Why Evolution Doesn’t Happen

Or Why A Rubik’s Cube Will Never Become A Roller Skate

Some misguided scientists insist that, “Mutations are the raw material of evolution”. I’m surprised that they don’t know better. The fruit fly is a prime example of the fact that mutations are either of no noticeable consequence, or cause problems with the creature in which they reside. There is a concept called “Genetic load” which states that, “The accumulation of mutations is detrimental to an organism”. That’s why we avoid X-rays, too much sunshine, smoking, asbestos, and so on. Many decades have passed since the fruit fly experiments were begun. The purpose back then and still today, is to show the world that mutations can indeed produce a new kind of animal. Yet, as some folks know, all their time and efforts have only produced sick fruit flies.

Genetic mutations have never facilitated the appearance of new information, much less a new kind of animal. I asked a science teacher (who is also the Dean of his university) if he could give me an example of mutations adding complexity to a creature. He said that Polyploidy did exactly that. However, Polyploidy is simply a duplication of already existing chromosomes. There is no actual new material produced, just more of the same. You can liken genetic errors and mutations to the manipulation of a Rubik’s Cube. Moving the squares around (even for infinity) could never cause it to become a roller skate, because it doesn’t contain the information needed to change it into anything more complex. And new information won’t just “appear” out of the blue, as you are trying to arrange certain colors on a particular side. Specifically, errors in living systems usually involve missing or duplicated genetic instructions, and sometimes duplications of chromosomes. In no case do new, more complex creatures or organs “appear” from these errors. Some scientists confuse adaptive abilities with evolution, but these abilities are inherent within the creature, to allow it to survive in a given environment. No new kind of animal is created by this God-designed process.