Young Earth Creation Club




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Dr. Robert Gentry 5/7/2001 radio interview: Cosmology and Red Shift

























Evolutionist Quote of the Week: Dr. William Scot Morrow

Evolutionist Quote of the Week: Stephen J. Gould

Evolutionist Quote of the Week: G. Richard Bozarth

Evolutionist Quote of the Week: Richard Lewontin


Ohio State Board of Education Standards Committee Meeting on March 11, 2002 to discuss Intelligent Design

















Comments and report from Dr. Jonathan Wells (one of the four panelists) of the Discovery Institute concerning the  Ohio State Board of Education Standards Committee Meeting on March 11, 2002 to discuss Intelligent Design

Comments and report from Melanie Elsey of the Ohio Eagle Forum concerning the Ohio State Board of Education Standards Committee Meeting on March 11, 2002 to discuss Intelligent Design












Where to purchase Creation Materials

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Contact Information

How to prevent spammers from harvesting e-mail addresses from your web site using spiders


Get the opposing view to the PBS Evolution series

8 videos we recommend that PBS air to give real opposing views to the Evolution series

E-mail sent to President Bush concerning PBS’s pro-evolutionism bias


Briefing Book on

The New Redshift Interpretation Affirmed – Robert Gentry



A New Redshift Interpretation – Dr. Robert V. Gentry



The Genuine Cosmic Rosetta – Dr. Robert V. Gentry



Frequently Asked Questions about Creationism

Do similarities between Human and Chimpanzee DNA prove evolution?

New Perceived “Ape-Man” Discovery Leaves Numerous Questions Unanswered – by Patrick Young, Ph.D.


Problems with radiocarbon dating methods

How long is a “day” in the Bible

Links refuting Progressive Creationism

Definition of Theistic Evolution

Evidences for a young Earth

Do Genesis chapters 1 and 2 contradict each other?

Does the Bible teach that the Earth is flat?


Did Stanley Miller’s experiments prove life can evolve?

Anthropic Principal: Evidence for Design

Walking with Dinosaurs: Fact or Fiction?

Definition of Materialism

Definition of Naturalism

Does the allegedly slow growth of stalactites and stalagmites prove the earth is older than 6,000 years?

Creation Links

Students for Academic Freedom –

Table of Contents




grapas v�deo de Mensajes del Cielo de Producciones Eternas (versi�n Espa�ola)

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Versos de la Biblia para el grapa n�mero cinco V�deo de Mensajes del Cielo de Producciones Eternas (versi�n Espa�ola)

Biblia Cat�lica Juan 4:42

Biblia Cat�lica Hechos 4:11-12





The Good Test video. Are you a good person?  How would you define good, righteous and moral?  How will you stack up on judgment day?






Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time

The History Channel’s “The Quest for Dragons” was filled with half-truths and significant omissions

Artifacts of Live Dinosaurs, some interacting with Humans courtesy of Dr. Javier Cabrera (Professor of Medicine) and Dr. Don Patton (Geologist)















Cadborosaurus Book

Canada’s Monsters book

In Search of Ogopogo Book

Monster! Monster! Book

Mysterious Sea Monsters

Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters book

Living Dinosaurs Book Package

The History Channel’s “The Quest for Dragons” was filled with half-truths and significant omissions

Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs co-existed: Dinosaurs in the Bible

Sea Dragons (Leviathan, etc.)

Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs co-existed: Dinosaurs in the Catholic Bible

Genesis 1:23-27 Dinosaurs and man created on the same day

Why hermeneutics are so important


A Living Dinosaur? Book

j316/books/A living Dinosaur/toc1.jpg

j316/books/A living Dinosaur/toc2.jpg

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Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time:  Artifacts and Art work

Inca Burial Stones – Are they a hoax?


