Who is your creator

Common descent
evolution menace
Genesis account
God spoke
How does evolution work?
Nat. Sel.
Origin of life
Origin of mass
Origin of the universe
Star Birth
Science or Pseudoscience?“What is the origin of mass? Why do tiny particles weigh the amount they do? Why do some particles have no mass at all? At present, there are no established answers to these questions.”   European Organization for Nuclear Research website, “Why the LHC.” http://public.web.cern.ch/ public/en/LHC/WhyLHC- en.html   “The formation of planets is one of the major unsolved problems in modern astrophysics.”   NASA Exoplanet Science Institute and University of Michigan, “How and When do Planets Form?” Astro2010 White Paper. http://astrophysics.gsfc. nasa.gov/cosmology/spirit/ white_papers/Millan-Gabet_ Inner_Disks_PSF.pdf
> Home > Age of the Earth and Universe > Origin of the Universe (Cosmology) Science or Pseudoscience? > Origin of Life (Abiogenesis) Science or Pseudoscience? (ERVs) > “Junk” DNA – The Biggest Blunder of Evolutionary-Based Science > Common Descent (Darwinism) > Fossils > Gene Duplication > Genetic Recombination > Genetics > How Does Evolution > Mutations > Natural Selection > Stasis >Endogenous Retroviruses Science or Pseudoscience? Supposedly Work?    
    “If there is anything you think astronomers would have figured out by now, it is how stars form … It might seem that star formation is a problem that has been solved. But nothing could be further from the truth. The birth of stars remains one of the most vibrant topics in astrophysics today.”   Erick T. Young, “Mysteries of How a Star Is Born: Making a star is no easy thing,” February 1, 2010, Scientific American.   http://www.scientificamerican. com/article.cfm?id=cloudy- with-a-chance-of-stars    
  updating P Origin of the Universe P Origin of Life   O O P  Fossils O O O P  How does e work O P  Nat.Sel. P  Stasis O P  Common Descent P  How does e work            
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