Your Christian Answers

Two Books, One Goal – Successful Personal Evangelism






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This site will transfrom your winessing for Christ from a reluctant, heistant believer to a fearless evangelist by showing you an effective personal evangelism strategy that gets to the Gospel EVERY TIME!  Your unbelieving friends and family ask you questions, that you can’t answer, that shut down your witnessing and stop you from getting to the your relationship with Jesus. There’s an answer!  Jesus did it again and again in his encounters with: the Pharisees, the samaritan woman, the rich young ruler and many others.  Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!'” shows you that strategy.  You start by answering their question with a question, take their sprirtual temperature, and present the Gospel, all BEFORE you answer their original question. To give you even more confidence my second book ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You” has answers to more than 100 of those hard questions the world will ask you like; “Where did Cain’s wife come from?” OR “Does the person who never heard go to Hell? OR “I only believe in what I can see” OR and there are many more.  These two books will take you from a reluctant warrior for Christ to a front line fearless evangelist always ready to do battle.

To purchase the books click one of the links on this page.  For more information explore this site.  Previews (link above) has short passages from each book to give you insight into what they each contain.  Release is a press release and information page.  Early readers comments are contained on the Readers page.  The Tables of Contents for both books are in Contents.  The Author pages contain Charlie’s contact information including a form to send him an email.  His bio, testimony and the many different things he has done in his life are also included there.  Americana is a gallery of pictures Charlie took in his many trips in the US during his 33 years in industry.  Enjoy them!

Transform and empower your witnessing for Jesus by employing the same strategy Jesus’ used.  Get to the Gopspel every time you have an opportunity.  Don’t let those hard questions stop you.  There are ANSWERS!.


Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! 

A former Atheist’s plan for effective Christian personal evangelism. 


I wrote this book because I saw many of my Christian friends unwilling or unable to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers they encountered every day.  Why were they so hesitant?  When I asked them, the most common answer was:


“Because I can’t answer all the hard questions they ask me like: Where did Cain get his wife? What happens to the native in thejungle that never heard the Gospel?  Does he go to hell?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  The Bible says: ‘be ready togive an answer to the hope that is in you.’  But I’m not ready!  I can’t answer those questions!  I just don’t know enough about theBible or science or anything else!  Help, I can’t witness!”

If that’s you, here, we offer a plan to bring the Gospel to your unbelieving friends and family without immediately answering those hard questions.  None of us have all the answers.  You have your faith and the Holy Spirit to guide you.  You can become a confident witness for Christ if you use the personal evangelism plan put forth in this book.

Continental US Customers Buy HERE.  PRICE: $13.95 + $3.95 Shipping + NC Sales tax if applicable.  

 Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! 

Non Continental US customers.  Use this link:  

Readers Comments

“Charlie’s ability to express complex concepts in both simple language and illustrations is a great asset to the Christian Community.  The dialogues in his books are awesome.”

ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You” 

“I am becoming a fearless evangelist since I began using the principles in “Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  When I get stuck on a question I use ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You” to get answers.  Thank you Charlie for giving me new confidence in witnessing for Christ.”  

Direct, Smple Christian Answers to the World’s “Hard” Questions. 

Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

As a Christian, are you stumped by those hard questions your unbelieving friends and family ask you?  Charlie has been answering those questions for more than 30 years. Over 100 of them are answered here simply and directly.  Understanding the debate about: “Where we came from?” is critical to any Christian’s ability to witness.  The conflict between the Bible’s Creation account and the Evolution taught in our schools is dissected in the second half of this book.  You faith will be bolstered by these answers, and the analysis of origins.  You will be empowered in your witnessing and gain great confidence in your faith. YES, there are answers to those “hard” questions! 

“Just the chapter on Take Their Spiritual Temperaturemakes this book is worth buying!  I now hit my non-Christian friends and family in their presuppositions.”

Continental US Customers Buy Here.  PRICE: $19.95 + $3.95 Shipping +NC Sales Tax, If Applicable.   

“Using the principles of personal evangelism outlined in Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! dramatically improved my witnessing.  I wish I had it 20 years ago.”

  ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You”

“Understanding how to get to a questioner’s motives BEFORE answering their question is greatly empowering to share the Gospel with anyone you meet.” 

 Non Continental US customers.  Use this link:  

Answers for “The Hope That Is In You”

“I thought science questions always had to have long technical answers.  Boy, was I wrong!”

US Customers ONLY.  BEST DEAL both books for $36.    FREE SHIPPING, NC Sales Tax, If Applicable. 

“Your chapter on the value of human life helped me prepare a presentation for our Pregnancy Care Center.”

Are you sharing your faith in Christ?  NO?  Why NOT?  Are you afraid of those hard questions your friends and family member ask that you can’t answer?  I’ve wrestled with this issue for many years and now I have a solution to share with you! First, develop your own personal Christian evangelism strategy that gets to the Gospel before answering the unbelievers questions.  That’s developed in my first book: Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!   The second step is being prepared to give direct, simple answers to the world’s hard questions, that’s book 2: Answers for “The Hope That Is In You”.  If you put the principles in these books to work you WILL become a fearless evangelist for Christ.  May the LORD bless you in your work for Him!   

“It’s about time someone called out Planned Parenthood for their racist roots.  As a Black American I was shocked at how many more of us are being murdered than other ethnic groups in the US.”

Here is a link to an article on the Answers in Genesis website about the author’s life.  Lieberts AIG 

  BOTH Books!!