Additional information about the Inca Burial stones from Dr. Don Patton

Plesiosaur-like creature seen by Yarru tribe in Australia


Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time:  Flying dragons

Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time: Sightings of Land creatures

Definition of “drinketh up a river” in Job

Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time:  Sightings of Sea creatures

:Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time:  Miscellaneous references

Patrick Young, Ph.D. – Chemist and Materials Scientist

Patrick H. Young, Ph.D. Biography

Articles written by Patrick Young, Ph.D. and Articles in which he was quoted

Science is Victorious in Ohio – Op-ed article sent to the Columbus Dispatch that was not published due to their bias against honest science – by Dr. Patrick Young

Oral Testimony on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards – December 10, 2002 by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

In Defense of Critical Thinking Op-ed article sent to the Cincinnati Enquirer in September, 2002 by Dr. Patrick Young (it was not published)

Intelligent Design Debate in Ohio Why evolution should not be taught as fact Op-ed article that appeared in the Fort Wayne, IN Journal-Gazette on June 19, 2002 by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Ohio Students need all the facts – Op-ed article published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

The original March 8 Cleveland Plain Dealer op-ed article by Patrick H. Young, Ph.D. (this is how the article appeared before editing)

Letter to the editor of the Akron Beacon Journal – Critical analysis of evolution needs to remain in the Ohio science standards

Moral concerns with fertility clinics that  dispose of excess human embryos – Letter to the Editor of the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette published November 4, 2004

Funding Research using Embryonic-Stem Cells is not Scientifically Justified by Dr. Patrick H. Young – Letter to the Editor of the Lancaster Eagle Gazette published June 15, 2004

Voice Your Support For the “Critical Analysis of Evolution” Lesson in Ohio�s New Science Standards.

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Science and religion are not in a fight

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: “Critical Analysis of Evolution” is an Integral Part of Teaching Accurate Science

7 Million Year Old Hominid Fossil is Probably an Extinct Ape by: Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Oral Testimony on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards –  November 12, 2002 by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Articles in support of Teach the Controversy by Patrick Young Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Part 2. Teach the Controversy: “There is no evolutionary mechanism to explain a perceived “unity of past life forms” via natural selection. by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Part 3 – Teach the controversy: The definition of microevolution cannot be extrapolated to explain macroevolution. by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Part 4 – Teach the Controversy: The fossil record does not support diversity of species through gradual processes. by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Part 5 – Teach the Controversy: There is no evidence that complex multicellular organisms evolved from single celled microorganisms. by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Update on the “Teach the Controversy” Portion of the Science Standards by Dr. Patrick Young

Review of the Religion of Evolutionary Christianity by Patrick H. Young, Ph.D.

patrickyoung/pdf/Review of the Religion of Evolutionary Christianity.pdf

Rebuttal to Newsweek�s Article Titled “An Evolutionary Biologist Answers Christine O�Donnell�s Question About Missing Monkey-Humans.”

Neo-Darwinism is Incompatible with Christian Faith

Response to George Will’s article in Newsweek magazine about the debate between Intelligent Design and Evolution

Columbus Dispatch again demonstrates their bias against honest science

The Jewish Priesthood, God�s Everlasting Covenant to Israel – by Patrick Young, Ph.D.





The Genesis Flood- Where Did The Water Come From And Where Did It Go? by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

The Lineage of Jewish Priesthood Confirmed

Archaeological Evidence of Jesus Christ

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article Titled, “Scientists will keep challenging society�s conventional wisdom”

Geomagnetic Reversals and Their Significance to End Time Events by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

7 Million-Year-Old “Hominid” Fossil: More Hype than Substance by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

In Search of Our “Biblical Common Ancestor” by Patrick Young, Ph.D.





Enormous Crocodile Find Could Fit Biblical Leviathan – by Patrick H. Young, Ph.D.

Rapid Adaptation of Finches not Evidence For Evolution – by Patrick H. Young, Ph.D.

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First Comments on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Second Comments on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Oral Testimony on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards – June 11, 2002 by Patrick Young, Ph.D.



Seminars by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

CRSEF Cosmology Conference 2003, Star Light and Time, The Big Bang, A Theory in Crisis? October 31,  November 1, 2003, Ohio State University, OSU, Columbus, Ohio, OH, Fawcett Center



Downloads/CCC2003 TOPICS & PRICIN.pdf

Downloads/CCC2003 Daily Schedules.pdf

Downloads/CCC2003 Speakers Resume.pdf

Downloads/CCC2003 Why Go.pdf

In the Beginning God Created Time

Audio Excerpts from recent lectures Patrick Young, Ph.D.





