our surroundings.  It does so in milliseconds, and in three dimensional color!  Then, that picture is transferred to another part of the brain, so that another picture can immediately be interpreted to replace that one.  And, what about the other eye?  They must realize that more than one is needed.  They have to imagine how another eye designed exactly like that one can come about by millions of tiny useless steps, starting with light-sensitive skin.  Then, they have the problem of over a million creatures with one eye that exactly matches the design of their other eye. Plus the fact that every creature’s brain, optic nerves, skull openings, muscle control, and so on, have to match those eyes.

All these mutations would produce animals with an “eye” in the wrong place.   Also, of course, while other “lucky mutations” are occurring, the fossils of this type creature (one-eyed, one armed, one legged, one winged, etc., all in the wrong location and orientation on the creature) would outnumber the real fossils by millions to one!  Whereare these creatures in the fossil record?  They simply are not there.  Think about that.  If evolution were true, the fossil record would actually be reversed!  You would be lucky to find a complete and whole creature anywhere, but would find millions of mutated mistakes on the way to becoming a viable creature. 

Fossil evidence doesn’t show that any of these “accidents of nature” ever existed.  It’s amazing that the “biologists” actually admitted that there is “no fossil evidence” of the interim steps.  Unlike the implications from the paragraph, many highly credentialed biologists and scientists do believe in a Creator (the Creation Science Society).  

Even a perfect eye, with all perfectly designed parts; the precisely attached muscles to move it; the retinal cells that change light to electricity; the lens that is perfectly “hung” in front at a very precise orientation and distance from the retina; the fluid inside that must be clear; the tears to give nourishment where blood must not flow (over the cornea); an eyelid that automatically closes and opens to clean it, and provide nutrients; and many other necessary “ingredients” is still completely useless!  Like I said earlier, eyes don’t see.  So what is to “select” until the organ is complete, and the optic nerves are there and connected properly from the retina to the part of the brain designed to interpret and actually make a “picture” from the signals and “erase” that picture immediately to start over again?  All the correct parts are needed from the “getgo” (like in an act of Creation).  Along with sight, you have the other four senses (smell, touch, hearing, and taste) to combine to enable the brain to decide what the body should do in reaction to its surroundings.

To simplify what I mean, look at it this way:  The eye (complete with muscles for movement) is the “functional” unit, while the optic nerves are the “connecting or supporting” units, and the brain is the “controlling” unit. Additionally, you must have separate muscle control for concise, synchronized, identical movement (and precise alignment) of the two eyeballs.  Remove any of these items and it doesn’t work.  Likewise, you can see the hand as a functional unit, with the arm and shoulder as the supporting units, and the brain as the controlling unit. Some call this the “Whole Package Phenomenon”, or “Irreducible Complexity”.   I call it the “rule of three” (functional unit, supporting unit, and controlling unit).  It’s real, and it’s real science.

I would like to mention a few things that cannot evolve.  If it is true that any of the following items can’t possibly waitfor evolution to produce them over time, then the theory is false.

I’ll start with the tongue.  A dog (or any other animal that laps up water) must be able to control its tongue to get a drink.  Otherwise, it would not survive. This is a very complex process of muscle control and ability.  Not much time to “wait for evolution” to allow it to drink.   We must be able to push food between the upper and lower set of teeth to be chewed.  We must be able to produce saliva, and “chew”.  Then, we must be able to move the chewed food to the back of the tongue where the swallow response (which can’t evolve) allows it to go down.  None of these processes of muscle control and nerves that control them could “wait” to evolve.  And as you know, that’s only the very beginning of many precisely controlled processes needed for digestion.  You can gain an appreciation for the tongue by being aware of all it does the next time you eat or speak. Try repeating this sentence without moving your tongue. See what I mean?

The sensation of hunger cannot evolve over time.  If you were not hungry, you would not eat.  You would die. If the sensation of thirst had to wait to evolve, you would die waiting for it. 

The autonomic system of the body cannot evolve.  Take breathing, for instance.  If you had to think about it, and intentionally breathe in and out, (and as a “basic creature”, you somehow had the ability to control your diaphragm) what would happen when you forgot, or went to sleep? 

Instinct (nest building, care of offspring, proper use of different body parts) is necessary and hard wired into aspecific brain of a specific creature to allow for survival, from the very beginning.  That can’t wait for lucky mutations to “happen”.  Did the right instinct just happen in the right body with over two million creatures?  For instance, a goose must know from the beginning, how to land on water; an eagle must know how to swoop down to catch a fish, but not to land in the water.

Bone joints have to match their “partner”.  The hinge joint (one of the five types in the human body) must fit perfectly on both sides, or the pain would be unbearable.  Location, orientation, material, proper cushioning, and lubrication must be just right.  This joint is found in the elbows, knees, fingers, toes and jaw.  There are over two hundred bones in the human body, all aligned and fitting together perfectly to make the body viable.  I can’t personally imagine how the first bone joint came into being without an intelligent Creator.

Teeth can’t evolve, and the top row must “match” the bottom.  An alligator’s jaw is a good example. The upper and lower teeth are a perfect compliment of each other.  Any creature’s teeth must be hard enough to withstand a lifetime of use.  That’s why enamel can be added to this list of items.

Your skin fits “you” perfectly.  The skin covers your hands better than a glove.  One side must be loose, especially at the joints, to allow movement in a certain direction.  The other side isn’t loose, and is very tough for doing chores.  Skin covers your whole body; has to have “holes” in proper places, and protects you from the “outside world”.  It must be able to grow with the body it covers.  A creature with a partially covered body would not survive. If your skin didn’t grow with your body, you would not survive.

Animals with legs must have the proper legs for the particular body to which they are attached.  Animals with huge bodies must have strong legs located at the four corners of the main mass, and pointing down, with proper orientation so the four don’t run off in separate directions!  Two legged animals (like birds) must have legs located precisely to properly balance the body while walking, and wings (on the ones designed to fly) of a precise size, material, orientation, and location to allow for balanced flight.

Yours truly,
Harry Moore

PS:  A thought to remember:  Genetic mutations never produce new material, which would have to occur in untold numbers for evolution (simple to complex structures) to occur.  You can’t get new parts by shuffling around a Rubics Cube. Therefore, the theory of evolution depends on a non-existent process.