Dr. Young’s February 3, 2002 television interview with Angela An at WBNS Channel 10 in Columbus, OH

How to contact Dr. Patrick Young

Mutations don’t prove Macroevolution

Refuting Evolution, Chapter 4: Bird Evolution?

Refuting Evolution book ISBN 0890512582

1,100 Refuting Evolution books given to Columbine H.S. students and teachers

Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science book from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

Christian compromises with evolutionism

Rebuking the heresies of Dr. Hugh Ross

Creation and Time book

Definition of Eisegesis

Definition of Exegesis

Basic Bible Interpretation book by Roy B. Zuck

The Genesis Solution video

The enemies Christians fight against

Evolution is Religion

Life can’t arise on its own from dead chemicals

Interview of Dr. Russell Humphreys – Starlight and Time

Starlight and Time book

Physicist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys Radio interview on Dr. Chuck Thurston’s live Evidences radio program Thursday, August 8, 2002



Physicist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys Radio interview on Dr. Chuck Thurston’s live Evidences radio program May 21, 2001

Physicist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys Radio interview on Dr. Chuck Thurston’s live Evidences radio program June 20, 2000

The evolution of Whales is a whale of a fairy tale

The fate that awaits Evolutionists

Letter to the Editor: Dispatch Science Reporter’s Article on Whale Evolution Inaccurate

Vestigial organs are not proof of evolution

Have any real missing links been found?

The Mathematical improbabilities of evolution occurring

The Problems with Age Segregation Teaching and Youth Groups

Rebuttal to Columbus Dispatch article titled “Looking to create new high-tech jobs? Teach evolution.”

Our top 7 most popular pages

Dr. Robert V. Gentry, Nuclear Physicist Earth Science Associates (his web site)

Disclaimer concerning the religious backgrounds of some of the scientists we quote on our web site

God’s thoughts on Lukewarm Christians

Dr. Robert Gentry, World renowned Nuclear Physicist files lawsuit over alleged censorship of scientific evidence against the Big Bang theory BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH

Dr. Robert Gentry, World renowned Nuclear Physicist files lawsuit over alleged censorship of scientific evidence against the Big Bang theory – Official Press Release


Dr. Robert Gentry, Nuclear Physicist Radio Interview on April 25, 2000.  Cosmology, redshift and censorship of scientific evidence that falsifies evolution.
















Scientific foreknowledge in the Bible

Genesis 15:5

Jeremiah 33:22

Hebrews 11:12

Isaiah 40:22

Circle of the Earth

The Earth rotates: Luke 17:34-36

Psalms 19:4-6

Job 38:19

definition of way

path of light

Christian Evidences book

Bible verses showing the Universe is Finite in size

Job 26:7 – The Earth floats freely in space

Leviticus 17:11 Life is in our blood

Leviticus 17:14 Life is in our blood

Genesis 17:12

Proverbs 17:22 – Laughter is healthy, Depression is not

Ecclesiastes 1:6: The Jet Stream

Job 36:27-28: Hydrological Cycle

Amos 9:6 Hydrological Cycle

Job 28:25 – Air has weight

Isaiah 45:18 – God predicts the Anthropic Principle

Job 40:15-24 “Behemoth” description fits that of a dinosaur

Psalms 102:25-26: Entropy

Isaiah 51:6: Entropy

Hebrews 1:10-11: Entropy

Hebrews 11:3 Existence of sub-atomic particles

1 Timothy 1:8-9 (written in 63 AD): Scientific foreknowledge in the Bible that Time had a beginning

Revelation 11:7-11 – Modern communications

Psalms 8:8

Isaiah 43:16 Ocean currents

Job 38:16

Jonah 2:5-6: Mountains exist at the bottom of the sea

Stories you’ll rarely see in the secular news media – 2002

Stories you’ll rarely see in the secular news media – 2002

HB711 – Governor Taft’s underhanded attempt to deny YOU your right to choose!


Urgent action required on House Bill 602 – #3

Urgent action required on House Bill 602 – #2

Ohio House Education Committee Members

Urgent action required on House Bill 602 – Update #1

A major victory for the Boy Scouts of America – SCOUTS HONOR ACT BECOMES LAW!

Stories you’ll rarely see in the secular news media – 1999-2001

Christian Law Association Legal Opinion of House Bill 679

House Bill 679 Mandates evidence “not supportive” of evolution be taught!

Lawsuit filed against Ohio Governor and Ohio Board of Education

Barack Obama a wolf in sheeps clothing Christians who vote for Barack Obama going to get burned if he is elected

Religious/Scientific Bigotry in the Public Schools and Scientific Careers

Medical illustrator Ronald J. Ervin

Teachers and School Board Members Section

Free legal help. What the Christian Law Association can do to help Teachers and School Board Members

Young Earth creation materials in the Columbus Metropolitan Libraries

Table of Contents for Bones of Contention book

The Answers Book

Table of Contents for The evolution conspiracy book

Table of Contents for the LIE EVOLUTION book



The Evidence for Creation Examining the Origin of Planet Earth video

Give us a copy of your Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Description of columns

Paranoid professors afraid of a close examination of evolution by: Robert Lattimer, Ph.D.

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Intelligent Design Creationism is not being taught in the Science Standards by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Letter to the editor of the Cleveland Plain dealer in response to a highly biased editorial they recently ran by: Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Evolution and Creation are both Religious in nature – by Mark Stewart, Greenfield, OH

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Evolution contributes little to real science – by Mark Stewart, Greenfield, OH

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Evolution and creation are worldviews or paradigms – by Mark Stewart, Greenfield, OH

Letter to the Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer: Evolution is useless in the workplace: by Robert Garbe, R.Ph. (Pharmacist)

Letter to the Editor of the Columbus Dispatch: Intelligent Design IS Science

Letter to the Editor of the Gahanna News:  Support Boycott of Businesses/Organizations involved in anti-Christian Activities

Letter to the Editor of the Gahanna News:  Origin of life debate pits one religion against another

Students should hear all sides of the issue

William Kirwan’s article demonstrates lack of research

Evolutionism is causing cultural disarray

Evolutionists are the bigots

Letter to the editor: Evolutionists win in Kansas due to misinformation campaign

Letter to the editor: Baillieul defines “macroevolution” incorrectly

Letter to the editor: Evolutionary theory violates many laws of science

Letter to the editor: Creationists usually win debates

Letter to the editor: Atheism promoted in recommended books

Letter to the editor: Many do not believe in evolution

Letter to the editor: Allow both sides of evolution/creation debate

Letter to the editor: Dissenters ignored by the Columbus Dispatch

Letter to the editor: Earliest known dinosaurs

Letter to the editor: Evolutionists looking for a phantom

Letter to the editor: Evolutionist bias at the Dispatch

Letter to the editor: Micro-evolution does not prove Macro-evolution

Letter to the Editor: Give equal time to Creationists

Our Position Statement

Definition of Evolutionism

What the The American Center for Law and Justice – ACLJ Can do to help School Board Members

Teaching Creation science and Evolution side-by-side

Creation Scientists with Outstanding Credentials

Warning from God about Evolution

God sometimes hardens the hearts of those who refuse to accept His truths II Thessalonians 2:9-12

Romans 9:14-23 – God hardens the hearts of some

Few of Society’s elite are called by God into His service I Corinthians 1:25-31

Our statement of faith

God’s existence is evident in his creation: Romans 1:18-22

God created the universe in 6-days: Exodus 20:11

warning God gave us concerning evolution



Responses to Columbus Dispatch articles

What you can do about the Columbus Dispatch’s highly biased reporting on a) creation versus evolutionism b) Critical Analysis of Evolution

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article Titled, “White, dark meat can be traced to turkey ancestors” (12/16/03)

Rebuttal to the Ohio Science Standards – Part 1 – There is No Conclusive Evidence That the Oxygen Content of the Early Earth Atmosphere was Significantly Different Than Today. by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article Appearing on 09/23/03 Titled, “Key Genes Separate Humans from Chimps”

Rebuttal to Columbus Dispatch Editorial on 1/29/03 titled “An idea takes flight”

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article (10/08/02) Titled, “Darwin wasn�t only scientist with natural-selection theory”

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article Titled, “Plants� evolution affects what many can safely eat”.

Columbus Dispatch is Blind to the Arguments and Evidence Against Evolutionism by Patrick H. Young, Ph.D.

Ken Ham’s letter regarding the Kansas School Board’s decision on evolution

Rebuttal to the Columbus Dispatch Article Titled, “Religion Must Remain  separate from Science”.

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: State science curriculum mustn’t ignore evolution

No link exists to the Columbus Dispatch article

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: OHIO CAN’T AFFORD TO TRAIL IN THE TEACHING OF

OSU students suffer from suppressionof evidence

HB711 – Governor Taft’s moves one step closer to becoming Ohio’s Education Dictator – Update #3

Democrats opposed to HB711

HB711 – Governor Taft’s underhanded attempt to deny YOU your right to choose! – Update #2

Help restore Ohio’s all elected State Board of Education

Ohio Board of Education infringes on rights of Home Schoolers in Ohio

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Supergiants go out with a bang

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Big Bang theorists create ‘primordial soup’ in laboratory

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Evolutionists have yet to show concrete proof

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Fossil fraudulent, but new species isn’t

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: To deny the theory of evolution is to deny all science

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Christian Scientists’ view often is misunderstood

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Likelihood of alien life dwindles, researchers say

Did Life originate on Mars?

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Changing terminology only muddles the issue

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Creationists should stop saying they are scientific

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Experts suggest Earth’s first life came from Mars

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Evolution must be part of education in science

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Language in standards might change teaching of evolution

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Fossil experts list greatest finds

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Bridge the creation-evolution gap

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Bridge the creation-evolution gap – from Paul McDorman

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 – Satan misleads the lost

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Research links spice use to health in hot climates

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: What is life? Scientists closer to finding answer

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Skeleton of juvenile T. rex thrills experts

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Ancient undersea coast a clue to Noah’s flood

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: roaches write long success story

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: U. S. Christians can’t claim persecution

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: 24 Million Americans shun organized religion

Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry ISBN 0849910927

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Underground wonderland now is a park

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Minister says literalism hurts Bible’s impact

Don’t seek the favor of persons in high-up positions: Proverbs 29:26

James 3:1: Pastors who mislead will be judged more harshly

Do not keep company with fornicators: 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: No bone of contention here: New dionsaur was a whopper

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Who decides what your kids learn?

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Dinosaur fossils may be link in evolution

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Fossil may exemplify bird’s evolution from dinosaurs

Response to Columbus Dispatch Article titled Denying children the big ideas of science is devolutionary

Scriptures in the Bible are inspired by God: II Timothy 3:16

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Evolution vs creation

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Officials give evolution a new name

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Evolution Explains more than Creationism can

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: There is no science in study of Creationism

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Creationists should drop science envy

Response to Columbus Dispatch article: Monkey Business

How you can make a difference

How Christians can maintain their faith in secular colleges or Christian colleges that have compromised Biblical truths. Christian colleges that teach a 6 day literal creation.

A critical review of the new booklet titled “Science, Evolution, and Creationism,” published by the National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine.

Response to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) release of its Anti-Christian, Anti-Science book Science, Evolution and Creationism

Former Evolutionists who became Creation Scientists

Debate between young earth creation scientists and evolutionists


Results of analysis of the public comments on the proposed Ohio Science Standards as of 8/31/2002 Show strong public support to end censorship of Scientific arguments/evidence against evolution

Let Ohio Governor Bob Taft know that you don’t want him to support evolution as fact in Ohio Schools



Let Ohio Governor Bob Taft know that you don’t want him to support evolution as fact in Ohio Schools Suggested Talking Points




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Dr. Robert Lattimer explains why the ODOE analysis of public comments about the science standards is skewed

Communicate with the dead, ghosts, with other spirits, Reincarnation, Psychics and Aliens


James Van Praagh’s Beyond TV show:  Is he really communicating with dead people or is something else going on?

John Edward’s Crossing Over TV show: Is he really communicating with dead people or is something else going on?

What the Bible says about UFOs and aliens


Response to the National Geographic Chasing UFOs series


A Biblical response to the History Channel Ancient Aliens series


Identifying and Dealing with Cults:  Urantia

How to Test the Spirits

Discerning Media Bias in reporting on the creation versus evolutionism issue

Many in the Liberal Secular Media do Satan’s bidding whether they realize it or not

God’s litmus test for all government officials including judges, politicians, school board members, etc. – Should Christians voters and politicians support the Constitution Party instead of the Republican Party

Does God forbid women from serving in Church Leadership roles?

Reporter Angela An of WBNS Channel 10 in Columbus, OH airs report about Teach the Controversy in Ohio’s Science Standards September 9, 2002 in the 11 PM EST News

The Myth of the Separation of Church and State American’s Founding Fathers: Deists or Christians video by David Barton



What the Alliance Defense Fund Can do to help School Board Members

Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Overview of all 5 tapes Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball


Tape 1 – Releasing Your Bitterness Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Audio/mp3/ptsd/PTSD tape 1 – Releasing Your Bitterness.mp3

Tape 2 – Overcoming Survivors Guilt Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Audio/mp3/ptsd/PTSD tape 2 – Overcoming Survivors Guilt.mp3

Tape 2 – Overcoming Survivors Guilt Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Audio/mp3/ptsd/PTSD tape 3 – Redeeming the Tragedies of Yesterday.mp3

Tape 2 – Overcoming Survivors Guilt Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Audio/mp3/ptsd/PTSD tape 4 – Is the war over.mp3

Tape 2 – Overcoming Survivors Guilt Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Audio/mp3/ptsd/PTSD tape 5 – Hamburger Hill – Clearing the enemy strongholds.mp3

Excerpt from Before the Dawn Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Excerpt from POINTMAN Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Tape 1 – Releasing Your Bitterness Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Excerpt from Vietnam: The Other Side of Glory Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder syndrome PTSD A Biblical Approach By Rev. William R. Kimball

Ben Stein’s documentary titled “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” champions the cause for true academic freedom where the teaching of evolution is concerned

Creation gift ideas

The Genesis Solution Book and Video

Creation ex nihilo magazine

Gift Ideas for Children

LEGAL OPINION MEMORANDUM March 2000 On Legal Issues Involved in the Teaching of Evolution and Creationism in America�s Public Schools

President George Bush is wrong Creation and Evolution are Incompatible Summary of the differences between them not an exhaustive list

God sometimes hardens the hearts of those who refuse to accept His truths: II Thessalonians 2:9-12 and Romans 9:14-23

The Young Earth book

Creation: A Scientist’s Choice book

Does evolutionism turn people away from God?

barack obama don’t ask don’t tell policy military the connection between homosexuality and evolutionism

Resources for helping Homosexuals (Gays), their Families and Friends

Support the Boy Scouts of America in their battle against religiously bigoted homosexual activists

Corporal Discipline (aka corporal punishment and spanking) is strongly supported by God in the Bible

Corporal Discipline (a/k/a corporal punishment and spanking) is strongly supported by God in the Bible


Corporal Discipline (a/k/a Corporal Punishment and Spanking) is strongly supported by God in the Bible

Will Good Works get you into Heaven? Can Good Works erase, outweigh or trump past and future sins?

Topics on our web site that are of interest to members of the Military and their families

American Marines claim that miracles from God saved their lives during the early battles of the Iraq war

Why does God allow bad things to happen?  How can I deal with it when they do?

Bible verses that warn us not to add or subtract from Biblical Revelations


Cults and Modern-Day False Prophets

Concerns about Roman Catholicism

Information about the Christian Science church

“Reiki” energy healing is spiritually dangerous

Benny Hinn – modern day prophet or wolf in sheeps clothing?

God’s Wrath and Chastisement

Is America being chastised by God? Were the 9/11 attacks, and hurricanes Katrina and Rita chastisement from God?

Is America being chastised by God?  America is still the most Godly Nation on Earth

Is America being chastised by God? – Part 3: America’s sins against God

Is America being chastised by God? – Part 4: God’s Chastisement of Nations

Is America being chastised by God? – Part 5: God’s suffering

Is America being chastised by God?  Part 6: God alone chooses who, how and when He will punish

Is America being chastised by God?   Part 7:  Was Rev. Falwell being insensitive?

Is America being chastised by God?  Part 8:  Did God allow innocent people to be killed?

Is America being chastised by God? Part 9:  Conclusion, Related Links

Are Hell and Hades real?  Have actual screams from Hell been recorded?

Bible prophecy concerning Jerusalem – Zechariah 12:1-13

Helping Military families to communicate with each other when they’re far apart

Helping Military families to communicate with each other when they’re far apart – AOL Instant Messenger (free version)

Helping Military families to communicate with each other when they’re far apart – Microsoft NetMeeting

Response to the report that aired about the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum that aired on Anderson Coopers 360 program on CNN on April 4, 2007

Oral Testimony given on March 7, 2000 to the Ohio Board of Education concerning the 12th Grade Proficiencies

Steven A. Edinger 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

Lynn Elfner’s 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

Mark B. Fischer 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

Bob Garbe’s testimony to the Ohio Board of Education on March 7, 2000

Joesph Guthrie’s 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

John Huges 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

Paul McDorman’s 3/7/2000 testimony to the OBE

Abramo Ottolenghi’s testimony to the Ohio Board of Education on March 7, 2000

Oral testimony to the OBE on 4/11/2000

Overview of what’s happening with the Ohio Science standards, proficiencies, etc.

Proficiency wording OBE made public to comment on

Outcomes wording OBE made public to comment on

Final wording of the 12th Grade Proficiencies

Definition of Common Expectations

Proposed wording of the Permanent Common Expectations

How to express your concerns to the OBE

Updates on the Ohio Science Common Expectations and 12th Grade Proficiencies

Updates on the 2002 proposed Ohio Science Academic Content Standards and related Legislation

Ohio House Bill 484 (2002) would require that both houses of the General Assembly approve Ohio Science Standards

Testimony of Representative Linda Reidelbach (R) concerning Ohio House Bill 484 (2002)

Ohio Senate Bill 222 (2002) would require that both houses of the General Assembly approve Ohio Science Standards

Ohio House Bill 481would require balanced treatment  of the topic of Origins in Ohio Science classes

Testimony of Representative Linda Reidelbach (R) concerning Ohio House Bill 481 (2002)

Comments on the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards by Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D.

Page no longer exists

Television news reports that deal with the controversies surrounding Ohio’s proposed new Science Standards

Watch the same video the Ohio State Board of Education received on March 7, 2000

Updates on the 12th grade competencies – 3/16/2000 Update

Arguments for Eliminating Proficiency Tests

List of Most Frequently asked Questions about the Common Expectations

Our proposed rewording of the 12th grade competencies

Written Testimony given the the OBE regarding 12th Grade proficiencies

Download free bumper-stickers

In the event of nuclear attack, prayer will be restored to the public schools

The influence that atheists, humanists and agnostics have on the public school system

Bible verses that give comfort to those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one

Response to Gahanna News article: Kansas decision shows illiteracy of science

Original Gahanna News article: Kansas deserves credit for de-emphasizing evolution


God revealed himself to us in his creation

Mount St. Helens video



Robert Ballard’s discoveries in the Black Sea do NOT explain away the global Noah’s flood

Instructions for submitting letters

Messages From Heaven video, Eternal Productions: watch the entire video on-line here



Page no longer exists

Messages From Heaven video, Eternal Productions: watch the entire video on-line here

Bible verses referenced in the 6th clip of the Messages From Heaven video by Eternal Productions – English version

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is a Savior

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is a Suffering Servant

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary continues the work of Atoning for our Sins

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is a Mediatrix (Mediator)

Page no longer exists

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is an Intercessor

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is an Advocate

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary is a Co-Redemptrix (Co-redeemer)

Marian apparition’s claim – Mary’s Immaculate Conception (she was allegedly sinless)

A Biblical perspective on near-death experiences

A Question of Origins Video

Police officers who use psychics risk direct contact with demons

17 verses in the Bible say God expanded the universe from its original size. What affect did that have on time, and on red and blue shift?

Updates on Ohio HB1 and SB1 – 3/1/2001 update

HB711 – Governor Taft’s underhanded attempt to deny YOU your right to choose! – Update #1

Raelian cult – UFO cult claims to have cloned first human, and that aliens used genetic engineering to create human life on earth

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Some science organizations that are opposed to the Critical Analysis of Evolution in Ohio’s new science standards falsely claim to be religiously neutral

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Our comments on the 2nd draft of the proposed new Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Science Standards

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Bible says it’s impossible to count all the stars

Evolutionists should avoid debates with Creationists because they’re probably lose

Dr. Young does interview with Britain’s BBC Radio Program airs March 12, 2002 at 5:00 PM EST

Out-of-print In Time of Emergency booklet

File not found

What you can do about the Columbus Dispatch

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404 (Page Not Found) Error – Ever feel like you’re in the wrong place?

Warning from an Evolutionist about debating Creationists

Scientific Cosmology and Christianity Seminar March 26-27, 2003 at Wheaton College. Young Earth Creation Scientist Dr. Robert V. Gentry (Nuclear Physicist) from Earth Science Associates will be one of the speakers

Refuting Puncutated Equilibrium

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Patrick H. Young, Ph.D. Biography

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Updates on Ohio HB1 and SB1 – 2/8/2001 update

Experiences we’ve had with both Good and Bad Customer Service

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Students sent home for wearing Islam is of the Devil T-shirts Our comments

Response to the Wired News article: Science tackles the big questions

ALERT: Ohio Science Standards Process Corrupted

Responses to Gahanna News articles

Why we block all e-mails from

Should Christians support the Constitution Party instead of the Republican party?

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Support 2004 Ohio House Bill 272 which declares Marriage is between one man and one woman

State Board of Education Leadership Reverses Decision

File not found

What does God tell us in the Bible about putting women into positions of civil government?  What impact should these verses have on the nomination of Harriet Miers to the  Supreme Court

Romans 12:3 God gives each of us a measure (or dose) of faith

Tribute to Ada Martin (1941 – 2000) Tireless advocate for the Homeless in Columbus, Ohio

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Back to Basics: Mark & Peter

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Win a free Messages from Heaven video in drawing on May 15, 2004

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Dr. Robert gives tips on what Ohio Citizens should do next concerning the Science Standards

Updates on Ohio HB1 and SB1 – 2/24/2001 update

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Barry Sheets interview on Chad Bresson’s FrontPage Program airs on WCDR on March 12, 2002 at 5:05 PM EST

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Creation Evidences from South America video

Navigation Page

Does the Bible predict that the city of Damascus in Syria will be destroyed in the last days?

Spider bait page

What you can do about the Columbus Dispatch

Children are indoctrinated in the public schools

Contact information for Take it to the Streets Foundation for the Homeless

We all have innocent blood on our hands – Letter to Chief Justice Renquist of the U.S. Supreme court on March 25, 2005

Evolutionist Quote of the Week: Dr. Richard Dawkins

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Welcome to the Geology Students of The College of Wooster

Take it to the Streets assists the homeless

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Clips v�deo de Mensajes del Cielo de Producciones Eternas (versi�n Espa�ola)

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Why Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ is a serious threat to Christianity

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Updates on Ohio House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1

A response to the misguided argument that if you haven’t seen Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ that you have no right to criticize it

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Ohio State Board of Education Standards Committee Meeting on March 11, 2002 to discuss Intelligent Design Why the meeting location was changed


Stories you’ll rarely see in the secular news media – 2002

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Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time: On-line videos

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KSearch 1.5b Search Form

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This Web site coming soon

Commentaries on Ephesians 6:12

NBC News to feature the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, March 25, 2005

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Is a homosexual agenda driving the ultra-left-wing reporting at the New York Times?

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Out-of-print Radiological Monitoring course

Rebuttal to Columbus Dispatch Editorial on 1/29/03 titled “An idea takes flight”

How you can express your concerns about the proposed 12th grade proficience standards – Original

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KSearch Search Tips Scientific Cosmology and Christianity